Wts: 20" Foose Speedsters

GrayGhost1 said:
Heck ya! I'd drive it all the time! Store mine! :N

He'd come back from Japan and you'd have already done little experimentations on it so you could sell different items on LSKoncepts. Hey I'm not complaining...
jk52781 said:
Hey man, sorry to hear those rims are not working out for you anymore. The Foose Speedsters are beautiful wheels and I would buy them from you but I decided this spring I am going with the 18" Foose Speedsters.

Do you regret having your car lowered with the 20s on?

How much did you pay retail for the rims and wheels?


They would work great for someone who drives with 1 or even 2 passengers, without rubbing or modification. I am going to look into maybe milling 0.125" off the back wheel to see if that helps. I'll see what the machinist says.
I love the stance of the car lowered with the 20's, just need to be able to tuck those mothers if need be!
I've decided you're officially not allowed to sell those wheels. They look amazing on your car. Just modify until they work right, that's what I gotta do. Get your rear windows tinted and tell me if you change your mind.
KD00LS said:
I've decided you're officially not allowed to sell those wheels. They look amazing on your car. Just modify until they work right, that's what I gotta do. Get your rear windows tinted and tell me if you change your mind.

Its funny you say that because I have my windows tinted (some kinda light chrome tint), anyways its not dark enough to block the sun from my sons face when he rides back there. I take the car to the local tint place and ask how much they charge to take the old tint off the back 3 windows and put 5% on them. He said it wouldn't look right because of the chrome tint on the front windows. He suggested just putting 5% on the back of the old tint, so that's what we did. They are dark as hell know and still have the chrome look. He even warrantied the job. Best of both worlds.

When I had the Monroe Sensatrac shocks on my car I installed spring spacers to keep the car from dipping and causing the wheels to scrap on the inside of the fender well. I only had them in the back and they worked well. You might want to consider getting some of those to keep your car from dipping too much. I took mine out when I installed the OEM sport shocks.

What I did was measure the distance between the opening in the springs with the car level. Then I ordered a set of these spacers you see pictured below from my alignment guy. We discussed that we didn't want to raise the car so we got a spacer that matched to my measurements. You install these about mid-point in the spring on opposite sides. We did this on the rear springs only. The spacers come in different thicknesses. This could help you with your rubbing problem.

I don't know where he ordered these at but I'm sure you can Google them.

GrayGhost1 said:

When I had the Monroe Sensatrac shocks on my car I installed spring spacers to keep the car from dipping and causing the wheels to scrap on the inside of the fender well. I only had them in the back and they worked well. You might want to consider getting some of those to keep your car from dipping too much. I took mine out when I installed the OEM sport shocks.

What I did was measure the distance between the opening in the springs with the car level. Then I ordered a set of these spacers you see pictured below from my alignment guy. We discussed that we didn't want to raise the car so we got a spacer that matched to my measurements. You install these about mid-point in the spring on opposite sides. We did this on the rear springs only. The spacers come in different thicknesses. This could help you with your rubbing problem.

I don't know where he ordered these at but I'm sure you can Google them.

I might have to do that too. If the offset was a little less you could definately fit 255's on 18's with no problems.
Tyler, Tyler, Tyler.....Man, you are gonna be hating yourself when those get shipped out. Congrats Justin!
We made the deal but he needed some time to take em off....to busy golfing....j/k I will be posting pics as soon as they are on.

Hey itsnotmydaddy's how bout pickin up my old wheels hint...hint...hint sorry to hear about your wheel mishap.
Don't be sad for me. I'll have a suprise for you guys in a little while.

Justin, I cleaned them for you. I figured you would want to put them on them on the second they got delivered.

Thats one heck of a deal!

Im next but I think im gunna try to do the speedsters in 19's

Then on our next meetup along with Mike well take pics then hound Foose and say "Sponser us already!"
tyler....Is that the big suprise u had for us?? Thats tight, your new wheels will be the envy of the forum sure thing....
got em today...

I got the wheels today:D
I'm gonna put em on tonight when I get home...I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Thanks again to Tyler(01lssport)
00ls5spd said:
I got the wheels today:D
I'm gonna put em on tonight when I get home...I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Thanks again to Tyler(01lssport)

You got them early, I thought they were suppose to be there on Friday.
Was the packing good enough?
Yeah packaging was fine...
Heres the headache I had today.....
I went to a local tire place to have them swap my wheels for me..it was supposed to be quick and easy for $20.00....O.k. it was $20.00 but easy it was not. Apparently last time my dealer rotated my tires they cross threaded not one but three nuts....so long story short I had to get three studs replaced, no biggy but I am pissed at the dealer, and I have no way of proving they were the last ppl to mess with my wheels. I am waiting to get my car back right now main what a stupid aste of my time...Love the wheels though!!!

Oh yeah the stupid manager at the tire place tried to lecture me on the fact that our cars aren't suppost to have 20's. I just played it off and let him rant for a minute then told him they fit, they don't rub, my car handles fine, and by the way it looks great!!
Sorry guys I pick up the car today I will post pics as soon as I do.....
Has anyone seen the (I think new) foose nitrous. If so does anyone know where to pick up a set for the ls. I can't find anyone that has are size.

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