you keep having those nasty night mares about michiang muds winning agenst Ohio and youll be the one dreamming 
YoMsM8tress said:Ohhhh Pepp!!!!!! RIP! Even on a Tombstone!
Send that to me for our next game cause were rising baby!!!! Buckeyes will come right back and kick butt!!!!
Oh the reason "Oh - Io" looked that way is I should have used all caps OH-IO. In the buckeye state if someone yells "O H" you instenctively yell back " I O" its fun you can do it at a grocery store, restaurant, anywhere and someone will always yell back IO!!
No matter, still love ya Pepp!!!
SurfjaxLS said:Hey bigdog, finish my sentence TEXAS...
Well firstMsM8tress said:GOT LUCKY!!
BITES .....
Didnt think you'd mind if I got this one for ya B-dog.
But dang, that game was to weird, its different when they fight to the finish, but that game was well, kinda "uhhhh were here, so what do we now...." what was up with that! lol
pepperman said:Hey Dog I am jealous That i can't Cheer for Ohio .
So what are you trying to say? Since I've been out of town for a few days I don't have a right to add to a conversation? Or are you just that bad of a sport?bigdog1279 said:this is old who dugg this out man
No problem. But this is a forum of several thousand members. If I wanted to talk to you, I would have PM'ed you. It wasn't worth a new thread. Especially since it's on the same subject.bigdog1279 said:im just saying that how about start a new thread with yo Bdog heres the Spred sheet or the score for the game you where so real about the other night
just saying that this is kinda touchy for me and i finaly got over it
sorry didnt mean to take anything out on you didnt mean to sound rude man