And didn't you STILL have to start making copays last year?
uh, no. our province finally removed them this year.
What's the income tax rate in Canada? 50%?
depends on income. range is 30 - 50%. but it's a large country with a small population. takes a lot of road to get from place to place. so our infrastructure is more costly on a per capita basis.
health care premiums last year for a single person was $42/month.
$84/month for married or family. it's irrelavent of how many kids.
premiums are subsidized on lesser incomes, to no premiums on low enough income.
so nobody is ever out of healthcare. (or at least, there is no reason for it).
The true number of people in dire straits because of a lack of insurance is a LOT lower then you think...
still, none here in normal circumstances(might be some unusual circumstances such as during immigration or something)
They can (and do) get immediate care if they go to the emergency room.
really? what of the stories you hear of hospitals not accepting uninsured people. then the healthcare wouldn't be universal. and then the bill presented to them would set them up for bankruptcy,
immediate care is given to those visiting emergency rooms here as well. waiting lists are for elective surgery. something not life threatening. it takes time to schedule the medical team, room, supplies etc. for surgeries.
i've personally never had long waits for anything.
i've had reconstructive plastic surgery years ago for a broken cheek bone from a farm equipment accident. local hospital realized they had no way to deal with it and sent me to edmonton. i was admitted and had surgery in the afternoon.
i've also had a hernia operation a couple years after that. there was a wait for that one, but it was scheduled in my best interest as well, to make arrangements for time off work.
waits are what make the most efficiency in the system. there isn't much excess idle time built in. it keeps running at near capacity. like it's been noticed above, waits are regional as well. some places have better capacity for different procedures.
i'm happy with the system here.