StincolnLincoln said:
What news did you watch. look again i said i had family and friends over there caught in the middle of it.
I guess the obvious question of "Why didn't they leave the city before the storm, or even better, why not leave it AFTER the hurricane while the levees were threatening to fail.
Wasnt 2 hrs after it all happened it took 5 days
Are you aware of the scope of damage cause by Hurricane Katrina? Are you aware that it struck several STATES and not just the New Orleans? Are you aware that New Orleans didn't even suffer a direct strike from the Hurricane and in many ways was spared from the wrath of the hurricane, until the levee system failed?
No, OBVIOUSLY, the rescue and relief efforts hadn't reached EVERYONE within two hours. The point is, that rescue operations were operating and saving people within just two hours. And it wasn't just in the quarters, it was throughout the region.
Again, you must have forgotten, New Orleans was damaged, but pretty much o.k. immediately after the storm. Those who were stuck in the city failed to evacuate before the storm. Then they failed to evacuate the day after the storm while the levees where threatening to fail.
Here's an idea- "first hand information" like you're relying on SUCKS. It's not reliable. If those people knew what the hell was going on, they would have left. There opinions and observations are skewed by their emotion and bias. The only accurate information you get would be from critical thinking, objective reports, such as the ones with Popular Mechanics.
you may read what you see but you really didnt live it so i see you have done your research which is cool but the MEDIA will tell you anything to hide the fact that it was all messed up.
To the contrary, most of the media ran with the story that the government messed up, despite the reality.
Popular Mechanics happened to do a more thorough and scientific analysis of the events surrounding Katrina and reported on that. Without an agenda, without emotion.
5 DAYS not 2hrs. and yes the US has sent aide within 24 to 48hrs to other countries when disasters have hit
Repeating your inaccuracies doesn't make them true.
i happen to have 6 family members who work in the Pentagon and several close friends who are secret service officials who also dont agree with alot of things portrayed in the media because they see what is really happening but have to keep there mouths shut in order to sustain a career.
This paragraph doesn't say anything. You know people who work in Washington, they don't agree with something, but you don't say what. You might as well have just not said anything.
The rescue missions where done yeah but 5days later. 6 of my cousin 1 an adult and 5 were children were pulled into helicoptors from ontop of a roof also lost several family members as well found dead in there home waiting for help elderly and unable to help themselves in the middle of this disaster. 5 days after the fact. I have heard and seen video of what really went down. not the video we all saw on tv but actual footage of how long it took for help to arrive.
Do you even remember what was happening. Read the damn article. Do a little research and refresh your memory.
There were a number of mistakes made by Nagin and then more by the Senator that resulted in a delay in the way National Guard could deploy in that area. The highway and roads leading into the quarters were destroyed and had to be repaired in order to move the equipment into the city. After the rescue workers finally made it into the city, New Orleans had descended into chaos and anarchy. Gunfire and gangs were running through the city, opening fire on rescue workers, FURTHER DELAYING RESCUE EFFORTS.
The rescue effort was fine. The rescue workers were noble. The people of New Orleans failed and they refuse to take any responsibility for their refusal to take any personal responsibility.
The media will shell out just what they want people to see and hear and that would be there own truth not the real deal. Anything that you may have read and reviewed may have some truth in it but i myself trust and believe it what the actual people went thru from the time it started until something actually took place to help.
You're not getting it.... you're
What i would have liked to see Rice do is stop what she was doing and take the time to see what she could contribute. Didnt even have to be money.
You wanted her to donate money? To who? And why?
Her time would have been worth more than money.
Academic middle aged women are very helpful in a rescue.....?
Personally, I'm glad she stayed away from the cesspool of New Orleans. I'd prefer the Secretary of State not be shot by gunfire from the rampaging thugs who took over the city the day after the flood.
There were remarks made by her that cant be repeated on this blog becaus dont want some people to lose there jobs. But i bet if it was a disaster in a major city with all rich people race not being a heavy. I bet all the help and resources in the world would be in motion.
You refuse to understand this.
The popular science article has no reason to lie, those who stayed behind in New Orleans, in a city that is located bellow sea-level that was facing a Category 5 hurricane, have a natural tendency to remember the events in a less than accurate manner.
And as far as Rice understanding the lose of others you have a point about her maybe having friends but she will never know the full extent of losing someone to a war or a disaster like others.
Clearly, there is no way for her to know, first hand, what a person feels like when their child is killed in combat.
SO? Is this some profound observation? The point has been made to imply that she is unable to make responsible decisions regarding foreign policy. That's absolutely untrue and a foolish point to make.
Ordinary people stopped what they were doing to offer there time to help out. I myself was one of them out of pure love for human life itself and also imagining if that was me and my family what and how would i feel.
The woman lives 2,000 miles from New Orleans. She has a high profile, high pressure position as the head of the State Department of the United States.
A camera person ambushes her coming out of a store with the sole purpose of misrepresenting her, and the rest of the Bush administration, so that they would appear to "not care." That's the example of the media tricking you. That's the example of having to be careful what's presented by the press.
NOT a POPULAR SCIENCE article that closely examines the Katrina Hurricane aftermath with the benefit of hindsight.
So i look at this as MEDIA will flood your eyes and ears with what is given and or told to them to report when the serious nature of the beast occurs and that beast happens to be the people in power and control of what is actually to be told to the American People.
Get a clue. Seriously, you're clueless.
Here's the reality, ONE MORE TIME:
The federal government responded rapidly to address the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. As mentioned before, within 2 hours, rescue helicopters were on the scene SAVING PEOPLE'S LIVES.
NEW ORLEANS WAS SPARED THE FULL WRATH OF THE HURRICANE when it veered to the East at the last minute. New Orleans was hit with a considerably slower storm, thus it was spared. The damage to New Orleans directly from the hurricane was actually quite moderate. Areas like Alabama and Mississippi were absolutely flattened. Devastating damage from the storm.
The local government in New Orlean repeatedly failed. They failed to execute the evacuation plans. They failed to mobilize and evacuate the population. The state government made more errors. And when Bush was mobilizing National Guard to stabilize New Orleans, the Senator of the state held things up further.
The levees broke the day after the hurricane. Everyone had even more time to evacuate before the levees failed.
And the residents of the city caused it to descend into violent chaos. Did you want Condi Rice to strap on some kevlar and a MP5 and head through the bad parts of the town in a boat?
Everyone who lives in a risk zone KNOWS that you need to have 3 DAYS worth of supplies following a disaster. It is unreasonable and virtually impossible to expect to have all the services and safety back sooner than that. The Mayor knew this too, yet he didn't evacuate. And the evacuation location they set up WAS NOT STOCKED.
The failures associated with the New Orleans part of Katrina was NOT FEDERAL- it was local. Local government and failures on the part of the individual.
Care to explain why rural Alabama and Mississippi which was hurt much worse, managed to recover from the destruction much faster without descending into total chaos? The state governments responded better. The local governments responded better. And the populations struck pulled together quickly and supported each other. New Orleans turned into some anarchistic hell run by gang member.