young mark 8 lover
Well-Known LVC Member
how many washers are there on each banjo bolt? one? or two one before the house and one after the house between it and the caliper
two one before the house and one after the house between it and the caliper...most people suggest not reusing old ones, especially the bottom onehow many washers are there on each banjo bolt? one? or two one before the house and one after the house between it and the caliper
two one before the house and one after the house between it and the caliper...most people suggest not reusing old ones, especially the bottom one
my brother...we need to see pics of your car man.
Check that tranny fluid.
Looks good can't wait for more pics
reman from napa or autozone, haha. that's funny.
Holy scatter brain..marks in flat black would look stupid, there's a pic of one floating around on the internet with a giant molded on cowl hood and it looks bad..on a 68 nova or 55 chevy..different story
As far as beating a's what you have to do
what part of Miami you took the last picture....You can't go wrong with glossy or jet black! All black including blacking out the chrome! Nothing sexier than an all black Gen 1. Check out these pictures of my '93.
Primer holds moisture, it will rust faster if you don't paint it.
I have a black gen one drivers side fender if you want to buy it and pay shipping.