Your LS in Google Street View


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I just noticed they updated Street View for my neighborhood. Looks like the photos are from last spring. Got my red butt peeking out of the garage :D

Who else has had their LS captured by the Street View cameras?

post screenshots!

And the second pic is me at work... at least I think it's my car... lol


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i havent lived in this area or had my ls long enough to have my ls on google street
Sorry about the quality.
one's in my garage and the other one is on a parking lot while i was waiting for a friend!


Under that blue car cover is my LS. That car cover ended up ripping to shreds from the hot summer.

Can't find mine :[... Way outdated street views in my area.
Can't find mine either....but that's a sexy red rear you have there Owlman!

Sorry about the quality.
one's in my garage and the other one is on a parking lot while i was waiting for a friend!
That's cool, how did you know to look in that parking lot? Did you just find it by chance?
i saw the google car, and i kept checking until google street was available where i live
i've seen 2 different google cars

31°42'57.47"N 106°25'27.66"W
thats the parking lot in case somebody wants to see it
haha I remember this thread. Caught on the street as well (bing maps in this case)


Yeah, my brother is on the other side with a pizza box in his lap. I remember being disappointed that I didn't do a funny gesture or maybe brakestand/donut. I'll be ready next time!
Yeah, my brother is on the other side with a pizza box in his lap. I remember being disappointed that I didn't do a funny gesture or maybe brakestand/donut. I'll be ready next time!

a nice long rolling burnout would have been quite awesome! right through all three pictures!
Interesting post. I bought my LS about a year and a half ago and I found the previous owners address in the car. Put it in Google Maps and found my LS there. Bought the car in NJ and this was in Cliffside Park, NJ. Fun to see it there. If anyone knows who the previous owner was, let me know. Would really like to ask a few questions about the history of the car.
Lincoln ls 81 Summit Terrace - Google Maps.jpg

Lincoln ls 81 Summit Terrace - Google Maps.jpg

Ah yes, the literal interpretation of a screenshot, which is what the "Print Screen" (or "PrntScr") button does above your "Enter" key.

If you don't have that but have Windows, hit the "Windows" icon key type "Snip" which will find the Snipping Tool that lets you cut out and save a portion of the screen.

Alt + PrntScr screenshots just the current window.
Found mine at my old house, back in 2012. Ahh the days I could park it on any driveway without having it puke oil out from the pan.



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