Your most favorite available LS color?

no one likes the autumn red? :(


I've never really been a fan of my paint color (Ivory Pearl Tricoat), maybe that's why I polished it up the best I could. It grew on me, though definitely not my favorite.

My favorite has been Charcoal Gray.

But since we are posting up pictures of every color too, here's Ivory Pearl Tricoat to add to the mix.

I thought we were restricted to the colours available in the model years we bought.

That said, Autumn Red is probably my favourite.
I've never really been a fan of my paint color (Ivory Pearl Tricoat), maybe that's why I polished it up the best I could. It grew on me, though definitely not my favorite.

My favorite has been Charcoal Gray.

But since we are posting up pictures of every color too, here's Ivory Pearl Tricoat to add to the mix.


agreed! mine has grown on me over the years also... I like it (for one more week anyways)
Charcoal gray, vivid red (I could never pull it off), cashmere tri-coat grew on me (previous ls color), now of course I like Pewter metallic clear coat. Mainly cause it's my current ls's color. Looks awesome when the sky's overcast.
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Having given it some more thoughts, yes the "Vivid Red Metallic" is up there but if I had to choose between the two, I'd have to take the "Charcoal Grey Metallic"

This pic just does it for me.



Your Photobucket LS picture container seems to be a private one, any chance you would consider PM'ing me some more direct pic links ?
If you don't mind, I'd very much like the opportunity to download some great large quality pics of that LS of yours to add to my LS pic collection.

~ alright, the truth!!! I need some new wanking material for my desktop. There I said it ... lol

Looks awesome when the sky's overcast.

Agree with this 100%. Unfortunately though I very much dislike the color when it is sunny out. I only enjoy it in the evening when the sun is setting, or in the rain or cloudy days. If it looked how it does when it's cloudy all the time it would not be getting a paint job
The unspeakable things I would do for a vivid red. However, that charcoal grey is also pure sex. The cashmiere tri coat looks fantastic the day you wash it. Get a weeks worth of dust and road grime on it and it quickly becomes "Stained teeth yuck"
Didn't realize the level of admiration for Vivid Red. I'd put that at the top of my list as it is my current LS color followed by Black, Ceramic White Tri-Coat, and Autumn Red. Looking forward to moving back home where I can refresh the finish on my car :(. Better stock up on elbow grease.
Autumn Red
White Tri Coat
Silver Frost

Silver Frost.jpg

White tri coat.jpg

I really like the Silver Birch Metallic that mine is painted. But I probably also would have liked the dark blue Metallic if it was available.

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