Your opinion on my Lincoln?


New LVC Member
Jul 20, 2014
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United States
Hey, first off, I am a long time lurker. I've used your posts to help me with my car so many times that I wish I was rich so I could send all of you money.

Now for my question... trying to decide if I should keep my girl or not.

03 Lincoln LS V8 Sport with 160,000 on her.
I've had the car almost a year.

So far I've replaced all plastic in the cooling system except the water outlet pipe and degas. This includes the Radiator, just did that about a month ago.

Now I'm having transmission issues that I believe to be the solenoid issue, getting it looked at on Monday. There is a violent jerk into 3rd (not every time, but just about, if I'm super easy on the gas, it's not so bad, but not good). So violent I'm afraid it's damaged the transmission, but hoping beyond hope it's just the solenoid. I drove it home when it started and have not driven it since. Maybe 6 or 7 shifts this way total, but my luck this past year tells me it's too late and I'm planning on the worst.

I love this car, but financially she's killing me.

So, based on what I've done and what the "typical" issues are, do you all think I've been through the worst? I mean if I decide to keep her, water outlet and degas will be replaced for sure, but aside from that, what do you think? She's gone into Engine fail safe once when I first got her, but never again.

Just looking for opinions, and again, thank you all for this site, you are an amazing group.
Mine just gave me the "check transmission" message. I hope for the best for you buddy! Of course I only paid $800 for mine so I'm still happy with it.
You might consider trading it for a town car. That is Lincolns most reliable model. The L's and continentals seem to have far more issues. The jag engine has more issues than the 4.6 in the big car. They leak and have coil issues and cam advance issues. The town car is cheaper to own even if it does use more gas.

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