Zero outside now......Gonna be -5 degrees they say.Fahrenheit, for you Canadians.

No, you guys are right... climate change is just a political fanfic.

Wildfires are starkly different from smog.
weather =/= climate

What is this, the O'Reilly show? Do you honestly think I heard one source and have believed them ever since with no reconsideration? I've drawn my own conclusions from multiple sources and so far, the best defense against climate change has been the statless claim "the Earth has always changed", ignoring how extreme the current trend is. Meanwhile, the other side of the debate has provided all kinds of data to back their claims. What does it say when Exxon admits to knowing about climate change before it was a public concern?

The ones who point fingers and name others as KoolAid drinkers are honestly the largest group of KoolAid drinkers themselves. It was Flavor Aid, by the way.

Certainly close enough for me. I mean, we're all here on this board for an inefficient vehicle. Steps towards reduction are steps toward reduction, regardless of reason. I also do what I can, but the LS is staying for a while. It's not like I can get an adrenaline rush flicking on an incandescent bulb

Won't address all this, just will say that the climate alarmists are using a model that is very faulty. When data from 100 years ago was entered by people independently testing them, the models failed to correctly model weather trends. According to those models, when data from 100 years ago is entered, we should today be a lot hotter than we actually are. Not to mention, the alarmists themselves had their email systems hacked, where it was found that they were discussing how they weren't seeing the results they wanted so they needed to alter data to make their models look correct. When called on this, they didn't deny they were altering data, instead they claimed that the information taken should be ignored because it wasn't meant to be released because we "little people" were too stupid to understand that the data had to be altered in order to make the models work. In other words, we weren't supposed to find out that their models weren't working, we were just supposed to be scared into giving them billions of dollars every year because they want money. Even the predictions made by the alarmists just 15 years ago haven't come true. Al Gore very famously claimed that the models were predicting that by 2013 there would be no ice caps at all, yet the ice caps are just about as large in 2016 as they were in 1980. They've gotten smaller just over Europe, but then a number of undersea volcanoes have opened up between Greenland and Europe that are spewing hot magma right into the oceanic stream right where it runs along towards the Arctic Circle. This is right where the Arctic ice is melting the most. There is also a string of volcanoes along the Western Shelf of the Antarctic Circle. Same deal, volcanoes come up, the water heats up and the ice melts. Not all over, just where the volcanoes are.

Point is, nature is causing planetary changes. Man's not causing the climate to change. It's doing that all by itself, and there's not anything man's going to be able to do about it short of interplanetary nuclear war. If that happens, we won't have to worry about a 2 degree difference, which really isn't a concern anyway. The polar ice caps aren't going to melt down to nothing if the temp goes from -50 to -48. These people tried to scare everyone in the 1970s with the threat that we were going to have an ice age and the polar ice would reach Kansas unless we gave them a bunch of tax money. People said they'd just buy a coat and move south. Fail. Then they said the planet would cook itself, there would be no polar caps at all and half the land masses would be underwater. Still waiting, no change. Fail 2. Now they're trying to call it climate change, so they can blame man if it's not partly cloudy and 78 degrees year round. We're not buying that one either. Fail 3. There's no reason for anyone to pay a global tax to solve a problem that doesn't exist because climate change is a normal function of this planet.

Oh, and none of what I posted addressed a very simple item, they are saying we're hotter than ever based on a 100 year long record for a planet that is over 6 billion years old. We've been a lot hotter than the current man-recorded records, and we've been a lot colder. Kansas has fossils for seagoing creatures, and tropical plants have been found in ice cores hundreds of feet deep. All the continents were once one landmass, and eventually they will be again. Giving liberal democrats free money isn't going to change any of this.
TRUE! The libs just want control and money. They would be happy if gas was 8 bucks a gallon and we all hadda drive smart(dumb)cars or guess what?pay a penalty for the bigger car. LOL!

Let's forget the worshipping of science, and go to something that has the TRUE story of earth's future...................after mentioning the earth was stored up for a flood, II Peter Chapter 3, says I n verse 7 the earth is stored up for fire now and the destruction of ungodly people.
BUT in verse 13 he gives us hope that the new earth(cleansed earth just as in Noah's day) will be given us.
I'll take the Bible's word over `pointy-headed' scientists predictions ANYDAY.LOL! don-ohio :)^)
Let's forget the worshipping of science, and go to something that has the TRUE story of earth's future...................after mentioning the earth was stored up for a flood, II Peter Chapter 3, says I n verse 7 the earth is stored up for fire now and the destruction of ungodly people.
BUT in verse 13 he gives us hope that the new earth(cleansed earth just as in Noah's day) will be given us.
I'll take the Bible's word over `pointy-headed' scientists predictions ANYDAY.LOL! don-ohio :)^)

There's a little more to it than that my brother!!
Do you see how godless science has become the more believed explanation? It has been preached and pounded into us for the last 50 years.
Whatever a person wants to believe,as long as it doesn't propose an all wise, all powerful Creator is fine with the science guys. Sure,we don't have to be moral because God doesn't exist......makes it easy on us,right?
Well, it's not our choice. We didn't create ourselves. We answer to the Creator or we do not inherit the new Earth.Not much meekness today.......yet `the meek shall inherit the Earth' .Jesus' words,not mine.
So what more is there to it? don-ohio :)^)
There's a little more to it than that my brother!!
This ought to throw all of you for a loop. I consider the Bible to be a Dick and Jane book. God did it all, but the Bible's not necessarily a guide to how. Consider how you'd explain how a TV works to a kid of various ages. You'd not try explaining propagation and signal encoding theories to a 2 year old, and people centuries ago were the equivalent of 2 year olds. God made us from the dust, but He doesn't explain how. A 2 year old would imagine God picking up a handful of dirt, molding a man, and breathing life into him, but we don't actually know the mechanics behind it. Personally, I don't care how He made us, it's good enough for me that He did. He gave us the mental tools we need to figure it out, and perhaps one day we will, but worse comes to worse we'll find out when we die and stand before Him. Science is nothing more than how man figures out the mechanics behind God's creation. Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd not want to be that person in the afterlife. People think Hell is a hot place where demons punish people forever, but in actuality it is nonexistence. When God turns His back on you, you cease to exist, and those of us who go on to Heaven will never even know you existed because it will be as though you never were.
A lot of ths I can't argue with,Telco. You are right about hell,for sure. I gotts go to bed now......that's the way God wants it. LOL!don-ohio :)^)
My Odin, where is there a Fn face palm meme when I need one?

Objection! Quik crashed and totaled it.

But Sully's Stryker G8... I want that (Edit: it wasn't sully)

Objection objection!
True, he crashed, but a crash caused by a blown out rear diff because the LS couldn't handle the extra torque from his Super. And then shortly after his crash he came on here to tell us that he's moving on from the LS because it's a poor choice for modification purposes.

Nah. His wife at that time had a G5, not a G8. He Supered it. To my knowledge, he never owned or ran a G8.
He did tell me about a race against a G8 he had at a track once. He knew the G8 owner and the challenge was on. That was the race he blew up his LS's stock intake when the Nitrous backfired. Good thing the track keeps firetrucks on standby XD If I remember his story correctly, he still won the race.

His LS project saw retirement when his inlaws needed a car. He stocked it and donated it to them about 5 years ago. Dunno what he's running today.

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