ZEX filter?...


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 9, 2007
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was wondering if this would be a bad idea or not...


you have to find the ejector air amplifier...

i am not a big fan of nitrous...but i think that might be fun with little shots...but i have heard that spraying is more addictive than crack and heroin....
I already PM'ed you about this so you have my answer but I figure it would be good to answer this question in the open forum so other's have the benefit of this knowledge too. I am pasting a copy of my PM to thethirdeye here.

"I suggest against doing that on your LS. The reason why is because it will place the nitrous coming in before your MAF sensor. The Ford MAF sensors are hot-wire sensors and sometimes do not react well to being supercooled all of a sudden. The configuration that Zex is offering with that filter injection device is called "Pre-MAF" which may good for some GM vehicles but not the best for Ford."

You will notice that some Ford owners have done dry pre-MAF shots and were ok, but it is still just not the proper way to do dry nitrous injection for these vehicles. I highly recommend if you REALLY want dry nitrous over wet to at least go post-MAF injection and get a full tune for it. Of course I recommend going wet nitrous most of all.
N2O the right way

I already PM'ed you about this so you have my answer but I figure it would be good to answer this question in the open forum so other's have the benefit of this knowledge too. I am pasting a copy of my PM to thethirdeye here.

"I suggest against doing that on your LS. The reason why is because it will place the nitrous coming in before your MAF sensor. The Ford MAF sensors are hot-wire sensors and sometimes do not react well to being supercooled all of a sudden. The configuration that Zex is offering with that filter injection device is called "Pre-MAF" which may good for some GM vehicles but not the best for Ford."

You will notice that some Ford owners have done dry pre-MAF shots and were ok, but it is still just not the proper way to do dry nitrous injection for these vehicles. I highly recommend if you REALLY want dry nitrous over wet to at least go post-MAF injection and get a full tune for it. Of course I recommend going wet nitrous most of all.

Plus One Here!!!
There is no such thing as a free lunch and no substitute for a complete WET nitrous system with a fogger about 6-8 inches from the throttle butterfly. IlLS knows what he's talking about. Those of us who've done it know what works. Please accept our experience and make it yours without having the learning curve (and potentially broken parts).
KenS from Ben's Place
most modern use MAF for a reason - it is usually easier to tune as it measures the 'mass' air flow directly. A MAP (speed-density) system requries calibration and then uses a lookup table (or other non-linear functions) to convert the measured manifold pressure values into fuel demand values.

On a MAP setup - to properly generate the lookup table you have to hold the engine at a given RPM for several pressure values to create the fuel mix values. My understnading is that a MAP setup does not work as well on highly modified engines that lose a significant amount of manifold vacuum upon any throttle opening. Some companies sell a special system for such applications that uses only temperature and and throttle position - but it is meant for a very controlled point-and-shoot strip applicaiton.

My LS is MAF, my Lotus is MAP.

I'm sure someone can explain this better than I - most of my thinkering has been with MAF.
"go post-MAF injection and get a full tune for it."

Which is exactly what I had to do when the original by-the-book setup resulted in a temporarily frozen sensor. Once rerouted, and combined with a 2.5 hour dyno tune, it was fine.
Going from MAFS to MAP in the LS would be a step in the wrong direction.
i just asked it twice because i had that question floating around before i got any reply's and got ancy for an answer...ooohh...do they have flux capacitors on ebay?...

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