LOL dude I don't know WHO told you that silicone wont hold in glass but I literally prove that statement wrong every single day of my life,idk about auto glass but it works great on commercial storeronts designed to keep water out in Extreme weather situations, im not talking basic clear silicone you get at home depot, these are glazing grade sealants.. I install and bid commercial and residential storefronts, sliding glass doors, mirrors, mirrored walls, curtain walls, and hurricane impact storefront systems, so I think I KNOW what im talking about, I would suggest a down corning 995, if not research what other people are using to adhere gaskets in auto glass im sure theres many other alternatives I was just stating this would work... if not there are literally a dozen different products to use that are silicone OR polyurethane base that will get the job done, secondly I don't care what body shop you work at or how long you've been doing it because frankly that has nothing at all to do with glass work like the kind im referring to, maybe auto glass but when it comes to this I know what im talking about. I sell jobs with 1 5/16" insulated-impact glass w/ low-E in a Graylite #40 tint in hurricane impact frames, my main supplier I deal with is coral architectural products, do you know what any of that is?
Mark JA - I really don't know how it has been successfully removed but im telling you ive for sure without a doubt seen them for sale on e-bay multiple times removed for sale if you had a donor rear window like right on the mark does I think it could be done, BTW ive seen your build thread, some of the best work ive seen by far on this forum, so Im sure you would know over me but I think its possible.