This thread will be long, and full of pictures. If you are on a cell phone with limited data, BACK UP NOW! 
So I was browsing Facebook while bored and waiting for broadcast at work. Came across this:
I immediately sent a message asking for some information. My biggest question was what happened to make you say it needs a motor? She really didn't have much information, it was her husbands car, and he wasnt home at the time. She basically just kept saying it needs a motor, and otherwise is a great car, and needed a radio. (I assumed they had an aftermarket in there and planned on keeping it). Then she also mentioned it didn't have coil packs on it, so it would definitely need those. (Needs a motor, but she said it needs coil packs, lol)
So I ended up getting up super early that next day (there were probably 10+ other people trying to come get it saying "cash in hand" etc in the comments. I got home from work at appx 4am, and was back up by 9 to go look at the car. They lived about 5 miles away, so it was a quick trip, she said her husband would already be gone, and she leaves for Church at 10:30, so I told her id be there at 10 to look at it, and also asked if it would be an issue to keep the car there until the following day, because I had to go to work early that day, and she said it was no issue.
I get there, and the husband walked outside, which I was glad so I could hopefully pry some more info from him. I was seriously tossing and turning in bed wondering why the hell I am considering buying an LS that needs a motor. What else could it need? How much of a money pit is this thing gonna be? I just kept telling myself that for only $500, I could easily get my money back and walk away from it, I could part it out and probably triple my money and then some, or bite the bullet, take it to a shop and pay to have a replacement engine dropped in, and then either drive it, or sell it and make some money off it.
I really LOVE the LS'es, I have since day one, and everyone Ive been in, or have had in the family, has had major issues. My step dad (who worked at the Wixom plant and built them) bought one as soon as they were available to buy, and got rid of it before it even had 2000 miles or something like that, because it was literally at the dealership more than we had it because of major issues. But I love these damn things. I absolutely love everything about the way they look, I love the interior top to bottom, and I love the power, and features. So what better to do than buy one for dirt cheap and fix it up I suppose.
So anywho, im looking the thing up and down, no rust aside from the underbody (typical when you live in the salt-belt) and one small pinhole looking spot on the rear driver side door. No biggie. Headlights a little hazy, but again, easy fix. Couple small areas of paint missing on the rear bumper, if I keep it, ill have it painted. Thats really all, on the outside. Wheels have some pitting and such, but I would ditch them once the tires needed replacing. They aren't terribly ugly though.
So hes telling me the backstory, the cars been in the family since new, it was last his brothers, or something and they were in a bind and needed to sell the car, so he bought it as a spare/work car and drove it to work, which was like 60 miles each way, and why the car has 180k on it. Said the only issue they had ever had with it aside from normal wear and tear was replacing the rack for steering twice. Didn't ask why, I was kind of drooling still at the car. He also mentioned that its been leaking some power steering fluid ever since, but he just keeps it topped off. Oh, he also said they put a new blower motor in, but no air comes out. Im thinking maybe a blend door or something is stuck, because the fan is definitely pushing air somewhere. I got inside, and he had the whole center console torn apart, with the stock radio sitting on the seat, so I was happy to see I can have a radio for it, for now. He said they gave the coil packs on it to someone in their family, they needed it and the LS had been sitting, so he had no use for them. He said it was parked for just under a year (I found some bank and food receipts that kind of verify this info, they were old, and from about when he said he parked it). I asked what the deal was for them to just say it needs an engine. He told me he was driving to work one day and it just lost power, like it was running, but didn't want to move. (First thing that came to my head was clogged cat). He parked it, had it towed home, and the next day said it started up fine, drove down the block fine and then did the same thing once it got warm, and really struggled to get up their driveway to park it. He said it was leaked some kind of fluid out afterwards, but there was no stains or anything under the car. (Thinking maybe it was just some water or possibly the AC draining or something?) He basically said they
I was again over-thinking it, like what the hell am I thinking buying a car that needs an engine!? I offered him $400, and he hesitantly accepted. Signed the title over, brought me both sets of keys (WHO the hell even has both keys anymore!? Every vehicle I buy has only had one key, I swear!) It even has the grey valet key in the owners manual leather case, along with the window sticker, leather seat care info, and all the pamphlets the car came with! I told him I would be back the next day with a Uhaul dolly/trailer to get it home, and he said nobody would be home, so if the neighbors ask, just bring the title and let them know I bought it. (I completely forgot to bring the title with me when I did come back!)
Uhaul wouldn't rent a dolly because the car being towed is RWD, and because I drive an Explorer. (Because the early 90's second gen Explorers had that rollover issue from those Firestone tires). Mines an 06...but whatever. They wanted $50 and i'm sure all kinds of little fees once returned. I ended up getting a flatbed tow truck to load it and drop it off for only $50, and it took 10 minutes. I didn't have to do a thing, so it was WELL worth it.
Didn't have much time before I had to leave for work, maybe an hour and a half, so I ended up putting the interior back together, and then power washing the exterior. So much gunk built up under the mouldings and like between the taillights and trunk lid and such. Also power washed the engine bay, it was mainly dusty, but it was night and day from a simple rinse.
So at this point, before anything, I knew I needed coil packs. I wanted to try and diagnose the engine before giving up on it and deciding it'll get a new engine. A buddy at work had his old set still, along with a brand new set of valve cover gaskets he never used before he sold his. He gave it all to me for free. Score!
So here it was being towed, and then at my house (By the way, anyone in Monroe/Newport, MI, I highly reccomend A1 tow. Guy was nice, extremely fast, and even laid wood on the ground to make sure the car wasnt going to scrape the front bumper, or rear bumper/exhaust tips)
Shes home now
Gave her a bath, doesnt look much different in the pictures, but it was night and day. The paint was dull and covered in dust and crap before.
So I was browsing Facebook while bored and waiting for broadcast at work. Came across this:
I immediately sent a message asking for some information. My biggest question was what happened to make you say it needs a motor? She really didn't have much information, it was her husbands car, and he wasnt home at the time. She basically just kept saying it needs a motor, and otherwise is a great car, and needed a radio. (I assumed they had an aftermarket in there and planned on keeping it). Then she also mentioned it didn't have coil packs on it, so it would definitely need those. (Needs a motor, but she said it needs coil packs, lol)
So I ended up getting up super early that next day (there were probably 10+ other people trying to come get it saying "cash in hand" etc in the comments. I got home from work at appx 4am, and was back up by 9 to go look at the car. They lived about 5 miles away, so it was a quick trip, she said her husband would already be gone, and she leaves for Church at 10:30, so I told her id be there at 10 to look at it, and also asked if it would be an issue to keep the car there until the following day, because I had to go to work early that day, and she said it was no issue.
I get there, and the husband walked outside, which I was glad so I could hopefully pry some more info from him. I was seriously tossing and turning in bed wondering why the hell I am considering buying an LS that needs a motor. What else could it need? How much of a money pit is this thing gonna be? I just kept telling myself that for only $500, I could easily get my money back and walk away from it, I could part it out and probably triple my money and then some, or bite the bullet, take it to a shop and pay to have a replacement engine dropped in, and then either drive it, or sell it and make some money off it.
I really LOVE the LS'es, I have since day one, and everyone Ive been in, or have had in the family, has had major issues. My step dad (who worked at the Wixom plant and built them) bought one as soon as they were available to buy, and got rid of it before it even had 2000 miles or something like that, because it was literally at the dealership more than we had it because of major issues. But I love these damn things. I absolutely love everything about the way they look, I love the interior top to bottom, and I love the power, and features. So what better to do than buy one for dirt cheap and fix it up I suppose.
So anywho, im looking the thing up and down, no rust aside from the underbody (typical when you live in the salt-belt) and one small pinhole looking spot on the rear driver side door. No biggie. Headlights a little hazy, but again, easy fix. Couple small areas of paint missing on the rear bumper, if I keep it, ill have it painted. Thats really all, on the outside. Wheels have some pitting and such, but I would ditch them once the tires needed replacing. They aren't terribly ugly though.
So hes telling me the backstory, the cars been in the family since new, it was last his brothers, or something and they were in a bind and needed to sell the car, so he bought it as a spare/work car and drove it to work, which was like 60 miles each way, and why the car has 180k on it. Said the only issue they had ever had with it aside from normal wear and tear was replacing the rack for steering twice. Didn't ask why, I was kind of drooling still at the car. He also mentioned that its been leaking some power steering fluid ever since, but he just keeps it topped off. Oh, he also said they put a new blower motor in, but no air comes out. Im thinking maybe a blend door or something is stuck, because the fan is definitely pushing air somewhere. I got inside, and he had the whole center console torn apart, with the stock radio sitting on the seat, so I was happy to see I can have a radio for it, for now. He said they gave the coil packs on it to someone in their family, they needed it and the LS had been sitting, so he had no use for them. He said it was parked for just under a year (I found some bank and food receipts that kind of verify this info, they were old, and from about when he said he parked it). I asked what the deal was for them to just say it needs an engine. He told me he was driving to work one day and it just lost power, like it was running, but didn't want to move. (First thing that came to my head was clogged cat). He parked it, had it towed home, and the next day said it started up fine, drove down the block fine and then did the same thing once it got warm, and really struggled to get up their driveway to park it. He said it was leaked some kind of fluid out afterwards, but there was no stains or anything under the car. (Thinking maybe it was just some water or possibly the AC draining or something?) He basically said they
I was again over-thinking it, like what the hell am I thinking buying a car that needs an engine!? I offered him $400, and he hesitantly accepted. Signed the title over, brought me both sets of keys (WHO the hell even has both keys anymore!? Every vehicle I buy has only had one key, I swear!) It even has the grey valet key in the owners manual leather case, along with the window sticker, leather seat care info, and all the pamphlets the car came with! I told him I would be back the next day with a Uhaul dolly/trailer to get it home, and he said nobody would be home, so if the neighbors ask, just bring the title and let them know I bought it. (I completely forgot to bring the title with me when I did come back!)
Uhaul wouldn't rent a dolly because the car being towed is RWD, and because I drive an Explorer. (Because the early 90's second gen Explorers had that rollover issue from those Firestone tires). Mines an 06...but whatever. They wanted $50 and i'm sure all kinds of little fees once returned. I ended up getting a flatbed tow truck to load it and drop it off for only $50, and it took 10 minutes. I didn't have to do a thing, so it was WELL worth it.
Didn't have much time before I had to leave for work, maybe an hour and a half, so I ended up putting the interior back together, and then power washing the exterior. So much gunk built up under the mouldings and like between the taillights and trunk lid and such. Also power washed the engine bay, it was mainly dusty, but it was night and day from a simple rinse.
So at this point, before anything, I knew I needed coil packs. I wanted to try and diagnose the engine before giving up on it and deciding it'll get a new engine. A buddy at work had his old set still, along with a brand new set of valve cover gaskets he never used before he sold his. He gave it all to me for free. Score!
So here it was being towed, and then at my house (By the way, anyone in Monroe/Newport, MI, I highly reccomend A1 tow. Guy was nice, extremely fast, and even laid wood on the ground to make sure the car wasnt going to scrape the front bumper, or rear bumper/exhaust tips)
Shes home now
Gave her a bath, doesnt look much different in the pictures, but it was night and day. The paint was dull and covered in dust and crap before.