Filling bags with tire sealant

the point being made is this...... everybody ready................ dont give bad advise you may do what ever you want with your car it is yours but giving others advise that could be dangerous or at the least cause more damage is a bad idea no is asking you to do or not do anything to YOUR car just dont advise others that it works or is a good idea and for that matter if you dont suggest this method of repair why do you defend it so vehemently? all and all 1bad cant tell you what to do so again why so sad?
the point being made is this...... everybody ready................ dont give bad advise you may do what ever you want with your car it is yours but giving others advise that could be dangerous or at the least cause more damage is a bad idea no is asking you to do or not do anything to YOUR car just dont advise others that it works or is a good idea and for that matter if you dont suggest this method of repair why do you defend it so vehemently? all and all 1bad cant tell you what to do so again why so sad?

I didn't give anyone any advice. I told the OP what I did to my car and what my results were. The answer was specifically related to his original question.

Now, if I had said "you should definitely do this because yadda yadda, blah blah", that would have been giving advice. But...wait...I didn't say anything of the kind. I simply related my personal experience.

I am not specifically defending the procedure that I employed. It wasn't the best idea in the world. We all know that. But at the time, I had no other option except not having a car for my wife to drive to work. I am, however, defending my right as a sentient human being, with the ability to think and rationalize and make my own decisions, to do whatever I deem necessary to keep my automobile roadworthy. You'll notice I used the word "my". What you do to yours is up to you. I'm just telling you what I did to mine.

It's that simple. No advice was given. I simply answered a question by relating my personal experience.

BTW, punctuation is your friend.
Douchebag with a finely tuned clean mark that is. And no I am the DOUCH NOZZLE [that's the business end you know].
i pity the dicksuckers poor car...

it must suck when you come home with dickbreath...and gooo dribbling down your chin.
See. Most people would get angry and try to get back at you for that. But I'm a bigger man than that. And I know you both have some sort of mental issue or internal rage issue that causes you to lash out at others and attempt to hurt them in a vain effort to raise your own self esteem. And I do feel sorry for both of you. But your mental status is not my concern.
As for the sealant, I've got green slime in the front air springs on both of my Marks. I've got a '96 with Arnott front air spring/shocks that are over a year old. No problems yet...knock on wood. I've also got a 1997 LSC with some slight dryrot on the front springs. They were leaking down overnight when I got the car. I took them off and put some green slime in the springs and they don't leak down anymore. That's been over two months ago. I'm not saying it's a good idea, but since I could not afford new air spring/shock units for the '97, I had no choice. I put the slime in the new springs on the '96 as a precaution against dryrot. So far it has worked.

Now that I read this, it's simply a fix that was mentioned "as working", not suggested as a good idea. thaywood got the idea from someone and probably from a post such as his and it's working for him. With that said, if you know it's a bad fix, then don't do it. If you decide to try the idea (that someone obviously came up with) then try it but if it's going to be suggested, I would add "do so at your own risk" but I would never do this because I'm smart enough to understand what the consequence may be, if I did.

I would buy a strut from Jamie to hold me over until I found something better. I have a set of new Arnotts on the 93 out back and they have been slammed all winter because that car was crashed. I doubt they're in any shape to go on a car with a working air ride anymore but I am going to get them off before I call the wrecker to come get it just so I can have a possible backup. Am I wasting my time? Most likely because Arnotts are usually :q:q:q:q out of the box but one of them might hold for a few days until a known good one arrives. I have 98's on the front of the 95 and they're doing just fine but I will never slime my bags just because thaywood says it's working for him. Make sense?
See. Most people would get angry and try to get back at you for that.

but since its the truth, you have nothing to get mad at.

just keep swallowing your bosses goo, and kissing your wife with the same'll be fine
Now that I read this, it's simply a fix that was mentioned "as working", not suggested as a good idea. thaywood got the idea from someone and probably from a post such as his and it's working for him. With that said, if you know it's a bad fix, then don't do it. If you decide to try the idea (that someone obviously came up with) then try it but if it's going to be suggested, I would add "do so at your own risk" but I would never do this because I'm smart enough to understand what the consequence may be, if I did.

I would buy a strut from Jamie to hold me over until I found something better. I have a set of new Arnotts on the 93 out back and they have been slammed all winter because that car was crashed. I doubt they're in any shape to go on a car with a working air ride anymore but I am going to get them off before I call the wrecker to come get it just so I can have a possible backup. Am I wasting my time? Most likely because Arnotts are usually :q:q:q:q out of the box but one of them might hold for a few days until a known good one arrives. I have 98's on the front of the 95 and they're doing just fine but I will never slime my bags just because thaywood says it's working for him. Make sense?

There ya go. Yet another rational human being. I agree totally.
but since its the truth, you have nothing to get mad at.

just keep swallowing your bosses goo, and kissing your wife with the same'll be fine

That's really nasty and quite disgusting. You're a very sick person. Do you realize this? You do really have some serious problems.

This is me actually giving advice: You may wish to seek professional help for whatever mental condition you suffer from.
That's really nasty and quite disgusting. You're a very sick person. Do you realize this? You do really have some serious problems.

This is me actually giving advice: You may wish to seek professional help for whatever mental condition you suffer from.

myeah...i'll file that right along with the rest of the bad info you keep spouting off...

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