What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

i managed to break not 1 but both of my exterior door handles while working on my 95 today, oh and keys are in car as well
Could be like my old '96 Mark. The keypad quit working one day. And I could only unlock it with the remote because trying to unlock it with the key would cause the alarm to go off:confused: Never could figure out what the problem was.

that's an easy fix. there is a switch on the back of the key cylinder on the inside of the door. i bet it fell off. it was a problem on my car and is still a problem on my aunts 2nd gen.
Couldn't agree more, before the mark I had a Infiniti j30 , untill daughters BFF boyfriend backed into it and totaled it. It was rear wheel drive 250 hp v6 ind rear susp and had rear angle steering to boot , loved the way that sucker would cave a corner. But as I was lookin to get another car I spotted the mark on C L and I told the wife here it is 290 hp rear drive and independ rear , and a cobra 4 cam. Almost enjoy it mor than the J I say that cuz I never really had to work on the J exept the brake overhaul.
Ain't that the truth!! Also makes me appreciate how much I fuggin' despise front-wheel-drive. The dumass who thought it would be such a great idea to put the engine in sideways driving the wrong wheels should have an engine shoved up...um...well...sideways:D You get the picture.

I'm not much for front drive either
No, the actual handles themselves broke where they swing on the door, I got the doors open, I don't let minor issues like that stop me. Lol, the keys were in car because I'm working out a no start issue. Thank goodness its inside garage, now I need 2 door handles and a fuel pump and I'm back in a mark8 daily driver.
Pretty sure I got a bad batch of gas last Friday. Didn't drive it all weekend and the problems started yesterday. It's either bad gas, switched grades or I have a coil that isn't throwing a code yet..

How do these car's act in this situation? It's only happened a handful of times but it feel's like a harder then normal misfire at idle or sometimes while driving. It could all be in my head but I swore I heard a little knocking too.
I myself have never driven my car without Premium Fuel in it so I could not tell you. My wifes GTP on the other hand, she will not put premium in it but I have and there is a huge difference in milage as well as performance. Yes I do hear knock but that is with me getting on it and getting it into boost.
No, the actual handles themselves broke where they swing on the door, I got the doors open, I don't let minor issues like that stop me. Lol, the keys were in car because I'm working out a no start issue. Thank goodness its inside garage, now I need 2 door handles and a fuel pump and I'm back in a mark8 daily driver.

I can sell you a set of chrome handles for $50 shipped...
I myself have never driven my car without Premium Fuel in it so I could not tell you. My wifes GTP on the other hand, she will not put premium in it but I have and there is a huge difference in milage as well as performance. Yes I do hear knock but that is with me getting on it and getting it into boost.

Thank's. I'm thinking about getting a bottle of Octane booster and some Heet incase theres some water in there. Hopefully that combo will help.

Wife came home last night said the wipers quit - 47,000 miles on the 94 mark now ---- found the 10 amp fuse blown - put in the 15 and so far so good.

P/S What would Lincoln have driven? :D

I'd put a 10a back in there. If it blows leave it out, no sense taking the risk.
Got my new Moog LCA's in the mail yesterday! Just waiting for the strut rod bushings, UCA, and a nice day off.

Also, got the new P255/45R17 Falkens put on the Cobra last Wednesday. They look fantastic! The old 245's that were on it looked like they weren't wide enough for the rims (the sidewall was "folded under", so to speak). Now the tread is the same width as the rim and it looks soooo much better. The only problem is that now it scrubs a little in the front when the steering wheel is turned to full lock. This particular car has always had the turning circle of a 747, but it never scrubbed before. The lowered suspension probably has something to do with it.
Finally replaced my idler pulley.

I've been lacking motivation to do anything as of late. It's really bad when you don't even feel like taking 5 minutes out of your day to replace even the simplest of part :(
I know what you mean. I think my strut rod bushings are at the post office right now. I'm going to pick them up today. I had planned to get the LCA's and strut rod bushings installed today and get an alignment done Monday because I'm off work (my son is out of school for President's Day). Unfortunately, I won't be able to afford the alignment this week. So the ol' girl will have to sit a little longer. Being broke sucks.:(
Finally replaced my idler pulley.

I've been lacking motivation to do anything as of late. It's really bad when you don't even feel like taking 5 minutes out of your day to replace even the simplest of part :(

Sometimes I have to get motivated just to think about changing parts on my own car
I know what you mean. I think my strut rod bushings are at the post office right now. I'm going to pick them up today. I had planned to get the LCA's and strut rod bushings installed today and get an alignment done Monday because I'm off work (my son is out of school for President's Day). Unfortunately, I won't be able to afford the alignment this week. So the ol' girl will have to sit a little longer. Being broke sucks.:(

Bummer, lord knows you want that mark on the road again.

Sometimes I have to get motivated just to think about changing parts on my own car

Well I went to see BIOHAZARD at the Starland Ballroom last night. Left the show and we decided to hit White Castle. As I'm going through the drive thru I hear my power steering whine like mad :confused:

Just put on a new Hi Pressure line about 2 months ago and haven't noticed any leaks so now I gotta figure out WTH is wrong this time :mad:
spent the day playing with my sniper programmer, adjusting shift points and firmness. advanced a little timing.got it running about where it should be for track run maybe next weekend.talked to body guy and worked out a deal. had a big BBQ platter at scruby's and its only 2:30.thinking about engine detailing,cleaning. at least what i can reach.
tag, your it.

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