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  1. B

    Cracked pipe

    The duc tape actually did work. I was able to get it to my mechanic without any problem. Even the temp gauge didn't even go up above the mid section. Thanks everyone so much for input.
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    Cracked pipe

    And roughly how much do you think that would cost?
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    Cracked pipe

    Okay, so I know it's been a really long time since I asked one of my questions. I haven't had a problem with my LS till now. I was driving to work when all of a sudden my car started over heating and smoke was coming from underneath the hood. I had to have it towed back to my house! So today I...
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    thermostat housing prices

    I know I know I was just messin with you
  5. B

    thermostat housing prices

    By "some sex" do you mean masturbation? Lol
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    thermostat housing prices

    No he replaced the thermostat, housing, housing cover and all seals and gaskets.
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    thermostat housing prices

    hmm okay. so $450 isn't a rip off? that's what my mechanic quoted me. I just wanted to make sure it was an alright deal first or if I should look elsewhere
  8. B

    thermostat housing prices

    hey just a quick much does it typically cost to replace the thermostat housing? tried search other threads but couldn't find one which was specific enough. thanks!
  9. B

    Air filter HELP!

    Nvm got it. Thanks
  10. B

    Air filter HELP!

    ive tried the push down deal. is it supposed to feel like you're going to break it? lol
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    Air filter HELP!

    by the way, my car is a V8 2004
  12. B

    Air filter HELP!

    okay im getting really ****ing frustrated with this air filter cover. I am trying to replace it but the cover will NOT open on the left side. the snaps do open but the cover will not. ive unscrewed that little screw. ive tried watching the only 2 videos on youtube about it but neither were...
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    Thank you very much!!
  14. B


    Matching as in the red line? Lol Umm I use the highway everyday. I need to pass the morons. I wanna use it. Is there like a tutorial video or something?? Tried using it and almost had a heart attack. I'm sorry; I got this car and still don't know 100% about it.
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    Welp I know I should of asked this question a long time ago but what is the SST feature? I know they have it in other cara but How does it work in a 04 v8 ls? What is the difference between SST 1, 2, 3 etc.? When should I use it? Or should I even use it at all? Ever since I got my car I've only...
  16. B

    Coils, stress test, breaks...HELP!

    Okay my mistake. i thought it was 997.00 but it said 97.00 lmao. yeah...$100 not 1000. but they fixed everything. turns out it was just a bad 02 sensor
  17. B

    Coils, stress test, breaks...HELP!

    Uhh well the dealer is trying to charge me $1000 for a diagnosis this normal? Wtf?? I said I'll get back to them.
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    Coils, stress test, breaks...HELP!

    @ LS4me; I know it's brakes. I just quickly wrote this up and didn't really proof read...I have a V8. I'm pretty sure that v8s are under the warranty if I'm not mistaken. @joegr; just want to say you've helped me out so much in the Past and I really do appreciate it! I already had an oil...
  19. B

    Coils, stress test, breaks...HELP!

    Okay I'm pretty sure it's time to have some of my coils replaced. I have a little over 93k miles on my 2004 VS so I'm pretty sure I just make it with the warranty (I hope) but how do I go about doing this? Do I just go to the dealer and ask for a stress test and have them change the coils? First...
  20. B

    Tune up prices

    Alright so for dealers, do I just go to a Lincoln dealer or a Ford dealer?? Cause I got my car from a used car place and I don't think they will have batteries. Sorry I am just very clueless about this stuff. :/