GREAT... now what do i do???? thats what i hate about these things, what works for one didnt work for another and vise versa. is there a way i can get my pcm scanned before dropping $400 to fix something that wasnt even broken.
HI LVC members,
I have a 2003 ls v8 with 128k+ and i have been having problems with my transmission shifting hard from 1stto 2nd and the miss shifts from 2nd to 4th then down shifts to 3rd then back to 4th then hard shift to 5th. i already bought another transmissions and installed it but its...
HI LVC members,
I have 2 sand rails for sale $2000 for both. Travis cell 951-665-0622 call/text located in 92543 SoCal
The first rail is a 4 seater built by Chenworth, It will come with over 90% of the parts. What it will need either i can do it or you can if you know someone but the case...
sorry to bring up a old thread but im having the same problem, im actually going to pick it up from the dealer. They are quoting me $3600 to replace it with a rebuilt. I would like to know what you did if any did you do to fix the problem? thanks
Class: Upscale - Near Luxury.... I LIKE THIS ONE....HAHA
Engine: 3.9L V8 EFI
Country of Assembly: United States
Vehicle Age: 10 year(s)
Calculated Owners: 5 ..... WHORE...haha
Year: 2003
Make: Lincoln
Model: LS
Fleet, rental and/or lease use record(s)
This was cool...
I wish i could contact the person because i spent 160 on the ac control module and he as it for 80.99 oh well, i still have a warranty if its not the part i need :)
if i had the coin to spend i would get these. these look like the ones on myfirstlincoln car and i like his car before he plastidip his rims.
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thank you, im having electrical issues right now but mechanicaly the LS is running top noch. the ac part is not working there is no lights or is not doing anything like it burnt out.
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