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  1. I


    Yes, it's so enlightening to see how all the negatives the deluded right accused Biden of having and demonstrating, are now even more obvious with trump and Vance as they pursue the old dinosaur politics of anger, lies and revenge. The USA is tired of that BS and want better, which they can see...
  2. I


    Well as "that guy from NZ" I can say that most people I know of here, are glad the outcome wasn't worse and decry violence in politics completely. The violence incited by Trump on January 6th and at his ranting rambling rallies is included in this. The reason the rest of the world takes an...
  3. I


    Nothing random about my interest in US politics at all... I have spent a lot of my time in the US over the last 20 plus years, for both work and vacations. Although a lot of right wing conspiracy drongos assert that people in other countries have no right to hold opinions or views on US...
  4. I


    Well he sure won't be getting a pardon from the President, unlike the orange criminal did for all his criminal mates!
  5. I


    I guess that is bound to happen when you live your life with both eyes closed...
  6. I


    There is no evidence that is true, Ashley Biden has said those entry's are false too. Project Veritas have a history of forging documents etc and of course that is what they would do to deflect from trumps obvious and sick attraction to his own daughter! Plenty of evidence there, including out...
  7. I


    I think you need to firstly read these links before you post them! You look a bit dim when they don't particularly back up your limited and one eyed arguments...
  8. I


    Except Clinton didn't try to corruptly influence an election by paying out and concealing the payment of hush money to keep her quiet. That's what the trial is actually about! Strange that the horror, vitriole and disgust from the Republican party, with Clinton and since then with Obama, (who...
  9. I


    Now what was said a couple of posts ago about 'corrupt actions of judges'?? Lol
  10. I


    Its amazing! Who could ever have forseen this coming? Lol
  11. I


    And it's quite suspect how 'truth' social managed to lose 58 million plus, when it only had a revenue of 4 million? Smells like another tax loss for him to claim, based on more dodgy bookwork! What will it take for these stooges and suckers to realise they are continually being grifted by an...
  12. I


  13. I


    Well, Obama did commit the ultimate crime of wearing a 'tan suit' in 2014. That sure hit the headlines! Lol
  14. I


    Yes, it's horrifying to think this clown is possibly heading to the White House again, with his finger hovering over the button, making vapid comments about whomever he perceives to be against him. If you couldn't trust him to feed your goldfish over a weekend, you couldn't trust him back in the...
  15. I


    It's obvious trump is confused and mistakenly naming Biden as Obama, trump's brain is addled and he's struggling cognitively. That's why he's projecting his ailment onto Biden, that's what the loser always does.
  16. I


    And quite concerning at the same time! lol
  17. I


    A number of Mark Twain quotes are coming to mind here, I will go with this one I think... 'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience'
  18. I


    Yes he does appear to have been triggered somewhat and initially by the letter 'c' or 's' lol. NZ is not part of the EU being at the bottom of the world and as for a Socialist Monarchy? That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one! We enjoy free health care and a high standard of education. A no fault...
  19. I


    Actually I'm in New Zealand, another country altogether and that's how we spell it here....
  20. I


    Yip, this guy always tells you what he's going to do, so nobody should be surprised when he actually does it! And he will still be playing the victim card too. Sad that so many people blindly follow this self-serving idiot and even carry on donating to his "defence fund"