12-Year-Old Stuns Pro-Choice Teacher and School with Pro-Life Presentation

There you go again, with your "the other side does it too" baloney. Why would a 12 year old girl be in danger?

Because 12 year old girls are in danger from wacky people Foss. Because you tell your children not to get in danger, not to be ‘available’ in any form. Because you don’t want them downloaded by wacky people.

So, you have a son that puts videos on youtube – great – but, if he started to get threats from one of his videos – apparently really bad ones, and he could be identified by the video, would you let him to continue to post it? Would you take the risk that one of those wackos that posted something very threatening toward your child, could actually find your child and carry out those threats?

Yes, because unlike you, I believe people have a right to think and say whatever they want, and don't need a nannystater like you telling them how to live their lives.

I think people have every right to think and say whatever they want. What I am questioning is the judgment of parents. You better believe I was a nannystater when it came to my 12 year olds.
Really. HOW FASCINATING! So you believe that this 12 year old girl, who believes in a right to life, is as dangerous as an abortion clinic. Well done, I believe you just FAILED the thread..

I don’t understand this – I don’t think she is dangerous – at all. What I do believe is that she could be in danger…

Maybe in your zeal to ‘Fail’ me something got left out – got a better way to state this Foss – it doesn’t make any sense to me – sorry… I know I am not as bright as many 12 year olds… ;)
She might change her mind when she is 19 and pregnant and mommy can't tell her what to do.

And some fat dude raped her.

For real, it's not like republicans to try to control someones life. :q:q:q:qs odd.
Because 12 year old girls are in danger from wacky people Foss. Because you tell your children not to get in danger, not to be ‘available’ in any form. Because you don’t want them downloaded by wacky people.
Uh-huh. The only people she could be in danger from would be people like you, leftists who want to silence her.

So, you have a son that puts videos on youtube – great –
Yeah. So much for your attempt to discredit me.

but, if he started to get threats from one of his videos – apparently really bad ones, and he could be identified by the video, would you let him to continue to post it? Would you take the risk that one of those wackos that posted something very threatening toward your child, could actually find your child and carry out those threats?
Straw man. What threats is she getting? Apparently you're unfamiliar with the creature called the 'Internet Warrior.' Please explain to me why she should be afraid, if the left is so tolerant of free speech.
I think people have every right to think and say whatever they want. What I am questioning is the judgment of parents. You better believe I was a nannystater when it came to my 12 year olds.
She's most certainly NOT your 12 year old. So mind your own business.

I don’t understand this – I don’t think she is dangerous – at all.
Then why would her school district try to silence her?

What I do believe is that she could be in danger…
From whom, and why?

Maybe in your zeal to ‘Fail’ me something got left out – got a better way to state this Foss – it doesn’t make any sense to me – sorry… I know I am not as bright as many 12 year olds;)
Clearly. You just compared a 12 year old girl who made a speech to an abortion clinic that murders thousands of babies each year.

But maybe you're right. After all, the left is the champion of murdering children - wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine one or more of them trying to take her out.
I agree with Foxpaws here.

My wife and I are closely monitoring what our kids are putting on the net and we have told the kids time and again that they should never put something on the net that they might want to pull because it will be there forever. Unless of course, you work for goggle (misspell intended). Then you will scrub every little bit or bite that might cause "The One" any problems.:shifty:

And Fox, what does it say about our society that we even have to worry about such things as this? Pretty sad. Yes, there are sexual predators everywhere and unfortunately her parents will have to be on guard.
Nope, once they have abortions, we split ways, thats the good part about being single. I never said I was well off, I just wanted to remind you I am not broke, and I can afford condoms, I have a pack of 12 in every car, I just always seem to bust them.

My justification for abortion:

Child Support $750 x 12 = 9000

$9000 x 18= $162,000

College $40,000
Total $202,000*

*Misc expenses not included.

Night at a club $150.00
Hotel $150.00
IHOP $ 25.00
Abortion $350.00
Total $675.00

I dont have to justify my actions to you. The #1 problem in America is failure to mind our own business. Don't worry about whats going on in my house.

Hey lincolnx2, not trying to start any needless drama dude, but having those abortions doesn't bother you at all or tug on your conscience?
Uh-huh. The only people she could be in danger from would be people like you, leftists who want to silence her.
No, she is in danger from wackos – there are plenty of sick people who have really sick thoughts about little girls. Her stand on abortion notwithstanding. And this makes her ‘available‘, a target…

Yeah. So much for your attempt to discredit me.

So, you would allow a video that your son put up, stay posted, if threatening comments were made about it –

Straw man. What threats is she getting? Apparently you're unfamiliar with the creature called the 'Internet Warrior.' Please explain to me why she should be afraid, if the left is so tolerant of free speech.

On the youtube comment section – this was posted… regarding the little girls video.

We apologize for turning off the commenting functionality. This was not to stop genuine discussion or debate on the issue but was, rather, a response to the cowardly who used it as an opportunity to throw insults and threats at a young girl that they hated without reason. Thank-you to everyone who, whether in agreement or not, has responded in a respectful manner.

Insults… ones apparently that stated that they hated the little girl… and who knows what the threats were – but there were threats…

Clearly. You just compared a 12 year old girl who made a speech to an abortion clinic that murders thousands of babies each year.

And I didn’t compare her to an abortion clinic – I said that the threats that could come towards her could be the same types of threats that would come towards a child that posted something about pro-choice. Those threats towards the ‘pro-choice’ child may stem from the same type of people who destroy clinics. Ones to be taken seriously.

Threats to this little girl should be taken seriously – there are crazy people on the left (just as there are on the right) that might carry them out… and there are plenty of just really scary people out there who prey on little girls.

I know about internet warriors, I also know about predators who use the internet...
I agree with Foxpaws here.

My wife and I are closely monitoring what our kids are putting on the net and we have told the kids time and again that they should never put something on the net that they might want to pull because it will be there forever. Unless of course, you work for goggle (misspell intended). Then you will scrub every little bit or bite that might cause "The One" any problems.:shifty:

And Fox, what does it say about our society that we even have to worry about such things as this? Pretty sad. Yes, there are sexual predators everywhere and unfortunately her parents will have to be on guard.

Yep, really sad. But, wow - the whole internet thing is sooo scary for kids. There are all sorts of wackos - and with something posted like this - it just looks like 'bait' to me.

Plus, all the information about the little girl personally - as I stated before, it wouldn't be hard to find her.

And yes, sexual predators would be the worse, but there are strange people that would take a political stand on this too... who knows what they would do.

You do not expose your child to this sort of risk.
You do not expose your child to this sort of risk.

I wouldn't. You wouldn't.
But most people are naive when it comes to the internet. To the nature of viral videos, and how quickly something sent in an e-mail can suddenly reach the entire world.

And it applies for adults as well. Think about the harassment that poor Asian girl received after the quasi-homos on the bodybuilding website started trashing her. Or the rural married couple who's Myspace pictures were lifted and then mocked worldwide.

So, rather than continue off topic here, I think we're in agreement.
The internet is a creepy place. There are a lot of creepy people and angry people hiding, anonymously in the shadows. I don't think that the parents anticipated the response this story would receive.
So, rather than continue off topic here, I think we're in agreement.
The internet is a creepy place. There are a lot of creepy people and angry people hiding, anonymously in the shadows. I don't think that the parents anticipated the response this story would receive.

But, the parents now know the video has had well over 100,000 hits (heck they can monitor it minute by minute) - and they knew a while ago (6 days ago - when they removed the comment ability on youtube) about the insults and threats made to their little girl - yet, they still leave it up.

So, what would be their (the parents) reason to continue to leave this video up and running? Don't you think it is irresponsible?
This thread has made it very obvious that none of your remember being 12...

I have a younger brother who just turned 12 on the 14th... and trust me I don't take anything a twelve year old says seriously... I call complete BS that Lia wrote that herself...

I proof read an essay for my brother last weekend... my brother is above average as far as grades in his class and he is no where near that articulate... her parents wrote that for her plain and simple.
Only god can judge me, who the :q:q:q:q are you? I have my reasons for not having kids. If you want me to keep my "pecker" in my pants, tell your daughters to stop throwing themselves at every man in uniform who drives a nice car.

I do what works best for me, and you do what works for you!

You hypocritical jerk!!

Do you not realize that by chastising him for judging you, you are judging him!!!

You judge everyone all the time; it is part of human nature. You just get on him for judging you because you don't like the judgement, nevermind that it is clearly accurate given your actions here.
Terds like me are the reason you sleep peacefully every night, I would rather pay for an abortion, than have another fatherless child running around america or worse caught up in the adoption system.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...........

You obviously don't know jack about the "adoption system", and likely couldn't care less about it. I doubt you even looked into it. All that concerned you in this decision was....you.
ecause I would rather wait until I retire to have a child makes me gutless, have you ever been to a foster home? There are millions of kids "caught-up" in the adoption system, and there are millions of couples wanting to have kids, what does that tell you? Just because a kid is sent to a orphanage, doesn't mean they will be adopted.

You clearly don't know anything about the adoption system. Orphanages are rather outdated. If you were responsible and looked into adoption, you would know that many (if not most) adoptions are finalized well before the kid is even born. That is how two of my cousins were adopted. They come out of the womb straight into their adoptive parents arms.

The few kids that end up in orphanages are the worst of the worst, and exceptions, not the norm.

It is exceedingly obvious that you didn't even consider (let alone look into) adoptions. You are a self-centered person who lacks morals. Not too suprising considering you, by your own admission, grew up in a single parent household.

Abortion may be a necessary thing in certian circumstances, but not simply because you were too much of a coward to take responsibility of your own actions.
Would you be as lenient if this was a pro-abortion piece by a 12-year-old girl? You wouldn't wonder about her parents if they had interviews and youtube videos with links to many pro choice sites? I would wonder about their motives. And I would be just as concerned about the attention that a speech on pro choice would bring from right wing crazies who firebomb clinics.

Would there be near as much hate from a "pro-abortion piece by a 12-year-old girl"? Remember, the comments page on youtube was shut down due to liberal "tolerance". the girl was initially disqualified by an "tolerant" liberal school teacher acting as judge. The parents have been indirectly smeared even in this thread by some "tolerant" leftists (or liberal leaning people).

Don't forget, it is liberals who claim to value tolerance and diversity...

The comments page and the disqualification would never have happened if this girl was making a "pro-choice" speech. Schools are dominated by the left and youtube tends to be as well.

The "right wing crazies who firebomb clinics" are very rare and very small part of the conservative constituency. The crazies in support of abortion (under the misnomer of "pro-choice") are the norm for liberal constituents. You are comparing the exception on one side to the norm on the other.

You are effectively mischaracterizing things by comparing the two.
Shagdrum did you ever ask the mom who was carrying the actual baby what she thought of matter?

In reference to what?

You wanna be a part of the debate, you need to stop being vague and be specific.

If you are refering to the mom in the case of my two cousins, both biological parents in both cases had to agree to the adoption and, in both cases, the mother was the one who came to the adoption agency first. The fathers in both instances had to be convinced to sign off on the adoption because they thought that it wasn't the manly (and thus, "responsible) thing to do. A misconception that lincolnx2 (and I imagine much of society) clearly shares.
The comments page and the disqualification would never have happened if this girl was making a "pro-choice" speech. Schools are dominated by the left and youtube tends to be as well.

The "right wing crazies who firebomb clinics" are very rare and very small part of the conservative constituency. The crazies in support of abortion (under the misnomer of "pro-choice") are the norm for liberal constituents. You are comparing the exception on one side to the norm on the other.

They may be small - the 'firebombers' but there is a very vocal, and very active radical anti choice contingency out there shag. They are very well organized, I know, they show up at every political rally where a pro choice candidate appears.

There would have been plenty of 'hate' comments on the youtube video if Lia's speech were pro-choice.. .by that small, but extremely vocal group. They probably would have run the comments into the thousands, quickly just between a dozen or so of them repeatedly posting. It is sort of their MO.

And the crazies are not the 'norm' on the liberal side - that is just silly - both sides have them, both sides live with them.
WTF is the big deal? I know that Shagdrum and Fossten are holier than thou, I know that you guys stand next to God himself, and he personally gave you the authority to Judge man and correct them of all the wrong that they do, OK, got it... noted...

Just let me continue to make decisions that benefit ME, and you do the same.

Shag, please tell me the name of the place that has no children in foster homes, and you are right, they dont have orphanages, they have a bunch of foster homes. When the state gains custody of kids where do they go? they sure as hell dont go to the old lady that bakes cookies everynight, Check reality.
They may be small - the 'firebombers' but there is a very vocal, and very active radical anti choice contingency out there shag. They are very well organized, I know, they show up at every political rally where a pro choice candidate appears.
So political speech in what they clearly believe to be defending innocent life is equivalent to "firebombers."

People like you know full well not only how rare acts of violence among the pro-life/anti-abortion Americans, but also how those isolated, rare acts of violence were met with universal condemnation. Violence is NOT the norm among this group. Violence is never condoned. And to equate a bunch of people with signs who may be praying to a sniper is dishonest and disgusting. You make this weak association in order to discredit their activities and to justify or excuse the behavior of the numerous, violent crazies on the left. Be they from PETA, ELF, or any of the anti-capitalism rioters or peace-niks.

There hasn't been a murder in over a decade, and assaults are nearly as rare. The property damage is more common, a recently a guy drove a car into one, but hardly epidemic. In candor, noting that people honestly and spiritually think there's a holocaust going on, I'm surprised that there is so little violence. These people aren't just protesting policy, they are sincere in their belief that babies are being killed. Despite this intensity, despite there being near 1000 abortion clinics in the country, only a handful have ever been disrupted in the past decades.

And the crazies are not the 'norm' on the liberal side - that is just silly - both sides have them, both sides live with them.
Both sides may have them, the problem is that the crazies are running the asylum on the Democrat side.
WTF is the big deal? I know that Shagdrum and Fossten are holier than thou, I know that you guys stand next to God himself, and he personally gave you the authority to Judge man and correct them of all the wrong that they do, OK, got it... noted...

Just let me continue to make decisions that benefit ME, and you do the same.

Shag, please tell me the name of the place that has no children in foster homes, and you are right, they dont have orphanages, they have a bunch of foster homes. When the state gains custody of kids where do they go? they sure as hell dont go to the old lady that bakes cookies everynight, Check reality.

just a request,
If it's possible,I think it would be financiall ybetter for the country if you'd just off yourself in the near future. You have a pretty good benefit package coming your way and I'm sure at least one woman dumb enough to let you come inside her will keep a kid, so I expect you'll to be a weight around the neck of society long into the future.

But, in keeping with consistency, please arrange your burial ahead of time, as to not leave that for the state as well. Also, if you could get your testicles caught in a combine before hand, that'd be swell too.... thanks!

And without the sarcasm- have you ever considered a vasectomy?
Most people would argue that one time,that MIGHT be a regretable, unfortunate mistake.... but you're using that barbaric act as birth control.
...that part about the combine crushing and taking your testicles... that part was sincere....
So political speech in what they clearly believe to be defending innocent life is equivalent to "firebombers."

People like you know full well not only how rare acts of violence among the pro-life/anti-abortion Americans, but also how those isolated, rare acts of violence were met with universal condemnation. Violence is NOT the norm among this group. Violence is never condoned. And to equate a bunch of people with signs who may be praying to a sniper is dishonest and disgusting.

Don't quite understand the first sentence... but...second part...

I know the people who perpetrate violence against clinics and doctors are fringe people and not the 'norm' - I have stated that many times. This is a 'small' group, heck in my last post twice I referred to them as small...

There hasn't been a murder in over a decade, and assaults are nearly as rare. The property damage is more common, a recently a guy drove a car into one, but hardly epidemic. In candor, noting that people honestly and spiritually think there's a holocaust going on, I'm surprised that there is so little violence. These people aren't just protesting policy, they are sincere in their belief that babies are being killed. Despite this intensity, despite there being near 1000 abortion clinics in the country, only a handful have ever been disrupted in the past decades.

I think the norm on both sides is fairly quiet, and they vote for what they want. The 'norm' on either side doesn't go out and protest, hold up signs and chant. That is the somewhat more 'vocal' side. But then there are extremes - and certainly on the right, that really small, really extreme group commits felonies. I really don't know what the really extreme group on the left does, maybe you have some examples Cal.
just a request,
If it's possible,I think it would be financiall ybetter for the country if you'd just off yourself in the near future. You have a pretty good benefit package coming your way and I'm sure at least one woman dumb enough to let you come inside her will keep a kid, so I expect you'll to be a weight around the neck of society long into the future.

But, in keeping with consistency, please arrange your burial ahead of time, as to not leave that for the state as well. Also, if you could get your testicles caught in a combine before hand, that'd be swell too.... thanks!

And without the sarcasm- have you ever considered a vasectomy?
Most people would argue that one time,that MIGHT be a regretable, unfortunate mistake.... but you're using that barbaric act as birth control.
...that part about the combine crushing and taking your testicles... that part was sincere....

Wow....Try to walk a mile in another man's shoes.......
I know that Shagdrum and Fossten are holier than thou, I know that you guys stand next to God himself, and he personally gave you the authority to Judge man and correct them of all the wrong that they do, OK, got it... noted...

No, it is not that we "stand next to God". It is that we simply have morals; something you clearly lack.

Just let me continue to make decisions that benefit ME, and you do the same.

And that is the problem. If there is a kid in the picture in any way, what benefits you is completely irrelevant! What matters is what benefits the child.

Instead, you are only concerned with yourself. You are a selfish, pathetic excuse for a human being.

Shag, please tell me the name of the place that has no children in foster homes, and you are right, they dont have orphanages, they have a bunch of foster homes. When the state gains custody of kids where do they go? they sure as hell dont go to the old lady that bakes cookies everynight, Check reality.

Yet further misunderstanding of the "adoption system" in this country. It is handled in large part (if not mostly) by the private sector. Private charitable organizations (a lot of churches too) run adoption programs. My cousins were adopted through one. They find pregnant mothers/couples and match them up with married couples wanting to adopt.

Foster homes, etc are, again, the exceptions and the area of last resort. If a parent of a kid is running a meth lab in their basement or something, then SRS comes in and takes the kids who in up in a foster home.

Kids end up in foster homes only due to the irresponsibility, immaturity and narcisissm of the parent. And aborting the kid to avoid responsibility is the most irresponsible, morally reprehensible and narcisistic action of all to take.

You clearly didn't do any research into adoption instead of abortion. While you try to rationalize your actions as "being responsible", it was in no way responsible; it was only selfish.
I think the norm on both sides is fairly quiet, and they vote for what they want.

And that is where you are wrong. The "norm" when it comes to liberal constituents is not at all "quiet". NOW would qualify as part of that "norm" and they are hardly quiet.

And you give yourself away as one of those radicals when you label people as "anti-choice" on this; as you did in post number 67 when you labeled the "firebombers" as having a "radical anti choice" agenda.

While you try to come across as moderate in tone, your terminology and positions give you away.

the "firebombers" agenda has nothing to do with choice and being for or against it here; it is about protecting life. But you buy into terminology (and presumably the talking points that use that terminology) by labeling them as "anti-choice".

NOW is an organization that intentionally perpetuates those radical, dishonest and decietful terms and talking points.

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