Dedicated LVC Member
I stand corrected.
Yeah...?... Who the hell starts a sentence with "yeah", like that?
But, thank you for making my point to kwazy about how the Mark VIII is not a grandapa's car.
And it's an Avatar, not Avitar. adiot... And if you don't get the reference in my avAtar, then you are a real Adiot. I'm surpriZed you can't even spell surprise. How many college degrees do YOU have? 2, like slicky? 4? I'm betting 3, from the way you type. Incidentally, I have no College degrees.
And thank you, I try to be original and have original stuff in my avAtar. Unlike you and your posse who seem to all have your cars in your avAtars.
You read post? Is that the Washington Post? 'Cause I hate to break it to you, there is no "post" here. Just a bunch of threads with postS in them. Well... now that I think of it, there is a post here somewhere... I uploaded a picture of it. But I don't recall any writing on it. And even if there is writing on it, do you forget what's written on the post from day to day?
You're tired? Poor, baby. Go have a nappy nap.
Go somewhere else? I'm "BOTHERING" you? WTF? Have you read about the "ignore" button? Who are you, Jerry Falwell? (If you don't get the reference, then google it).
Good for you! Car knowledge is good. I'm glad to hear you're not (yet) bent out of shape. I'm sure you will be, by the time I'm done with you.
Eh. At least I HAVE one. You...? not so much.
That you have no personality? Possibly. Then again, possibly not. I'm sure that you have a personality. It's just that your personality doesn't mean squat to me.
Damn Frogman....why are you being so mean today? Not enough fiber in the diet??