2000 LS Ball Joints

Ball joints wont cause any acceleration problems or engine noise...will it?
I was leaning toward my problem being ball jonts because of the noise it makes when i turn the steering wheel left and right. But i cannot see how it would also cause the accelration problems. I have it in park and cant rev then engine past 3000 rmps... it starts shaking.
yeh i need some new ball joints does anyone know if he still offer a discount to lvc members
Were you going to bring the whole car in and let them do the work for you? I brought just the arms in with only the ball joints in them. I had taken off the hubs at home. So that might be why it was just $20 a side.

that would be best, not to hard to take off the arms... does take a little maneuvering
i have used these ball joints on my ls and they are great...

replacement however is a pain... so if you plan on doing this make sure you have a good hydraulic press... lots of accessories and alot of patience... once you do the first the second will be a breeze

i used a long 3/4 drive extension to get the right access for the pressing

hope this helps someone

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