3:46 AM pulled over (tinted windows)


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 30, 2008
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so i was driven back from work at 3:46 am and im turning left on a light and i see a car driven back of me pretty fast and next i see lights and its the cops!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! i pull over and the cop comes to me and ask the usually questions lis.ins. i give it to him ...and he goes "your windows are to dark and so is ur plate cover"..im like.."they come like that tinted" so he gives me all this info about tinted windows lesson im like ok ok great great next he goes have a good night ...so yeah i get away from a 75 dollar ticket but yeah i been driven the same streets with my ls for about 5 or so months now and never had been pulled over ..till now and no i'm not taking the tints off ...but yeah share your story's about your tinted windows lol
my buddy got pulled over in the middle of the night for having a cracked windsheild, not to mention the paint ball guns in the back seat. LOL
xxdjdinot1989xx what percent tint do you have on those front windows to get pulled over like that?

Im in the Chicago area too and I have had all my cars tinted and have been pulled over in every car I have owned for tints. My LS had 35% tint all the way around and I got away with it for a while, only been pulled over once, but technically for no front plate and the cop also mentioned the tints.

I want to do 50% tint all around on my new car, but dont know if its worth the hassle of getting pulled over. Especially with the bad economy, I heard cops are trying to make money any way they can for their towns.
At least you dodged the ticket. I don't understand why a petty little thing like window tint warrants pulling someone over. But I've been pulled over for the same thing. Shouldn't cops have something more serious to attend to?
I have been driving for 20 years, all my cars always had tint, got my first tint ticket about 4 months ago, got a loud exhaust ticket a couple of months ago too, also all my cars for the last 20 years were louder than the LS, never any tickets. I say there is more push lately to bring in money.

BTW my tint ticket was $130.00, and the loud exhaust was $50.00

I been pulled over in my previous car for my tint. I forgot my new insurance info at home and had to go back when I was pulled over. The officer came up to the car and asked if I knew why. I told him it was cause my inspection sticker is up and I was on the way to get a new inspection done. He said well no, your tints to dark. I said "bull:q:q:q:q if it is, I got it this way and have owned it this way for a few years now. " He towed my car to impound like a ass hole for not having any insurance info. He said " I believe that you left it at home cause its new info but I dont care, Im towing your car"!

In the end I never got the tint ticket or a ticket/fine for the insurance only the inspection which is f*cked up cause I brought that to his attention, he didnt even notice it. Im sure he just wanted a reason to search a vehicle with tint.
I have had 1 ticket for tint that's too dark on the doors (9%) and 2 for the windshield being completely tinted. Out of the 3 tickets, 2 of them pulled me over for just the tint and nothing else.
Had my tint since last summer and never been pulled over. Mainly cause cops around here have 20% tinting on their own cars...and since I know some guys in the force...I just would tell them if you got a problem with my tint, then I got a problem with your tint...and you'll be hearing from lawyer's unless you let me go. Because if they can't get away with a crime...you sure can.....i :-D
Sure, ok. To bad squad cars are allowed to have the tint cause Cops drive around all day as a career.
I felt like actually seeing about getting a doctor's note or a judge's pass for my tints since I work in a dim room nearly all day that ppl's Xenons hurt my eyes so I had to get tints to cut out alot of the light that's flashing in my eyes. Good enough of an ecuse since it was a business expense.
Why not just call your attorney every time instead?
my attorney doesn't work at 3:46AM :p

haha but yeah I got attorneys for that too...thank god for Pre-Paid legal....only 20bucks a month and I get discounts and free services of lawyers whenever I want....and Identity theft protection for an extra 5
I sure wouldn't want his identity for even one hour of one day!:bowrofl:
HAHAHA you guys are fun!

You'd actually be suprised...I got my bank card jacked by some dude who tried buying car parts online for his Civic...lol.....I got my money back and he was easy to find......HAHAHA good thing I never made purchases in those 2 weeks so it was easy to point out all the ones that weren't mine.
ya same here i was parked in front of a bank waitin for it too open n well a cop comes n pulls right in front of my car n starts givin me :q:q:q:q for my tint n cause i llooked suspicios n he wanted to search my car but he let me go wit warning f***in pigs
I was leavin in my dodge dakota pickup from a friends house about 3:30 am one night. I was about 2 blocks away from my house and I pull on to my street and the cops pulled me over. Tried to shine the flashlight through my back windows and couldnt. Asked me if I did it or if it came like that when i bought it. It did originally come with it on it, but comes to find out it was doubled tinted and you couldnt shine anything though it...so just got a verbal warning to get it removed...but never did...haha!!
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Maybe all LS people should just live here? Seriously the only time ppl get pulled over is heavy speeding (on a clear day) or having illegal lighting like the underglow lights or different color head lights........that's it....you NEVER get pulled over for tinting or exhaust just cause alot of ppl here are escourted in Limos :/
Sounds to me like most of the people on here are getting pulled over for driving very late night/early morning. The tint is just the excuse they used to pull you over.
Tint laws are all out of whack. Half the cops dont even know them correctly. Some/most honestly do believe you may have illegal tint even if your DOT states its not.
i head that when you get pulled over with tinted windows, you should put down your back windows so the cop can see in your car while he's approaching. just makes him feel safer.

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