3:46 AM pulled over (tinted windows)

i head that when you get pulled over with tinted windows, you should put down your back windows so the cop can see in your car while he's approaching. just makes him feel safer.

and/or turn on your interior lights
IMO dont do that. That makes them think you are doing something like stashing something!
IMO dont do that. That makes them think you are doing something like stashing something!

i don't have anything to hide. i was pulled over in my kia 3 years ago. it has 5% all around. the cop said he smelled weed smoke (haven't touched the stuff in almost 10 years) and asked to search the car. so i let him.
i do agree that tint does make it more likely to get pulled over though.
Who cares if you have anything to hide? Why give them something to harass you for? Next thing you know you will be pulled out, humiliated and stuffed in the back of the car till they get done tearing it up for absolutely no reason.

Just be cool and be patient in any scenario, they are trained to handle things correctly no matter what the situation is.
i got pulled over and i don't even have tint's and now hearing all this makes me doubt tinting it as i live near a pretty bad area in toronto though i want to tint it so those punks can't see what i got inside as i park my car outside driveway hmmm (just thought of that lol) I'm TINTING!!
Cops hate tint thats why they pull you over.

Every time a cop pulls a car over they have no idea who they are dealing with.

Dark Tint dosent help them try to guess how many are in the car and what they are doing.
If you had a job and something was making your job harder...you would learn to hate it, and want to change it.
Some major Police depts have a handheld laser device to tell them if your not following the tint laws in your area.
Once a cop pulls you over and you dont fix it, he will pull you over again.
It just a matter of time.
Like I said....cops hate tint.
If your tint is too dark your askin for it.
Still gives them no right to pass and bang a K turn with the lights on just cause they feel your tint is to dark. I can see giving you hell if they need to pull you over otherwise its a crock of sh*t unless you are in violation and as I said it is the DOT that makes up the rules regarding window tint and half the cops dont understand the rules anyway.

I heard about the gauges that measure the amount of light passing but I have yet to see one outside of a higher quality shop.
Those guages only work on operating windows, since it's one device shaped kindof like a "U" that they slip over the glass. You roll down your window part way, and the slip this thing over that measures the transmitted light. There is no way to test the back window. At least, not while parked on the side of the road.
i've been pulled over in coco beach, florida for my tints. was some cop sitting on the side of the road, followed me to my brothers place and as i pulled in he came behind with the lights.

said my tint was too dark, pulled out this little device that reads the tint level, and wah-la, it was legal. bought the cheapest tint the shop had which was also the lightest.

seriously, there has to be something more useful to do with their time than pull someone over for tints. all the people that speed and eat lights, but they will pull you over for dark windows???
Still gives them no right to pass and bang a K turn with the lights on just cause they feel your tint is to dark. I can see giving you hell if they need to pull you over otherwise its a crock of sh*t unless you are in violation and as I said it is the DOT that makes up the rules regarding window tint and half the cops dont understand the rules anyway.

I heard about the gauges that measure the amount of light passing but I have yet to see one outside of a higher quality shop.

They never need a reason and they feel they always have the right.
Its not fair but that is the way it is.
They might pull you over because the old lady wouldnt give it up last night.
If they find something they can always make up a reason why they pulled you over...they do it all the time.
Most of the old timers wont waste the time you have to be doing something stupid for a old cop to bust you, but the young bucks are always looking for a reason to pull you over.
They see your tint they are going to pull you over its that simple.
I agree, Im just saying its a crock and people including both violators and law enforcement need to touch base with the actual laws regarding tint.!
Basically if you ever "ride dirty" it is a really bad idea to have illegel tints. By illegal I mean by not exactly following the state laws. Cops see people breaking the law all the time while driving, but if you are a young guy driving a tinted out lincoln they basically assume they can catch you doing something stupid like drinking and driving or carrying weed. (uh a guy I know got in trouble :shifty: ) I follow the law now almost to a T.....traffic stuff is too dangerous. My old man is a lawyer and he said to me once that a very high percentage of arrests are made during traffic stops... I would love to have 20 or 5% all the way around, but I only have the back window tinted because that is whats legal in Jersey unless you drive a commercial vehicle. I cant get any more tickets and since I took the tint off I dont.
You are allowed both rear passenger windows and the rear window itself in any % here in NJ.
here in IL i guess the law says you can have as dark as you want tints on the back windows only 0 % on the front windows..but my front are pretty light my back are way way darker then the front im not sure how much percent it is but yeah he told me to take mine off too but im not and he gave me :q:q:q:q for my tint lis. plate cover..but yeah i understand why they would be careful with a car with tints i would too but what ever i just sat and listened to what he told me i didn't act like an ass to him so maybe that's why i get away from a ticket
by the way i hear some story's that if a eye doc writes you a note or something that your eyes cant handle to much light you can get away with 5% tints is that true
People got it for eyes, skin and even sinuses.

One thing no one understands even the Police, especially the police is that you can not visually tell what percentage of light passes. They assume cause its dark enough to where they can barely see you its dark enough to let less than 70% in which is the limit in most states if any.

Most states require some kind of sticker or something stating that your car is legally allowed darker tint.
i drove a blue car so i had a blue license plate cover on. i was stopped and told to take it off. so i did. i then put on a clear one. i was pulled over again and was told to take it off cause the glare makes it hard to read the plate.
but the state issued these types of plates...
Toronto ain't gonna get you bad...just don't do anything suspicious like driving crazy or driving at 2-5 in the morning......he'll suspect you been drinkin..but give the tinting as an excuse....
same in london canada don't fcuk up the driving an they not say anything or bug you
Having tints on your car is just inviting the cops to pull you over. I have 20% all around including the sunroof and windshield. Just be prepared to be pulled over and don't cry like a little girl. You knew it was illegal when you did it. And every state has some type of tint law, every state varies also. And if you know your exact tint laws in your state you might be able to get out of some tickets. If they are gonna write you a ticket and it is legal to have tint make sure they have their tint gauge with themwhen they write the ticket. Just like the loud exhaust I hear about on here. Find out what the noise pollution law is in your state and see if it includes a DB number. If it does and the cop writes you a ticket for any noise pollution without a DB measurement. Then you can easily fight and win that ticket.
Tint laws always bothered me, I understand they would like to see into your vehicle when they approch, but it is your property and you don't have to let people see whats inside.

I realize the windshield and would never argue that, it could become a saftey risk if it were completely tinted.

The back and sides though should not matter as you roll your window down for the cops anyway. Once they have probable cause then they have the right to see into your car, but until they do. You are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

I sold cars for a while, and I believe every new Tahoe and Suburban, even Trailblazer I sold or saw had tint on the windows. Which makes me wonder why SUV's have tint from the factoy but most cars are sold with none.

anyway... I feel Tint laws are BS
Its like the supposed HID law. If its factory it is legal.

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