A Gun-Nut Win On Health Reform

Whom did I elect in 2006 again? Fox, your 'tu quoque' is weak and won't work. Obama has set a new standard and you know it. If that's your best argument, I may have to reduce your grade to a semi-solid C+.

Unless you actually voted for Clinton (and somehow I doubt that) - every other administration has spent more then they took in - Did you vote for Ronnie? Did you vote for Bush 1? Did you vote in 2000 for Bush II?

Listen to yourself. Obsess much? I'm sorry you're so 'sad'. As I said a long time ago back when you were flirting with me - I'M SPOKEN FOR. You'll find somebody someday, fox. Just keep looking. I suggest internet dating, that way you don't have to send a real picture. :rolleyes:
You're too obtuse to understand mockery. Ah, well, the joke's on you and Obama. At least you have the Ayn Rand thing down. :rolleyes:

So, you actually took 'angling for an apple - teach' as a sincere statement? Well, I certainly can't improve on Kevin Kelly's words regarding your untouchable level of obtuseness (plus it is a great opportunity to use a fabulous quote ;) ).
"The audience waits in a kind of hebetudinous fixation, perhaps astonished at the perfectly sustained level of mediocrity."
Unless you actually voted for Clinton (and somehow I doubt that) - every other administration has spent more then they took in - Did you vote for Ronnie? Did you vote for Bush 1? Did you vote in 2000 for Bush II?
Tsk tsk, fox, once again you throw out the red herring. Now you're down to a C-.

Was too young to vote for Reagan and Bush I, sorry. Showing your age again, fox, heh heh.

I never once voted for a Fascist administration.. That's the difference between you and me.

So, you actually took 'angling for an apple - teach' as a sincere statement? Well, I certainly can't improve on Kevin Kelly's words regarding your untouchable level of obtuseness (plus it is a great opportunity to use a fabulous quote ;) ).
"The audience waits in a kind of hebetudinous fixation, perhaps astonished at the perfectly sustained level of mediocrity."
Oh, that's cute. For a minute there I was afraid you were going to use the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense.

Oh, wait...:rolleyes:

How pathetic.
So, you voted for Bush II, correct? At least in 2000, options were slim...
So, you voted for Bush II, correct? At least in 2000, options were slim...
Take your Alinsky tactics somewhere else. We're only having one conversation. Your boy is and will be the biggest spender in US history. You know it and you can't defend it, so you try to distract from the issue. You rarely engage in topics about Obama, mainly because you openly admitted that you helped him get elected. Guess what - you'll be left holding the bag when he jets off to Hawaii to retire after decimating our economy. You'll be eligible for Medicare before too long, right?

Sorry you miss the halcyon days of Bubba, but your lefty Fascist Presbo is going to turn America into a Third World Country. And then his 'prestige' will be gone. He hasn't thought that part through very well. But then again, liberals typically don't.

Since you're all over the place with red herrings, let me ask you a question:

Why do you hate prosperity so much?
Take your Alinsky tactics somewhere else. We're only having one conversation. Your boy is and will be the biggest spender in US history. You know it and you can't defend it, so you try to distract from the issue.

Sorry you miss the halcyon days of Bubba, but your lefty Fascist Presbo is going to turn America into a Third World Country. And then his 'prestige' will be gone. He hasn't thought that part through very well. But then again, liberals typically don't.

Since you're all over the place with red herrings, let me ask you a question:

Why do you hate prosperity so much?
Can't answer a direct question? In good faith I will answer your direct question. No doubt then you can answer mine regarding who you voted for in 2000. In fact I will even tell you who I voted for...Gore. So see, it isn't that hard.. you can do it Foss.

I love prosperity - I make much more money if the US is experiencing prosperous times. I am a capitalist, I like it when I have more money.
Can't answer a direct question? In good faith I will answer your direct question. No doubt then you can answer mine regarding who you voted for in 2000. In fact I will even tell you who I voted for...Gore. So see, it isn't that hard.. you can do it Foss.

I love prosperity - I make much more money if the US is experiencing prosperous times. I am a capitalist, I like it when I have more money.
So you voted for an absolute, certifiable lunatic.

You're not a capitalist, fox, sorry to break it to you. You're a STATIST. Yes, it's all about you. But when it comes to allowing the rest of the country to experience prosperity, you vote no. Freedom and prosperity for me, but not for thee, right? :rolleyes:
You're not a capitalist, fox, sorry to break it to you. You're a STATIST.

Not to interrupt...but that is an important point.
Foxpaws, why don't you explain what you mean when you say that you're a capitalist. You say it frequently as a defense, but we all know that it's a term that is actually quite ill-defined and void of a specific meaning.
So you voted for an absolute, certifiable lunatic.

You're not a capitalist, fox, sorry to break it to you. You're a STATIST. Yes, it's all about you. But when it comes to allowing the rest of the country to experience prosperity, you vote no. Freedom and prosperity for me, but not for thee, right? :rolleyes:

So, Foss - did you even vote for president in 2000? Who?
So, Foss - did you even vote for president in 2000? Who?
Zzzzz...fox, you're so boring and transparent. You're like the little child with its hand in the cookie jar grasping a cookie - unable to withdraw your hand while your fist is clenched, but unwilling to let go of the cookie in order to do so.

Zzzzz...fox, you're so boring and transparent. You're like the little child with its hand in the cookie jar grasping a cookie - unable to withdraw your hand while your fist is clenched, but unwilling to let go of the cookie in order to do so.


Why are you unwilling to state who you voted for in the 2000 presidential election? I will gladly state who I voted for in every election I have voted in. We are on a political forum, your politics are judged by who you vote for. You brought up the fact you haven't voted for a fascist regime, but how can we judge unless you tell us who you have voted for. Did you vote for Bush in 2000, or did you vote at all in 2000?
Why are you unwilling to state who you voted for in the 2000 presidential election? I will gladly state who I voted for in every election I have voted in. We are on a political forum, your politics are judged by who you vote for. You brought up the fact you haven't voted for a fascist regime, but how can we judge unless you tell us who you have voted for. Did you vote for Bush in 2000, or did you vote at all in 2000?
I voted for Bush.

Your politics aren't judged solely by whom you voted for, it's also judged by your statements.

And you're no capitalist.
Capitalism is when you use money as an investment to make more money as opposed to just spending it on living expenses and indulgences like vacations, clothes, restaurants and non business travel.

We all like having and spending money.
It's keeping it or making more of it from it that's the challenging part.
Capitalism is when you use money as an investment to make more money as opposed to just spending it on living expenses and indulgences like vacations, clothes, restaurants and non business travel.

We all like having and spending money.
It's keeping it or making more of it from it that's the challenging part.
Wrong. But I'm more interested in Faux Pas' definition.

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