Accepting 2014 LVC LS Calendar Entries!!!!

I didn't get that he called you a cheater either xford, he was actually telling you that photoshopping your wheel to show the face of it would be ok in his book, at least that's how I took it.
IMO you guys are missing the bigger point. Its my submission and picture not anyone else's. I like the way the wheel sits and placed it that way on purpose. I would simply think you enter a photo and people vote for it if they like it or chose another entry they like better.

Personally, if a entrant feels they need feedback I like when they post another thread with multiple photos and do a poll - I always participate in those and typically think the group picks the best one.

Additionally, I took G's comment as I Photoshopped my submission and based on the Shifty eye icon he meant I was shady. Maybe I am wrong but that's how I took it and I think many others would as well.

Regardless, this thread should be about entries and not about this. In hindsight I should have just sent a PM to Rollin to remove the entry.
I think GRELL was referring to the prior conversation about what can, and cant, be photoshopped in a calendar submission. He was simply stating that you were able to photoshop the wheel the other way and still be within the rules. The rules are there so someone cant shop a body kit and aftermarket wheels etc. I love the picture and would love to see it for 30 days next year.
Xford... as others mentioned above...I meant nothing negative nor any ill feelings toward you or your car....In fact, just the opposite, THat your car is deserving enough to bend any rules set. But I agree, In this thread, no comments or opinions are needed. Your LS (and you as a member) is well deserving (and much more) of a calender spot, despite something as trivial as a wheel direction.

On a more personal note. Your contribution to this site and its members has been remarkable. Its been an honor to say we have members like you still on this site, Helping when and where ever you can. Your LS is and will ALWAYS be a favorite of mine. My apologizes if my comment was miscommunicated. It certainly wasn't my attention. Although I understand your frustrations with the site lately (i've expressed my frustrations lately), I hope to see you stick around....

Again my apologizes !!!
Last year I was allowed to submit one picture per LS owner so plan to do the same this year. Here's the red LSE.

Weather was kinda crappy here for pictures today, but I think this is the best one we got - so here's my entry for this year

Here is my from my cell, dont have my comp right now but if anything i have the correct size on my camera

Woah HDDave. I thought you died or something haha. Haven't seen your name around a lot lately. That reliability of that new 06 must give you no reason to be here or something. Haha
Could have been better but could have been worse. :/ To my untrained eye, this will suffice given my time constraint and laziness.


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