"Addicted to 9/11"

Katshot said:
If you really think that we can actually stop a terrorist event from happening, you're kidding yourself and proving how little you know about the issue. A nuclear device would be quite a bit "harder" to smuggle in than most other WMD's but trust me it IS possible.
If you want to live your life in a box, have at it. Hey you install your panic room/bomb shelter yet?
Make no mistake, you're the one kidding yourself due to your ignorance. When you constantly attack and overwhelm your enemy in a war, they don't have the time, resources, and capabilities to attack you in a meaningful way. To let up is to invite another attack. It's very funny that you question me if I've bought a bomb shelter yet since I believe that Bush's way lessens the likelihood of an attack here at home. You on the other hand subscribe to the Kerry doctrine that greatly increases the probability of a major catastrophe. So if anyone should buy a shelter it's you. But I forgot, you don't want to think about it. argue2
Kbob said:
When you constantly attack and overwhelm your enemy in a war, they don't have the time, resources, and capabilities to attack you in a meaningful way.

And just what enemy do you suppose to attack? Where would you attack them? You forget that Terrorism is an ideal, not an actual entity. So basically ANYBODY, ANYWHERE can be a terrorist. Just how do you suppose to fight this battle? Oh that's right, you're a Bush fan. So as long as you label someone a terrorist, or say they have something to do with terrorists and then start pissing a lot of money away on hurting them, you're fighting the good fight. :rolleyes:
You obviously don't see what a bunch of sheep all you Bush supporters are. Bush waves an American flag and claims someone is a threat to our freedom, and you all go running off to fight his battle without a thought. It's a shame that so many of our true heros (our military personnel) have had to pay for your ignorance and Bushes arrogance.
Katshot said:
And just what enemy do you suppose to attack? Where would you attack them? You forget that Terrorism is an ideal, not an actual entity. So basically ANYBODY, ANYWHERE can be a terrorist. Just how do you suppose to fight this battle? Oh that's right, you're a Bush fan. So as long as you label someone a terrorist, or say they have something to do with terrorists and then start pissing a lot of money away on hurting them, you're fighting the good fight. :rolleyes:
You obviously don't see what a bunch of sheep all you Bush supporters are. Bush waves an American flag and claims someone is a threat to our freedom, and you all go running off to fight his battle without a thought. It's a shame that so many of our true heros (our military personnel) have had to pay for your ignorance and Bushes arrogance.

If GW could really have his way, it would be "Shoot them all, let MY GOD sort them out."
Katshot said:
And just what enemy do you suppose to attack? Where would you attack them? You forget that Terrorism is an ideal, not an actual entity. So basically ANYBODY, ANYWHERE can be a terrorist. Just how do you suppose to fight this battle?
I realize this is a probably a foreign term to you (j/k) but the greatest tool to find out who is or isn't an enemy of the U.S. is "intelligence". Even Kerry agrees (at least for the moment) we need more and better intelligence. And where should we be fighting these terrorists? Right now it's obviously Iraq, regardless if you believe it was right to go there in the first place or not. But why acknowledge the obvious when we should all just submit to the inevitable and enjoy our last meal before our execution (metaphorically speaking of course). Kerry has his sheep too, only he's leading you to slaughter.
You're funny.
Intelligence huh? Like the intelligence that told us we needed to invade Iraq? No, sorry, what we need is some common sense in government and I don't see that happening anytime soon. We have tried to substitute for common sense with an endless array of policies, regulations and laws. We make appointments and form committees to study all kinds of crap. We've spent millions, no sorry BILLIONS on this crap for years and still we can't manage to do better than 40% accuracy of finding weapons at one of the busiest airports in the country. We still aren't inspecting more than a tiny percentage of all cargo containers coming in to the country from who knows where. I PERSONALLY know how easy it is to bring items into the country without anyone knowing because I used to work on both sides of the Mexican/American border.
If we're significantly more secure now than we were prior to 9/11, I'd have to conclude that virtually ANYONE could have downed the World Trade Center. The government has no clue what's up half the time. They're so disorganized they spend half their time (and most of our tax dollars) chasing their own tails. How 'bout spending millions on a light armoured vehicle that can be quickly and easily transported anywhere via helicopter, only to find out once they have them that they're too heavy and too large for the helicopters! Can you say STUPID?
Sorry, you're depending too much on the government for your safety. You're starting to sound like a DEMOCRAT!!
This argument keeps moving further and further into the stupid range. Don't count on the government to protect me? Then what is the military for then? A strong defense has been a staple of the Republican platform for a long long time now, and trying to portray it as Democratic is downright ridiculous, along with anyone that thinks that was some kind of a knock-out punch. Why are you against more and better intelligence when the left in general claims that the failure in intelligence allowed the attack on 9/11 to occur? And you brought up Iraq, so I guess you think what we got is sufficient? If nothing else those 2 instances should tell you we're behind the curve on intelligence. You offer no rational alternative but a doctrine of ignore and react that is doomed to failure. Another big attack and our whole way of life is toast and you're just fooling yourself if you actually believe otherwise.
Kbob said:
Another big attack and our whole way of life is toast and you're just fooling yourself if you actually believe otherwise.

Dude, you sound like chicken little! I'm beginning to think that you're hoping for something major to happen just so you can say "I told you so". Not sure how old you are but we lived through the Cuban missle crisis a long time ago, and believe me, THAT was a REAL threat. The vast majority of the terrorist threat was exaggerated but thatnks to Bush it IS getting worse. Hell, if it wasn't for him, I think we'd be safer. He's painted bull's eyes on all of us.
Katshot said:
Dude, you sound like chicken little! I'm beginning to think that you're hoping for something major to happen just so you can say "I told you so". Not sure how old you are but we lived through the Cuban missle crisis a long time ago, and believe me, THAT was a REAL threat. The vast majority of the terrorist threat was exaggerated but thatnks to Bush it IS getting worse. Hell, if it wasn't for him, I think we'd be safer. He's painted bull's eyes on all of us.
I resent that accusation and nothing could be further from the truth. If I remind you of chicken little, you remind me of the captain of the Titanic: "Enjoy yourselves! Full steam ahead! Nothing can sink us!" I'm not old enough to remember that firsthand, though, but hopefully you won't hold that against me too. And that bull's eye has been on us for a long time. I know your opinion about Bush, and my opinion is that Kerry will likely make that bull's eye even bigger.
It's not that I hold your age against you, I'm just using it to point out that you aren't old enough to remember when this country faced REAL threats. You and others like you are so easily mislead by Bush into thinking that terrorists are all around you and somehow a war in Iraq is going to help keep you safe. It's actually done quite the opposite, but you want to play that down. The war in a Iraq was and is a huge mistake. One that has led our country into a very precarious position in the world. It's also building the largest deficit in history. Bush spends money like he's got a money tree in the rose garden of the White House! And all in the name of global security from terrorism. What a crock! And you all buy into it hook, line, and sinker.
Katshot said:
It's not that I hold your age against you, I'm just using it to point out that you aren't old enough to remember when this country faced REAL threats. You and others like you are so easily mislead by Bush into thinking that terrorists are all around you and somehow a war in Iraq is going to help keep you safe. It's actually done quite the opposite, but you want to play that down. The war in a Iraq was and is a huge mistake. One that has led our country into a very precarious position in the world. It's also building the largest deficit in history. Bush spends money like he's got a money tree in the rose garden of the White House! And all in the name of global security from terrorism. What a crock! And you all buy into it hook, line, and sinker.
i think that the point is getting so very missed it isnt funny. the point is something is coming from somewhere at sometime no doubt. bush isnt going to stop or facilitate its coming neither is kerry. now we need to pick a man who is going to a: act on what happens b: clean up the mess. and lets forget about chicken little if we want to think about fairy tales here lets consider for a moment the boy who cryed wolf all the crying about this terrorist stuff from the media has made so many people so tired of hearing it that when a credable threat does come we are gonna get smacked because no one believes it is real. as for real threats the cuban missle crisis was very real for the 60s and 70s the U.S.S.R. was a very real threat in the 80s dont you remember all the fear of the bomb? yes we have a big red target placed on all of us but George Bush didnt paint it and John Kerry wont erase it. like that Billy Joel song We Didnt Start The Fire. all this sh@$ is like the daylight it is coming it will burn you if you dont prepare for it but it is coming and noone can stop it. :eek:
The point WAS (as was pointed out by Thomas Friedman in his article) that we are being lead into a mindset by the Bush administration that is VERY unhealthy for the American people as a whole. We ALL need to understand that it is happening and stop it. We NEED to adopt a proper mindset which allows for us to be vigilant for, yet not obsessed with terrorism. We were turned into a country of victims by the attack on 9/11 and that is only because we let it happen. We have to understand that it was our own complacency that allowed it to happen. It should have been a wake-up call but was somehow turned into a battle cry instead. I believe that it has even been turned into a tool of sorts by the Bush administration to further their own agenda, and it makes me angry. Angry that it happened, and angry that so many Americans can't see it. It just shows how easily we, as a people can be "programmed" by a single entity. It's like Jim Jones times a million! All you Bush fans fail to see that he's feeding you Cool-Aid and you're taking it with a smile.
Katshot said:
It's not that I hold your age against you, I'm just using it to point out that you aren't old enough to remember when this country faced REAL threats. You and others like you are so easily mislead by Bush into thinking that terrorists are all around you and somehow a war in Iraq is going to help keep you safe. It's actually done quite the opposite, but you want to play that down. The war in a Iraq was and is a huge mistake. One that has led our country into a very precarious position in the world. It's also building the largest deficit in history. Bush spends money like he's got a money tree in the rose garden of the White House! And all in the name of global security from terrorism. What a crock! And you all buy into it hook, line, and sinker.
As I've said, I know what your OPINION is, but don't try to play it as fact. You're just saying the same thing over and over, but I didn't start this thread and I'm not about to let you have the last word on this issue. And I don't appreciate that you think you're somehow wiser than me being perhaps a few years older than me. 2 of my older brothers and 1 of my older sisters got married at an early age because of pregnancy. All 3 marriages ended badly. I didn't have to go through that mess to understand that I needed to take some precautions. By the way, 2 of them are probably older than you, so you can see that their age may have been a detriment :N . And for the record, Kennedy played hardball with the Soviets during that crisis, he didn't pussy-foot around like Kerry will probably do and like you would have us do. Save your lectures bro, cause I'm not easily swayed or "lead astray". I don't believe what I believe because Bush says so. I believe what I do because I look at the situation and make my own conclusion. I don't like you portraying me as someone who believes there's a terrorist behind every corner either, cause I do have a life that I greatly enjoy. Football season is on and OU is doing great; deer season is here and it should be a record harvest and hopefully I'll get 2 this year; I'm going to see my oldest daughter play in the high school band at half time tonight at her schools football game; afterwards I'll go to the fitness club and work out; tomorrow night my wife and I are going to see the Gaithers in concert; Saturday I'll go to my other 2 daughters' soccer games and then watch the 2nd half of OU vs. Kansas on tv (should be a blow-out); that night I may take my wife out to eat and see a movie.

I'll attempt to explain where the threat is. It's not just terrorism that is a problem, it's well-funded terrorist organizations that are the main threat. You've pointed out that a lot of small groups and even individuals can cause havoc, but I'm not worried about those. These terrorist organizations are mainly state-sponsored. I know full well what you're thinking now: "Kbob wants us to invade other countries too, and it'll be a blood bath!!! They're all lunatics!!!" But that is not the case. I don't wish to repeat the situation in Iraq, and neither does anyone else, including Bush (you of course will disagree with that). But just like you pointed out in the Cuban missile crisis, playing hardball works, and there are lots of ways to play hardball. And like Neville Chamberlain showed us at the beginning of WWII, appeasement usually does not work, although I realize it should be looked at case by case.

I know you think going into Iraq was a mistake. I agree that there have been mistakes made in Iraq, but I'm withholding judgment on whether or not it was right or wrong until there is a clearer outcome, one way or the other. I still believe that it could turn out advantageously. These are all opinions, and if you want to go another round, then let's get it on.
Not gonna let me get the last word in huh? :N
I wasn't trying to say that I'm "wiser" than you at all, and certainly not because I'm older than you. Actually, we're probably about the same age. My youngest is a senior in high-school too. I'm just used to your mentality being more common in a young person, possibly a Gen-X'r. They have no idea about this whole thing since they have no experience to draw on. There have been no actual wars during their lives. They don't remember air-raid drills, or being in school and having to hide under your desk during an air-raid. I was pretty young but I remember them. And I remember the mindset of the country during those times. Most of the younger people (under 40 for example) these days are a bunch of whiners that think everyone owes them and they don't have a clue about values we grew up with like pride in doing a job right, or working for a goal vs. trying to find a short-cut. About Honor and devotion. Try to get a 20 or 30 year old to do something just because they said they would. The whole idea of being a man of your WORD is a joke to them. Now it's all about the bottom line, whether you win or lose, not how you play the game.
Sorry, getting off on a tangent. :rolleyes:
Yes, you're right, I AM repeating myself so it's time to let this die. Bottom line: If Bush wins another 4 years, I hope you're right, and if Kerry wins, I hope you're wrong. Have a great weekend with your family.
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Katshot said:
Bottom line: If Bush wins another 4 years, I hope you're right, and if Kerry wins, I hope you're wrong. Have a great weekend with your family.
To be honest, I don't think I'm as worried about Kerry being president as I think you are about Bush being president. If another big attack did occur under Kerry, he'd be like the president in "The West Wing" and he'd bomb the heck out of whoever was responsible. ;)

Ditto on your weekend and :Beer
Katshot said:
I wasn't trying to say that I'm "wiser" than you at all, and certainly not because I'm older than you. Actually, we're probably about the same age. My youngest is a senior in high-school too. I'm just used to your mentality being more common in a young person, possibly a Gen-X'r. They have no idea about this whole thing since they have no experience to draw on. There have been no actual wars during their lives. They don't remember air-raid drills, or being in school and having to hide under your desk during an air-raid. I was pretty young but I remember them. And I remember the mindset of the country during those times. Most of the younger people (under 40 for example) these days are a bunch of whiners that think everyone owes them and they don't have a clue about values we grew up with like pride in doing a job right, or working for a goal vs. trying to find a short-cut. About Honor and devotion. Try to get a 20 or 30 year old to do something just because they said they would. The whole idea of being a man of your WORD is a joke to them. Now it's all about the bottom line, whether you win or lose, not how you play the game.

I'm so damn sick to death of some of the baby-boomers constantly whining about my generation (Gen-X)) and the subsequent (Gen-Y) generation not being responsible, not having a strong work ethic, etc...
I am and have always been a genuine, hard-working andRESPONSIBLE (I.E. MAN-OF-MY-WORD) human for the past 33 years I have been on this Earth! For your information:
A) Baby Boomers with their "Free-love" and "If It Feels Good Do It" attitudes of the 1960 and 70's are responsible for great tragedies such as the AIDS/HIV crisis from the 1980's to today.( At least partially,anyways.)
B) Baby Boomers are primarily the parents of these Gen-X and Y 20-30 year-olds (and guess what? THE APPLE USUALLY DOES NOT FALL FROM THE TREE DOES IT?) with all of this "new-wave" psychological tough-love, time-out B.S. parenting( I actually believe it was sometime in the early 1980's was when slapping/spanking your child went from a disciplinary action to child abuse.) was exploding across the country. Why do you think kids have no sense of respect for any adult today, thank you.
C) And my final big point on baby-boomers is: Y'all are the biggest HYPOCRITES I have ever seen! When you were in your teen's and twentie's you were so gonna change the world and live in such unity and equality and nobody would have to worry about anything because this world would be such a F*****g utopia and there would be no wars, blah,blah,blah--
YAP,YAP,YAP, and the world would drink their f*****g little coca-colas and harmony would be the standard of the world.......WHAT THE F**K HAPPENED?!? HUH?!?
I may never have had to worry about air-raids growing up in the 1970's and 80's, but, I"ve had MORE than my share of earthquake drills, tornado warnings, seen more drive-by's and senseless act of violence in my days so much that I NEVER WANT CHILDREN TO RAISE UP IN THIS F*****D-UP MESS OF A WORLD WE LIVE IN TODAY! And finally, the urban epidemic of gang violence of the 1980's and 1990's seems like nothing but a gentile lullaby compared to today. I and other responsible (born after 1965) members of society today take high offense at crass and obviously unfounded statements that were made in the quote above. Hey buddy, I may not have much, but damnit I busted my ass wide open to get what I do have, just because YOU see 20-30 year-olds as crap, dosen't mean we are, and remember, us children are the products of our parents.

(I also must state I do not disrespect all of those in the baby-boomer generation, just when someone make ignorant statements such as what's been quoted above. And even then I do not disrespect but, will make my opinion abundantly clear!) (ps my closest Friend was born in 1951! and a Boomer if I ever saw one:) ) (Think before you speak, others are watching...)
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Again, I mean no disrespect, to anyone. I was raised to understand that you get in life what you work for to achieve, and those statements HIGHLY offended me not only as one of the people in the group mentioned, but also as a man,in general and the sense of who I am in this world felt assaulted by those carelessly planned statements.
I was also raised up to stand up for myself and others when I feel I and others are being targeted as a member of a group, especially when false generalizations are made.
(No hard feelings here, ) Thank You.
*Please forgive the vulgar language in above thread.*
( My parents raised me to be a gentleman. My parents also did a pretty damn good job, and they were Boomers,too)
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Katshot said:
And just what enemy do you suppose to attack? Where would you attack them? You forget that Terrorism is an ideal, not an actual entity. So basically ANYBODY, ANYWHERE can be a terrorist. Just how do you suppose to fight this battle?

WHAT IS YOUR PLAN? If you are a sheep of the Kerry Klan like I suspect you are, I know you don't have one. Just like your master doesn't have one.

For the record, I'm 36. I'll get out of the way now.
MonsterMark said:
You are wise beyond your years, young Skywalker!
Unfortunately, I'm balding beyond my years as well, lol! I'm sure there are some who wonder which Skywalker I am. I'll keep 'em guessing.
Man, I have a full head of hair and I haven't had a hair cut in 6 months. I think Joey saw me last so I think he knows how long it must be.

My Mrs. is P.O'ed about me growing long hair so I went to my "hottie" hair dresser and had her do a 'trim'. She basically washed my hair and gave me a nice head massage. LOL. But I got a receipt.

I figure by next month I will be able to do a nice Steven Segal pony tail, (no, I'm not gay). Fa la la la la.

I haven't had hair this long in over 20 years. YeeHaa.

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