"Addicted to 9/11"

Randeaux said:
Again, I mean no disrespect, to anyone. I was raised to understand that you get in life what you work for to achieve, and those statements HIGHLY offended me not only as one of the people in the group mentioned, but also as a man,in general and the sense of who I am in this world felt assaulted by those carelessly planned statements.
I was also raised up to stand up for myself and others when I feel I and others are being targeted as a member of a group, especially when false generalizations are made.
(No hard feelings here, ) Thank You.
*Please forgive the vulgar language in above thread.*
( My parents raised me to be a gentleman. My parents also did a pretty damn good job, and they were Boomers,too)

Obviously, not EVERY Gen-X or Gen-Y'r is a lazy, disrespectful, whiner but whether you like it or not, MOST ARE. Your statements are proving my point in a way too. All I see is you trying to blame others for situations you are in. Quit whining and DO something about it. Blame your parents for who you are today? Sure, that's easy I guess. Problem is, that just isn't right. I know plenty of great people that came from terrible homes, and vice versa. Your parents surely have been an influence but they are hardly responsible for you being a self-centered ass, or a giving, caring saint of a person. That's in YOU. YOU make that choice for youself. It disgusts my when I read about some guy that tortures and kills a woman and then when he's caught, everyone starts talking about how he had a tough childhood. Screw that, FRY THE BASTARD!

OH, and BTW, I've got a full head of hair too. :biggrin:
Actually, Katshot, it would appear that you're as guilty of what you accused Randeaux of doing. You're reminding him of how Gen-x'ers blame everyone else (e.g. their parents) for the situation that they're in today. Meanwhile, you're actively blaming Gen-X'ers for the situation today as well. Seems to me that you're slingin a lot of rocks in that glass house of yours.

I agree that this pattern of behavior involving blaming everyone but themselves has seemingly become more rampant in recent years, but Gen-X'ers aren't the only ones engaged in it, as is evidenced by your own point of view.

The simple point is this: You're living in today's society too, thus you're just as responsible as anyone else..........including Gen-X'ers. Actually, that's another thing that irritates the hell out of me........Why do we have to deliniate ourselves into such individualized categories? Today, we have Gen-X'ers, Baby Boomers, Gen-Y'ers, Free Lovers, African-Americans, Irish-Americans, Asian-Americans, Gay-Americans, unionized-Americans, etc, etc, etc. This is the reason we can't get anything accomplished in this country anymore. We all want to individualize ourselves to whatever "group" we want to be identified with, so that we all feel like segregated, special, little 'snowflakes', which is a massive load of fertilizer. Whatever happened to being a part of that other group simply called "Americans"? We have, all of us, actively made efforts to separate ourselves from each other in this country, and then we wonder why we don't know each other, nor can get along on anything anymore............gee, I wonder why.

We create these walls, or lines of distinction, because we want special attention to be paid to our particular interest. This is the basis of special interest lobbyists that have perverted our system of government to this degree that it has become. Also, don't think our government is going to do anything about this problem, as it has no vested interest in doing so. Simply put, the concensus in our federal government appears to be that if the rest of the nation is bickering over every little thing (e.g. generation names and blames), then as a whole we become incapable of achieving what those in government fear most...............change. If this country was able to act as a nation again, our government may actually have to become somewhat effective, as each elected official would actually have to fear his or her own constituency because they know they can be eliminated for not doing the job properly. Currently, all a politician has to do is pull the right lie out of his or her briefcase to quell whatever concerns each rally they go to has. If they have a luncheon with the beekeepers association of America, then you can guarantee that they'll say whatever it takes to make those people believe that their hobby and livlihood is protected before all others. That's crap, plain and simple. If those beekeepers stopped them in their lies, and said "Well, that's all fine and good that you're going to see that honey isn't taxed as much, but can you tell us what you're going to do for the rest of our neighbors and fellow citizens, in detail?" I'm quite certain that they'd have to start to stick to a plan, as every individual group would hold them to the plan that benefits the whole, not just every little group.

I have no issue with individualized interests, and I believe that individual interests and rights should be protected and fostered. But I don't believe that individual interests should be placed before the needs of a nation, but that has become how our country is run, and it will eventually be the cause of our demise, governmentally speaking.

Anyway, to sum up, you're both guilty of blaming when everyone is at fault. The culpability of the state this nation is in rests on every person calling themselves a citizen of this country, and that's the way it should be. If we, as a nation, realized this simple little point, we'd probably be able to interact better, and possibly make changes that would improve things dramatically.

I know, I'll get blasted for my point of view, but I have spent my life watching human behavior, I have studied it both informally, and formally (as I have a few degrees in this kind of crap), as well as being an employee in the federal government. I might actually have a mild clue as to what I'm talking about. Then again, i could be just as full of crap as the next guy......but that's not for me to decide..........it's for all of us.
Good post, LSCR351. I think you know what you're talking about. Either that or you're full of crap, just like the rest of us, LOL!! :Beer
It's all Bush's fault!

In general I agree with everthing you said. This country has become much more divided along many more lines than 4 years ago.

However, my observation is that there is a generational difference. My age group grew up with the threat of Vietnam and free love and lots of drugs. A lot of us were given the freedom to do what we wanted, when we wanted.

Interestingly, the people of that generation had children and overprotected them, fearing that they would turn into themselves. Today's parents do everything for their kids. This has had a backlash effect leaving a lot of kids without the skills to maneuver through this world.
Barry2952, I never suggested that each generation hasn't had different obstacles to deal with over the years. My point was more to the effect that we fall back on our group affiliations in order to blame others (e.g.....the Gen-X versus the BabyBoomers). Both groups have had different issues specific to them, but it doesn't detract from the fact that each group has to deal with the issues of today, perhaps in different ways, but it's still necessary. We divide and conquer ourselves when we cannot put our individualism aside in favor of at least a modicum of nationalism to try to strive for the greater good.

Your point is well founded, but it's still a specific generational issue that separates groups from each other. Yes, the baby boomers may have over-protected their young and possibly caused some of the issue, but at the same time the Gen-X'ers do have the free will, and the ability to take control of their own lives...........if they stopped wasting time blaming previous generations for their plight, perhaps they could get something done, just as if Babyboomers stopped blaming Gen-X'ers for being listless, lazy, etc, they might be part of the solution as well.

I hate to quote a wingnut like Rodney King, but the simple fact is that we all need to "get along". Seems simple, but it's proven more difficult than a nation of 280 million can handle well.

Again, my $.02 worth. Doesn't mean I know better, but it's just a point of view that holds EVERYBODY accountable, as it should be.
LSCR351 : I have to admit you are right, myself. And it is wrong on my part too, to act as I did last night.

Katshot: I do understand where you are coming from, and I probably shouldn't have taken the shot so personally. There are always going to be some crap in every batch. Finally, I do take responsibility for my own actions, and will admit when I am in the wrong. (Which I was wrong to lash-out as I did, on so many levels.) I wrote what I did to possibly show you through crass generalizations how I had felt when I read what you wrote.And I did write,what I did write,also in an angered, heated response. I never said that all in GenX/Y were all angels, however, not all are demons either.Which you appearently understood in your post later down the line. I apologize to you for my manner in that post again .
( Yes, I had a very rough childhood, but what's in the past is in the past,I'm looking forwards to tomorrow,each day I get farther from the past, the days get better;)!)
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Randeaux said:
I'm looking forwards to tomorrow,each day I get farther from the past, the days get better!)
I hear ya bro, I hear ya.

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