MonsterMark said:Why? That's what liberals do on a daily basis.
See, now this is pure partisian.
No comment about the letter I notice. Why? Cause its all true and is indefensible?
MonsterMark said:Why? That's what liberals do on a daily basis.
Sorry. Sometimes I just don't have the time to pontificate and being 'pithy' is the next best thing.:NJoeychgo said:No comment about the letter I notice. Why? Cause its all true and is indefensible?
Joeychgo said:See, now this is pure partisian.
No comment about the letter I notice. Why? Cause its all true and is indefensible?-
Vitas said:Could you please give us the bottom line, in your own words, please?
Joeychgo said:Thats total BS.
Vitas said:I asked you before...
I'll ask you again, what is it specifically that you are objecting to
about the 1994 "Contract with America?"
If that is the way you choose to respond to my opinion, you will soon have a nutcase Yahoo chatboard here. If that is what you want, that is what you will have...
Vitas said:If that is the way you choose to respond to my opinion, you will soon have a nutcase Yahoo chatboard here. If that is what you want, that is what you will have...
Joeychgo said:You expressed no opinion.... And I thought you had better things to do...
Joeychgo said:No comment about the letter I notice. Why? Cause its all true and is indefensible?-
FreeFaller said:I brought up a point...but I'm used to being ignored...
...not inflammatory enough I guess
FreeFaller said:They don't just cross the rio grande.
We have a saying in the USAF. Force Protection is everyone's job! The best weapon against those who would do us ill are the eyes and ears of Joe citizen. That's where we need to start. Educating and informing the masses.
Americans need to start becoming a part of this fight. Not just sit around and wait for the government to come and wipe their a$$ for them.
Read my new post...
FreeFaller said:They don't just cross the rio grande.
We have a saying in the USAF. Force Protection is everyone's job! The best weapon against those who would do us ill are the eyes and ears of Joe citizen. That's where we need to start. Educating and informing the masses.
Americans need to start becoming a part of this fight. Not just sit around and wait for the government to come and wipe their a$$ for them.
Read my new post...
JC1994 said:Great post Joey, I had almost forgot all those empty promises. I also vote based on how I feel about the candidate. not party affiliation. I did not like Gore or Kerry, so was I right to vote for Bush? well let's say being unemployed 6 months for the first time in 18 years has me wondering, but I really think that it would not matter who is sitting in the oval office so I don't blame Bush for that. NAFTA did not help either, and the reason I voted for Clinton is he claimed to be against it, Dole got my vote next time. they all make promises they will never keep. the whole system needs to be changed before my faith in it is restored.
Calabrio said:Most everything passed the house, but some couldn't get through the Senate, or President Clinton vetoed it.
They were held up by the Senate, and the President at the time.Joeychgo said:And what has happened since Bush took office 5 years ago? How come the job wasnt finished if these great ideas were held up by democrats?
Joeychgo said:You aint said nothing Vitas - Nothing at all of value.
I did notice that most of the right wingers have had little to say about the letter.
Calabrio said:They were held up by the Senate, and the President at the time.
Why haven't all of them been addressed? Because that takes politic will, and these politicians are afraid of the beating they'll take when the press misrepresents them.
Calabrio said:But, answer my question:
Do all of you support the ideas proposed in the Contract With America.
If you do, then you're all Republicans.
Joeychgo said:Lets support the death penalty but ban abortion;
Joeychgo said:SO what your saying is the 'Good Guys', the poor misunderstood and underdog republicans, despite having control of congress and white house, cant get the job done that they were elected on because the big bad democrats and liberal media will give them bad press and the people will respond negatively toward the republicans for fulfilling their election promises. So, instead, they build a $200 million dollar bridge in Alaska...
There is nothing hypocritcal about this.I agree with some, what bothers me most, after the all talk no acton part, is the numerous contridictions philosophically.
Lets support the death penalty but ban abortion;
Where is the hypocracy here? You're creating examples that defeat your own argument. If you believe in free market systems, why would you interfere with the markets.Lets proclaim to want to get government off the people's backs (mainly by reducing taxes for the rich) but stand by idely while oil prices, and consequently the price of every consumer product increase considerably;
You don't GIVE rich people more by lower taxes. You just STEAL less from them. "Poor" people don't employ anyone.Lets use phrases like "The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act" which does little to directly increase jobs or increase wages, however gives the rich more wealth via the taxes paid mostly by middle america. All the while watch the same rich people outsource our jobs to China so they can make more money, all the while the Chinese use so much oil that it contributes significantly to increasing oil prices. Then I get to listen to Oil executives claim their entitled to the 26 billion in profits they made in 3 months time.
No, it's not all BSIts the contridictions that anger me the most. Its all BS.