An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Joeychgo said:
I agree with some, what bothers me most, after the all talk no acton part, is the numerous contridictions philosophically.

Lets support the death penalty but ban abortion;

Lets proclaim to want to get government off the people's backs (mainly by reducing taxes for the rich) but stand by idely while oil prices, and consequently the price of every consumer product increase considerably;

Lets use phrases like "The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act" which does little to directly increase jobs or increase wages, however gives the rich more wealth via the taxes paid mostly by middle america. All the while watch the same rich people outsource our jobs to China so they can make more money, all the while the Chinese use so much oil that it contributes significantly to increasing oil prices. Then I get to listen to Oil executives claim their entitled to the 26 billion in profits they made in 3 months time.

Its the contridictions that anger me the most. Its all BS.

Wait a minute, Joey, you just contradicted yourself. As far as abortion/death penalty, if you are pro-abortion but anti-death penalty, isn't that a contradiction in terms? I would find it hard to believe that you would be either pro-life and anti-death penalty, or pro-abortion and pro-death penalty.

Secondly, if China's contributing to the rise in oil prices, why are the prices going down? AND how could Exxon/Mobil be profiting from China buying oil directly from Saudi?

You need to answer these questions before you throw out the BS flag.
Joeychgo said:
Its funny everyone thinks im a "Liberal".

Ive voted for Henry Hyde, now retiring, in every election I could. I voted for Pres Reagan. Judy Topinka (probably the next Republican Guberntrial candidate for Illinois) is actually an acquaintance and former customer of mine. (Shes a great lady)

But I also voted for Clinton twice, Blagoyavich (sp) and various other democrats.

SO - What am I?


I think that, like most Americans, you're what they like to refer to as an "undecided voter" i.e. you don't blindly vote a party ticket. Register as an independent and let the big two know your disaffected with them, but stiil vote. They hate that.

RE Calabrio's sentiments that those who support the ideas presented in the Contract With America are automatically republicans. I'd like to know what those who don't believe congress should live subject to the same laws as us, conduct open committee meeting, or have honest accounting be called? Democrats? Liberals? Socialist? Nazis? And just what is it that liberals object to in the Ten Commandments anyway? Don't kill? Honor your parents? But that's an aside__________

"If you have anything truly negative to say about Bush and his people, your liberal" Oh boy! Just because you don't think Bush is the man all the time doesn't mean you'd ever vote for Hillary. Maybe this is why the democrats are so out of touch. The republicans have at least shown with this contract they know what Americans desire, they just don't care. Anything to get in office.

FreeFaller is right when he says it's not a cakewalk to seal thousands of miles of borders, but we can do a much better job than we are doing now and get rid of those found within the country illegaly. We were able to do it decades ago, we can do it again.

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