And Joey wonders why there is division in this country.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
It ain't because of Bush pal. It is because of Democrats like this. Hell, Bush hasn't even named a Supreme Court nominee but as you can see, it won't matter who that person is or what they think. The reason enough to oppose is because Bush picked the person. How sad and how sad are the Democrats!




Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Schumer got busy plotting away on the cellphone aboard a Washington, DC-New York Amtrak -- plotting Democrat strategy for the upcoming Supreme Court battle.

Schumer promised a fight over whoever the President’s nominee was: “It's not about an individual judge… It's about how it affects the overall makeup of the court.”

The chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was overheard on a long cellphone conversation with an unknown political ally, and the DRUDGE REPORT was there!

Schumer proudly declared: “We are contemplating how we are going to go to war over this.”

Schumer went on to say how hard it was to predict how a Supreme Court justice would turn out: “Even William Rehnquist is more moderate than they expected. The only ones that resulted how they predicted were [Antonin] Scalia and [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg. So most of the time they've gotten their picks wrong, and that's what we want to do to them again.”

Schumer later went on to mock the “Gang of 14” judicial filibuster deal and said it wasn’t relevant in the Supreme Court debate.

“A Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown style appointment may not have been extraordinary to the appellate court but may be extraordinary to the Supreme Court.”

By the time the train hit New Jersey, Schumer shifted gears and called his friend and “Gang of 14” member, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

The two talked in a very friendly manner about doing an event sometime this week together.

I wish some of you guys that lurk would toss your $.02 in once and awhile. This kinda stuff really pisses me off. Remember when Cheney said 'f-you' to someone that was being 2-faced? Look at that last line from the drudge... Chucky hangs up the phone and then calls a Repub and talks all kissy face. Hypocrites. Yikes.
MonsterMark said:
I wish some of you guys that lurk would toss your $.02 in once and awhile. This kinda stuff really pisses me off. Remember when Cheney said 'f-you' to someone that was being 2-faced? Look at that last line from the drudge... Chucky hangs up the phone and then calls a Repub and talks all kissy face. Hypocrites. Yikes.
You don't think the Repugs do the same thing? If you don't, your head is really up your ass! You can bet your last dollar the Repugs are plotting and scheming about the upcoming vacancies on the supreme court, why the surprise over the Dems doing the same? Get off the high horse already! .
If I saw this from somewhere reputable, I might even buy it, but coming from drudge, it means nothing. He probably doctor shops the same ones Limbaugh does.
On the other hand, what Cheney did was reported by numerous outlets, for example:

Cheney Dismisses Critic With Obscenity
Clash With Leahy About Halliburton

By Helen Dewar and Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, June 25, 2004; Page A04

A brief argument between Vice President Cheney and a senior Democratic senator led Cheney to utter a big-time obscenity on the Senate floor this week.

On Tuesday, Cheney, serving in his role as president of the Senate, appeared in the chamber for a photo session. A chance meeting with Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, became an argument about Cheney's ties to Halliburton Co., an international energy services corporation, and President Bush's judicial nominees. The exchange ended when Cheney offered some crass advice.

":q:q:q:q yourself," said the man who is a heartbeat from the presidency.

Leahy's spokesman, David Carle, yesterday confirmed the brief but fierce exchange. "The vice president seemed to be taking personally the criticism that Senator Leahy and others have leveled against Halliburton's sole-source contracts in Iraq," Carle said.

As it happens, the exchange occurred on the same day the Senate passed legislation described as the "Defense of Decency Act" by 99 to 1.

Now that's class, right on the floor of the senate!
97silverlsc said:
You don't think the Repugs do the same thing? If you don't, your head is really up your ass! You can bet your last dollar the Repugs are plotting and scheming about the upcoming vacancies on the supreme court, why the surprise over the Dems doing the same? Get off the high horse already!

Here's my problem. It is the Democrats that offer nothing (NOTHING) of value to everyday Americans. No ideas. No proposals. But lots of hot air. And ever since they were tossed out on their asses, they haven't been able to cope with being out of power. So all they have done is obstruct. Obstruct at every turn. And here is the perfect example. They are out raising $100,000,000 to put lie after lie before the public and the funny thing is...they don't even know who the candidate is yet and obviously they don't care. Obstruct at all costs is all that matters.

Partisanship at its worst. And I see you guys post blaming Bush who was supposed to be a uniter, not a divider. Poor 'ol stupid Bush didn't understand how sick Washington is. So therefore, I say toss out all the Libs/Dems and give one party unrestricted power. Then if things go off track, John Q. Public can vote them out lock, stock and barrel.

I hope the Dems never win an election again. The whole party is worthless and America would be better off without them.

How does the saying go??? If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
BuSh is the biggest liar there is. "I have no litmus test." :bsflag:
So what is his litmus test going to be. Do you have some inside scoop? I find the wild speculation to be irresponsible. I fear he will pick another Sandy Day O'Connor or worse, a Souter. You never know what you are going to get and the last 5 appointments proved that.
OH MY GOD!!! You mean a president is going to pick Justices based on his parties political agenda!!! Sombody call CNN this is a friggin NEWS FLASH!!!

Listen...if Kerry had won there would be a total reversal in this thread. All the dems want in the Supreme Court are people who will uphold the liberal agenda that has been in place for decades. Now that it looks like the only permanent, non-voted in positions they have are threatened and they are scared that they will lose the only real power they have left. Good! It's about time we shook the boat and evened the scales back out.

So keep whining libbies...while your "great social experiment" crumbles and is replaced with common sense, we celebrate.
FreeFaller said:
So keep whining libbies...while your "great social experiment" crumbles and is replaced with common sense, we celebrate.
Absolutely. Here Here.:Beer :Beer :Beer :Beer Its not time to celebrate yet, but I can taste the smell of sweet revenge wafting in the air. Just watching them go apoplectic over this is almost worth it on its own merits.
MonsterMark said:
Here's my problem. It is the Democrats that offer nothing (NOTHING) of value to everyday Americans.

Oh, I dunno - when clinton was in office, I felt safer, I felt respected, I felt like I had my privacy and my constitutional rights, I was more confident in the economy, I wasnt worried about who we would be invading next...

I could go on, but not much sense. I shouldnt complain, I mean GW did get 49% of the vote in 2000. :D
Joeychgo said:
Oh, I dunno - when clinton was in office, I felt safer, I felt respected...,
And the Twin Towers were still standing. I would say we were pretty selfish and self-centered back then. Just big, fat and happy with our stock options and internet revolution. Complacency is not always a good thing.
97silverlsc said:
You don't think the Repugs do the same thing? If you don't, your head is really up your ass! You can bet your last dollar the Repugs are plotting and scheming about the upcoming vacancies on the supreme court, why the surprise over the Dems doing the same? Get off the high horse already!

No, they DON'T do the same thing. When Steven Breyer and Ruth Bader (Rodham) Ginsburg were up for Senate confirmation, they SAILED through the hearings. And they are as liberal as they come. The repubs didn't UNCONSTITUTIONALLY try to hold up their nomination by unprecedented committee filibusters JUST BASED ON THEIR IDEOLOGY. That, however, is EXACTLY what the Libs are doing.

Don't even try that tired, old, "Youse guys do it too" baloney. It won't fly.
Joeychgo said:
Oh, I dunno - when clinton was in office, I felt safer, I felt respected, I felt like I had my privacy and my constitutional rights, I was more confident in the economy, I wasnt worried about who we would be invading next...

I could go on, but not much sense. I shouldnt complain, I mean GW did get 49% of the vote in 2000. :D

I'm sure Osama Bin Laden felt safer, too, especially since Clinton let him go when he could have had him dead to rights.
fossten said:
I'm sure Osama Bin Laden felt safer, too, especially since Clinton let him go when he could have had him dead to rights.
But you have to remember that Osama was blowing up US government buildings and ships and from where Clinton was comig, that was a good thing, or certainly, that we deserved it or something twisted like that.
Joeychgo said:
Oh, I dunno - when clinton was in office, I felt safer, I felt respected, I felt like I had my privacy and my constitutional rights, I was more confident in the economy, I wasnt worried about who we would be invading next...

I could go on, but not much sense. I shouldnt complain, I mean GW did get 49% of the vote in 2000. :D


So old Bill liked girls! Whoopty Do!
MonsterMark said:
But you have to remember that Osama was blowing up US government buildings and ships and from where Clinton was comig, that was a good thing, or certainly, that we deserved it or something twisted like that.

I don't really think Clinton wanted destruction on our land, but I do think that at the time he was a little too distracted with where he misplaced his cigar collection...

Let's face it, the intelligence community has taken a beating over 9/11. But remember that Clinton had the same crappy intelligence people for his entire 8 years. Bush inherited them. But what did Clinton do with all that intelligence? He bombed an aspirin factory. That was it.

You have to hand it to Bush: He sticks by his word. When he says we're gonna finish off the terrorists, he doesn't quit just b/c some people whine.
barry2952 said:
BuSh is the biggest liar there is. "I have no litmus test." :bsflag:

Ummm...errr...where is the lie? I thought he hadn't even appointed a nominee yet. What is that statement? Extra Sensory Perception?

Classic lib - crying over a loss even before the game.
How could he not have a litmus test with so many puppeteers with their hands firmly up his ass.
You made the accusation of a litmus test, so back it up with something of substance to substantiate your claim
That's all we're asking.

You think he has some sort of litmus test he is going to use in his selection process, so on what do you base your claim

Puppeteers? Pretty lame. You can, and must do better.
barry2952 said:
How could he not have a litmus test with so many puppeteers with their hands firmly up his ass.

If you had listened to Bush's actual words you would know that his only "litmus test" (your words) is that the nominee will strictly uphold the constitution. I heard him say it this week. I know of five justices, one now retired, that failed to uphold the constitution last month.

It is imperative that we change the course now that our freedoms are being taken away from us by unelected, unimpeachable activist judges.
So now we should believe GWB? He has no credibility. "Litmus test" were his words. I'm suprised he could pronounce them.
barry2952 said:
So now we should believe GWB? He has no credibility. "Litmus test" were his words.
He said there was not going to be a 'Litmus test' in his decision process so what the hell are you talking about?

What Bush said ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bush has said there would be no litmus test for his nominee on issues such as abortion or gay rights. "I'll pick people who, one, can do the job, people who are honest, people who are bright and people who will strictly interpret the Constitution and not use the bench to legislate from," the president said earlier this week.
MonsterMark said:
He said there was not going to be a 'Litmus test' in his decision process so what the hell are you talking about?

What Bush said ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bush has said there would be no litmus test for his nominee on issues such as abortion or gay rights. "I'll pick people who, one, can do the job, people who are honest, people who are bright and people who will strictly interpret the Constitution and not use the bench to legislate from," the president said earlier this week.


Case closed.:Bang :N :Beer
barry2952 said:
So now we should believe GWB? He has no credibility. "Litmus test" were his words. I'm suprised he could pronounce them.

Barry you're Great, Bush has absolutely no credibility with the American people, only those right wing wackos whos minds are clouded with lies. And besides, anyone with a convertable Mark II can't be wrong.

But really I'm kind of surprised, stereotypically I figured anyone with enough money to have a Mark II like that would be a friend to Republicans. You just go to show that brains matter more than money. I'm with ya.

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