And Joey wonders why there is division in this country.

MonsterMark said:
Sorry Barry, but you can't impeach a whole Country. If Bush is guilty, we all are guilty.

In case you hadn't noticed, there's a difference between believing a lie and telling one.
barry2952 said:
He hadn't invaded anyone in quite a while.?
I guess we should have waited for him to go at it again, huh.
barry2952 said:
He was simply made an example of so GWB could start his cockfight with the Koreans.?
Sorry. Iran is next. Korea will have to wait. We already have the guys over there in the sand box to do the job.

barry2952 said:
The Iraqi people don't want us there anyway.?
I don't know where you get your news but the last 'info' I read was that a majority of Iraqis supported our actions and want us to be there to keep them safe.

barry2952 said:
Where are the Iraqi people in all this? Why haven't they risen against their tormentors?
Once again one has to look at history. When the Iraqi people tried to stand up to Saddam they were gassed or put in torture chambers. If you spoke up you were pulled out of bed and shot in the head. After the 1st Gulf War we promised the Iraqis support in the north and we abandoned them and Saddam slaughtered them. Why would they believe we would not abandon them again? Look at all the lefties that want us to turn tail and run. We can't be trusted because our media makes sure we can't be trusted. Once the Iraqis know we are in it for the long haul, they'll step up to the plate.
Long haul? This isn't a long haul? There was and is no exit plan. How can there be an end?
barry2952 said:
Long haul? This isn't a long haul? There was and is no exit plan. How can there be an end?

Big whoop, there wasn't an exit plan in WWII, either, it took us 50 years to pull out of Germany, and we still are Japan's only defense. What's your hurry? Don't you want the Iraqi people to be left in a safe position? Or do you favor abandoning them and leaving the door open for an even worse dictator to take over? Or even IRAN ITSELF? You'd probably like to see us run like we did in Vietnam. Talk about a warmonger. The only stabilizing force in that region right now is the good ol' USA. Understand this: It does not serve our country's best interest to pull out of Iraq right now. You all cry that we didn't finish the job in Afghanistan, but you want us to pull out of Iraq before that job's done. Quit talking out of both sides of your mouths. It makes no sense.
fossten said:
You all cry that we didn't finish the job in Afghanistan, but you want us to pull out of Iraq before that job's done.

You've never heard me say that. GW's already burnt that bridge & cut off that limb for turning back, we are now in free-fall and its only a matter of time before we crash into the ground. But really, is an exit plan too much to expect? Apparently w/ BuSh in the oval office, it is!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
You've never heard me say that. GW's already burnt that bridge & cut off that limb for turning back, we are now in free-fall and its only a matter of time before we crash into the ground. But really, is an exit plan too much to expect? Apparently w/ BuSh in the oval office, it is!

What do you care? You're not even over there fighting. You're back here undermining our troops with your anti-war and anti-American rhetoric. And I'd be curious to hear you describe, in detail, how we are going to crash into the ground, since you seem to be able to tell the future.
fossten said:
What do you care?

Because I'm an AMERICAN and I LOVE my country! I can't stand to see it led down the long painful path of destruction that GW and all the rest of his blood-profiteers has taken us.

fossten said:
You're not even over there fighting. You're back here undermining our troops with your anti-war and anti-American rhetoric.

:bsflag: , and that's all I'm going to say about that.

fossten said:
And I'd be curious to hear you describe, in detail, how we are going to crash into the ground, since you seem to be able to tell the future.

Read the other thread about AlQuida nukes already in the US.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Read the other thread about AlQuida nukes already in the US.

If that story is true, then those nukes arrived most likely when Clinton was in office. I'm sure you won't even bother to consider that, though, since Clinton was your boy. Can't go criticizing the only Dem Prez in the last 25 years.

You are absolutely naive to think that if we kiss the butts of the terrorists enough they will decide not to use the nukes. They attacked us without provocation on 9/11 when we weren't even prepping for war. Nothing we say to the terrorists will make a bit of difference. The only solution is to destroy them before they get another chance to attack.

Your comment shows your ignorance of how the radical terrorist thinks, and shows your short-sightedness in conceiving the timetable in which these nukes, if they exist in the US at all, came to be here. Your willingness to blame Bush for the so-called nukes shows your immaturity and irrationality.
fossten said:
Your comment shows your ignorance of how the radical terrorist thinks, and shows your short-sightedness in conceiving the timetable in which these nukes, if they exist in the US at all, came to be here. Your willingness to blame Bush for the so-called nukes shows your immaturity and irrationality.

Look in the mirror before you go off calling anyone short sighted and ignorant.

9/11 was "un-provoked"?? Now THAT is the most naive, shortsighted, ignorant statement you've made yet. The US has been acting like the proverbial bull in the china shop in the middle east (and elsewhere) for several administrations. You can't go around sticking a prod into a hornets nest and not expect to get some retaliation. You RWWs dream of "destroying the terrorists", and can't comprehend the fact that there is no way in hell that could EVER be accomplished. Ridding this planet of cockroaches would be easier.

WHEN these "so-called nukes" came into this country is totally irrelevant. Hypothetically speaking as if they do in fact exist, BuSh had the oppertunity to make a difference and focus our resources towards finding and eliminating them, but instead he's distracted our energy and blood-resources towards an empty well. For you RWWs to continue to advocate those actions and the "so-called leader" who has taken us down that wrong path only makes you look ignorant, simple minded and a traitor.

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