And Neeeww N/A record holder.

So you're just gonna leave us hanging?
Try new "record holder" without qualifying it...

Not that I hold any records, but still.
Acceptance Speech: Walking to podium, grasping trophy, tears in eyes.

Tapping on mic.
I would like to start off by thanking all that made this possible. My mom and dad for having sex and bringing me in this world. My wife for being there and supporting me all these last couple nights in the garage. Friends for videoing for me. Mr. Coolant cap for being there for me in my darkest hour. My right leg that is so powerful that it can crush the gas pedal so hard. And last but not least the one that made this all possible my old girl "The Red Dragon".

Also thanks for all the great support on LVC because without you guys none of this would have happened. (clapping from audience)
Well, I promise not to be such a dick about it when I beat whatever time you may finally post. :p

Just post the damn time slip already! :rolleyes:

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