And on the 105th Day . . .

Funny, I thought it was Obama that had nothing but despair to offer.

He's the one saying things are going to get worse before they get better, he's the one saying we need to cut down on our usage of electricity, he's the one saying we need to start driving the sail-powered cars, he's the one apologizing to the rest of the world for the evils that America has committed, he's the one attacking the tea partiers, he's the one attacking the hedge fund managers, he's the one taking over industry and forcing banks like Wells Fargo to take Fed money they don't want, he's the one threatening Chrysler creditors with thug tactics if they don't shut up, his administration is the one trumpeting the scare tactics over the swine flu.

The thug and intimidation tactics are really scary.
If they aren't done by his administration, the thugs at ACORN at the SEIU do it for him...
Dudes, Star Trek opens tomorrow, TOMORROW. Worry about the godless liberal sodomites, armies of illegals carrying swine flu, your guns being taken away and GM being run by the gov'ment on Monday. Tomorrow we bravely go where no man has gone before, again. *cues music*
Dudes, Star Trek opens tomorrow, TOMORROW. Worry about the godless liberal sodomites, armies of illegals carrying swine flu, your guns being taken away and GM being run by the gov'ment on Monday. Tomorrow we bravely go where no man has gone before, again. *cues music*
That's right, that's exactly what Obama wants: Pay attention to what the right hand is doing so the left hand can proceed unnoticed. :rolleyes:
live long and prosper

Funny, I thought it was Obama that had nothing but despair to offer.

One could easily argue that he was handed despair upon winning the election, and is either adding to it, or taking away from it; certainly not creating it.
Dudes, Star Trek opens tomorrow, TOMORROW. Worry about the godless liberal sodomites, armies of illegals carrying swine flu, your guns being taken away and GM being run by the gov'ment on Monday. Tomorrow we bravely go where no man has gone before, again. *cues music*


Transformers 2 > Star Trek

I still have a few months to worry :( :(
Is there a movie/music section on this site? Cause, if there is, someone post it, i cant find it :(
Is there a movie/music section on this site? Cause, if there is, someone post it, i cant find it :(

No, this is probably the closest thing to that, being part of "current event" and all...

It may not be a bad idea to make a separate movies/TV/entertainment section, though. We have quite a few sci-fi/cult film geeks on this forum. ;)
One could easily argue that he was handed despair upon winning the election, and is either adding to it, or taking away from it; certainly not creating it.
And one would easily be wrong. Circumstances haven't FORCED Obama to act like a socialist; that's his nature and his goal.
And one would easily be wrong. Circumstances haven't FORCED Obama to act like a socialist; that's his nature and his goal.

I'm sure that is the exact reason dems and republicans are butting heads so much in this first 3 months.
Funny, I thought it was Obama that had nothing but despair to offer.

He's the one saying things are going to get worse before they get better, he's the one saying we need to cut down on our usage of electricity, he's the one saying we need to start driving the sail-powered cars, he's the one apologizing to the rest of the world for the evils that America has committed, he's the one attacking the tea partiers, he's the one attacking the hedge fund managers, he's the one taking over industry and forcing banks like Wells Fargo to take Fed money they don't want, he's the one threatening Chrysler creditors with thug tactics if they don't shut up, his administration is the one trumpeting the scare tactics over the swine flu.

I disagree, this is why: Obama is spelling out things that he believes are problems (pollution, energy consumption, poor image on the political world stage, irresponsibility in the financial sectors, etc). He is condemning such things and putting forth ideas that he believes to be the solution (cutting down usage, more efficient cars, apologizing to the world, oversight of the financial sector, etc). I can understand that what he sees as problems, you do not believe are problems; and further, the solutions he presents, you see as either not solutions or even more problematic.
What I see from the Right is everybody complaining about how bad Obama is, what he is doing is wrong, he is a criminal, he is the AntiChrist, he is Hitler, he is a thug, he is a corrupt politicians. Similar to above, these are things that the Right perceives as problems, but in contrast; I do not see any solutions, good or bad. See the difference?

Now here is what I am interested in seeing, and why I put forth the challenge to Cal above. The Right is spending a lot of time criticizing Obama and his policies and doing little else. Let's take it to the next step and look ahead - what are we going to do about it? Honestly, it's a tough situation because the Right has very little influence right now, and (Cal, take notes) I really don't know what the answer is. That's why I am asking you guys, because you all have no problem telling me how smart you are. Really, I want to see some of that brilliance and ability to dig up gems of information that are telling to what is really going on put to better use than merely telling us how bad Obama is. I want to hear how good the Right is - and America does too.

So, Cal, you correctly mentioned that this shouldn't be a challenge but rather a discussion, and I agree that's a better way to do it. Since you guys obviously feel very strongly about the issues at hand, I think you should be focusing your efforts on how to affect the decision making process instead of just telling us how bad it is. Ideas?
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It's not Obama's job, nor is it the government's job, to try and solve problems. The government IS the problem. If it would just get out of the way, these problems would solve themselves. Government never solves anything; it just creates new problems due to the law of unintended consequences.

Your conclusion about Obama's motives is wrong. He wishes to change America. He has no Constitutional authority to do so. America was built on capitalism; he wishes to do away with capitalism and institute governmental control on everything. That model has failed over and over again in country after country throughout history. Those who wish to change America from the way she was into something else clearly hate this country.

As far as doing something about it, there is absolutely nothing that can be done within the constructs of the law and voting. At this point my vote doesn't count anymore. ACORN can easily counter it with fake votes. Unless there is some drastic change, America as we knew it is finished and will start to resemble European socialist countries. Look at what's happened to Michigan and California due to creeping and even raging socialism and governmental control. That is what will eventually sweep the nation, as Obama has the same thing in mind for the entire country as has been implemented in those states.

I have three scenarios that might play out where America gets back to its capitalist and freedom roots, but that's for another post.
It's not Obama's job, nor is it the government's job, to try and solve problems. The government IS the problem. If it would just get out of the way, these problems would solve themselves. Government never solves anything; it just creates new problems due to the law of unintended consequences.
I think we have an anarchist on our hands:D
I have three scenarios that might play out where America gets back to its capitalist and freedom roots, but that's for another post.

So, luxuryrules has asked for those scenarios Foss, how about showing us? :)
Really, I want to see some of that brilliance and ability to dig up gems of information that are telling to what is really going on put to better use than merely telling us how bad Obama is. I want to hear how good the Right is - and America does too.
So, luxuryrules has asked for those scenarios Foss, how about showing us? :)
Really, I want to see some of that brilliance and ability to dig up gems of information that are telling to what is really going on put to better use than merely telling us how bad Obama is. I want to hear how good the Right is - and America does too.

You have to be able to agree on the problem first. Otherwise you are just talking in circles.
You have to be able to agree on the problem first. Otherwise you are just talking in circles.

But shag, Foss has scenarios - 3 of them - I would like to see what they are... He has stated that they will get america back to our capitalist and freedom roots -
But shag, Foss has scenarios - 3 of them - I would like to see what they are... He has stated that they will get america back to our capitalist and freedom roots -

I think Foss is saying he can envision three different scenarios that unfold before us in the next few years that will present the opportunity to see a resurgence in capitalism and liberty. I would speculate that in most of his scenarios, the eventual return to liberty is more of an unintended consequence.

Not three government plans.

Just in case you were confused. Often times, you seem to think that all positive change has to come through government mandate.
1. Armed insurrection - unlikely.

2. Several states such as Montana and Texas drop out of the union, giving Americans who still want to be free a place to go - possible.

3. A complete economic collapse resulting in all industry grinding to a halt and Americans left without a way of acquiring food. This Rand-like event would result in approximately 150 million Americans dying of flu and other assorted diseases since there would be no more medical care. The remnant would start over with a new government. This is also possible.

I see no other scenarios happening in my lifetime. Other than this, we're finished as a free society.

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