Dedicated LVC Member
It's not Obama's job, nor is it the government's job, to try and solve problems. The government IS the problem. If it would just get out of the way, these problems would solve themselves. Government never solves anything; it just creates new problems due to the law of unintended consequences.
Your conclusion about Obama's motives is wrong. He wishes to change America. He has no Constitutional authority to do so. America was built on capitalism; he wishes to do away with capitalism and institute governmental control on everything. That model has failed over and over again in country after country throughout history. Those who wish to change America from the way she was into something else clearly hate this country.
As far as doing something about it, there is absolutely nothing that can be done within the constructs of the law and voting. At this point my vote doesn't count anymore. ACORN can easily counter it with fake votes. Unless there is some drastic change, America as we knew it is finished and will start to resemble European socialist countries. Look at what's happened to Michigan and California due to creeping and even raging socialism and governmental control. That is what will eventually sweep the nation, as Obama has the same thing in mind for the entire country as has been implemented in those states.
I have three scenarios that might play out where America gets back to its capitalist and freedom roots, but that's for another post.
This is exactly what I am talking about. You aren't offering any solutions, merely complaining about the problem.
This starck lack of vision is exactly what caused people like me to defect from your party - and it drove people en masse to the very candidate you so despise.
I'm not even saying that government is not the problem, nor are any of us naive enough to believe the solution will come from the government, but certainly the current government is (according to you guys) taking us down the wrong path. So instead of just telling us we are lost, tell us the correct path to travel. How are the Republicans going to win in 2010 and 2012? How are Americans going to return to prosperity? If we don't start seeing positive ideas to combat the negativity, the Right will fail again - and if the next two elections don't restore some sense of balance to the government then we are all in trouble.