Another LS spotted (cop)

Bushum said:
An LS is just about exactly the same performance wise as a CVPI except an LS can go faster.
yeah it goes faster handles better and brakes better. Other than that the performance is the same. WTF???
the_ancient said:
City's historically have put limits are speed far far lower than required for "saftey" I live on a 4 lane "raod" (should be a highway but not mant. by the state so it is a road" and it is only 35 with some spots 25:rolleyes:

They do this for revenue, dont let them fool you.

Same with the seat belt laws and many of the other "saftey" laws:rolleyes:

I will have to find the artical in a paper I read that stated the city was going to change the laws in such a way that the police dept would turn a profit:eek:
Your talking about a City and its politics creating speed zones. I am only talking the law enforcement who then enforce whatever the speed is set at. A deputy sheriff who is a county employee which = govt. employee doesnt see any return on a traffic ticket so they 1)Arent required to write them, police are. 2)Way less likely to enforce traffic laws or "safety" laws. Here is an easy way to beat them at this game...go 35 or 25 or whatever it says. Do it with your belt on and you wont get f*cked with...ever. If you go 29 in a 25 with no seatbelt on then just expect it to happen.
HyeLifeLS said:
What the hell?! I am glad that we don't have cops driving around their patrol LSs in cali. That's messed up.

I think he needs some clear corners and a bullit grill. Ken?

As it is we have to deal with the California Highway Patrol using Crown Vics, Intrepids, and Camaros.
Fla02LS said:
Your talking about a City and its politics creating speed zones. I am only talking the law enforcement who then enforce whatever the speed is set at. A deputy sheriff who is a county employee which = govt. employee doesnt see any return on a traffic ticket so they 1)Arent required to write them, police are. 2)Way less likely to enforce traffic laws or "safety" laws. Here is an easy way to beat them at this game...go 35 or 25 or whatever it says. Do it with your belt on and you wont get f*cked with...ever. If you go 29 in a 25 with no seatbelt on then just expect it to happen.
:rolleyes: No wonder why every year we lose more and more of our freedoms....

Must be nice to be a sheeple;)
whatsupadrian said:
As it is we have to deal with the California Highway Patrol using Crown Vics, Intrepids, and Camaros.

You think that's bad? Maryland Transportation Authority and Maryland State Police have unmarked Camaros, Crown Vics, Mustangs, Explorers, GTOs, and Chevy Silverados. All of these are used in about a 20 mile stretch of road as well.
the_ancient said:
simple, like was stated, it is a public saftey hazard. Anyone can put a blue/red light in any car in impersonate an officer. Makes it easy for rapist, stalkers and other criminals to find victims.

Cops are not to suppose to be tax men, somehow, however they have been turned in to armed tax men for the city's and counties. Ever since fines were budgeted as operating revenue for the government the police have stopped being law enforcers and started being revenue collectors.

Unmarked Cars have only 1 purpose, in traffic stops, increase revenue

Gee, how many drug dealers would be stupid enough to sell drugs to a uniformed vice cop in an unmarked cruiser... or a gang member selling guns to a uniformed gang cop. Gang and vice cops usually work as a team, and are all usually plain-clothes driving unmarked cars. Traffic stops are an inevitability of law enforcement from any angle. The bottom line is that the average victim doesn't use common sense.

Some people here have some real wild misconceptions about law enforcement. Sometimes folks, it's not all about YOU, money, or power.
You are correct for undercover work. Shouldn't be giving out TRAFFIC TICKETS. Nobody's complaining about arresting drug dealers, etc. And drug dealers shouldn't be worrying about an unmarked, ununiformed officer wanting to rape them.
Fla02LS said:
Here is an easy way to beat them at this game...go 35 or 25 or whatever it says. Do it with your belt on and you wont get f*cked with...ever.
Sorry hun but WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

Respecting cops was a given, it is how I was brought up, well, cops managed to change that!

case #1 - I got pulled over for no headlight, get out both headlights are on, he proceeds to search me for 2 hours in front of my house, and yes, I was not speeding seat belt on and my ID had the address we were in front of yes....for 2 hours at 12:00 at night...what am I doing out at 12:00 at night - well even though it is beside the fact, coming home from my 2nd job, which I had to be awake at 5:30 to go to my 1st job at 6:00. After he could find nothing to charge me with, he finally let me go in my house.

case #2 - officer decides for reasons unknown to me to give me reckless opp ticket (4 points in OH and that stays on for 3 years and say hello to your insurance mans butt!), I was not speeding, squealing or doing anything reckless and did not even swear or be smart with the cop, after he tells me for the 2nd time that he is gong to "wrestle me down to the ground, throw me in the back, cuff me and take me downtown he tries to get me to sign a ticket I looked at him and said "officer, I have not disrespected you in any way, however I will not sign that ticket", proceeded to hand him my car keys and get out of the car to get cuffed. My sister is witness to all this and we are stupefied at this cops behavior, she pleads to the officer told her sign the ticket - HE DOES! So after she signs the ticket, we go home less than 10 mins away and I call the officers sergeant, as I am talking to the sergeant, I hear him calling me names in the back ground (my sis is on the other phone listening!!!!). After the sargent tells me to just show up in court (hellow 250 for an attorney) we end the conversation. I go back to the scene looking for any witnesses.....thank you Jesus there is a fire station directly across the street, a fire man saw everything and went to court as a witness for me. Proscuting attorney dropped the whole case after hearing the fireman. Yet I am still out 250.00 for the attorney

I would not believe it if I didn't live it. In your town the cops may be straight and all Mayberry like, in some, I'll dare to say most, that is sadly not the case.

Again if your not in a cruiser with lights, this girl drives on, and if you are, my window goes down 1/4 inch to allow d/l to slide out and that is it. I call an attorney after that.

MsM8tress said:
so we are going to find 2 things that you are doing that WE think is not right and that makes it right to stop you???? So if you dont think the way I part my hair is right nor the way I hold the steering wheel THAT MAKES IT OK to pull me over? [/COLOR]

Did you READ the whole artical? Aggressive driving is just a caption on the citation for court purposes. If you are following to close at 20 MPH over the speed limit that is aggressive driving. You are doing TWO things that are against the law at the same time. Not things that they think is not right, the things that the state legislature (that we vote for) think is not right.
beaups said:
yeah it goes faster handles better and brakes better. Other than that the performance is the same. WTF???

A CVPI handles and brakes surprisingly well. (I'm not talking about a worn out one that you buy at an auction with 100K on it obviously though.) Maybe not as well as an LS but the difference isn't that much. But I was talking about acceleration for the most part.
MsM8tress said:
Sorry hun but WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

Respecting cops was a given, it is how I was brought up, well, cops managed to change that!

case #1 - I got pulled over for no headlight, get out both headlights are on, he proceeds to search me for 2 hours in front of my house, and yes, I was not speeding seat belt on and my ID had the address we were in front of yes....for 2 hours at 12:00 at night...what am I doing out at 12:00 at night - well even though it is beside the fact, coming home from my 2nd job, which I had to be awake at 5:30 to go to my 1st job at 6:00. After he could find nothing to charge me with, he finally let me go in my house.

case #2 - officer decides for reasons unknown to me to give me reckless opp ticket (4 points in OH and that stays on for 3 years and say hello to your insurance mans butt!), I was not speeding, squealing or doing anything reckless and did not even swear or be smart with the cop, after he tells me for the 2nd time that he is gong to "wrestle me down to the ground, throw me in the back, cuff me and take me downtown he tries to get me to sign a ticket I looked at him and said "officer, I have not disrespected you in any way, however I will not sign that ticket", proceeded to hand him my car keys and get out of the car to get cuffed. My sister is witness to all this and we are stupefied at this cops behavior, she pleads to the officer told her sign the ticket - HE DOES! So after she signs the ticket, we go home less than 10 mins away and I call the officers sergeant, as I am talking to the sergeant, I hear him calling me names in the back ground (my sis is on the other phone listening!!!!). After the sargent tells me to just show up in court (hellow 250 for an attorney) we end the conversation. I go back to the scene looking for any witnesses.....thank you Jesus there is a fire station directly across the street, a fire man saw everything and went to court as a witness for me. Proscuting attorney dropped the whole case after hearing the fireman. Yet I am still out 250.00 for the attorney

I would not believe it if I didn't live it. In your town the cops may be straight and all Mayberry like, in some, I'll dare to say most, that is sadly not the case.

Again if your not in a cruiser with lights, this girl drives on, and if you are, my window goes down 1/4 inch to allow d/l to slide out and that is it. I call an attorney after that.

Your examples are ridiculous and tell alot more than you think. First off, with any traffic stop there has to be probable cause, and beleive me there are plenty of reasons that initiate PC to allow a traffic stop. Once stopped law enforcement has every right to get all your information and get it verifyed. Thats all legal, it might suck and be inconvienent, but legal. Now if you have an attitude during any of this then it can and will most likely be prolonged to its extent, again all legal. You really have no option other than accepting the ticket or go to jail. Once you accept the ticket if you object then get a court date as your second example showed and dispute it with the court. Your story seems like there are some missing details. A traffic citation gets disputed in traffic court which wouldnt require a lawyer, so why the $250 ? If the fireman was such a perfect witness then why the lawyer ? Basically, your two examples just show that if you arent 100% nice to any law enforcement officer then your gonna get messed with. Dont have to kiss their ass but be nice and follow what they say. Our cops here are far from mayberry. I have NOT been issued a ticket even though i was dead busted just because i was nice to the guy. Several times. Try it. It works and you'll save $250.
Fla02LS said:
Your examples are ridiculous and tell alot more than you think. First off, with any traffic stop there has to be probable cause, and beleive me there are plenty of reasons that initiate PC to allow a traffic stop. Once stopped law enforcement has every right to get all your information and get it verifyed. Thats all legal, it might suck and be inconvienent, but legal. Now if you have an attitude during any of this then it can and will most likely be prolonged to its extent, again all legal. You really have no option other than accepting the ticket or go to jail. Once you accept the ticket if you object then get a court date as your second example showed and dispute it with the court. Your story seems like there are some missing details. A traffic citation gets disputed in traffic court which wouldnt require a lawyer, so why the $250 ? If the fireman was such a perfect witness then why the lawyer ? Basically, your two examples just show that if you arent 100% nice to any law enforcement officer then your gonna get messed with. Dont have to kiss their ass but be nice and follow what they say. Our cops here are far from mayberry. I have NOT been issued a ticket even though i was dead busted just because i was nice to the guy. Several times. Try it. It works and you'll save $250.

Dude, The examlpes MsM8tress gave were not ridiculous, there are bad cops everywhere who like nothing more than just mess with people. She was just telling you what happened to her and why she will not stop unless a cop is in a clearly marked police car, for you to say her two examples are rediculous, is not cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote Bushum:

Did you READ the whole artical? Aggressive driving is just a caption on the citation for court purposes. If you are following to close at 20 MPH over the speed limit that is aggressive driving. You are doing TWO things that are against the law at the same time. Not things that they think is not right, the things that the state legislature (that we vote for) think is not right.

First off, don't yell at me hun, this isn't the politics forum.

To answer your question, yes I did thank you, my point is their statement (thought it was made crudely enough) "Aggressive driving is not a chargeable offense", how can you be charged with it? 1 offense, 2 offense, 3 offense 4....really shouldn't matter.....why is it on the ticket? For stupid judges??

"Has to have Probable Cause" - lolololololololol - you do live in Mayberry!

I have no idea why the cops behaived as they did on either account. But I am a very nice person, even after the 1st event (which I was more than obliging and provided them everything they asked for in proper manner the entire 2 hours they sat out in front of my house with lights flashing), I didn't let that taint my respect, but the second cop was totally out of his mind, and was completely uncalled for and unwarranted (I just kept thinking what if this happened to my Mom!!!!). I did nothing to provoke that officer.

In the City of Columbus OH (at that time, probably still is) you had to retain an attorney due to the degree of the violation. The city I live in now, you have to go to court for any moving violation, run a stop sign - court, 38mph in a 35 court, not scrapping off your back window in a blizzard - court (these are not offenses I have been charged with but I have seen the tickets, so not second hand or stories, thank you)

Still I do not disrespect a cop, I provide them everything they ask for none of that requires my window to be any lower than 1/4 inch again - Thank you. I no longer give them unearned respect nor the opportunity to treat me like crap.

Call me a liar if you want, I don't feel obligated to prove anything to you or anyone else, I know what happened, and so do those cops, that's good enough for me. There is no reason for me to lie to you or anyone about anything, therefore I do not lie.

Guess you don't believe all of the cases where cops were found guilty for raping women when the cop pulled them over, wonder what their probable cause was - they were horny!?. Or the ones who are married to them and get beat, Hummm bet you think that one would be just-cause huh! or the cops that sell drugs that the get from fake busts, that would be-cause !!!! or ...oh this could go on all night, I doubt you'd get the point.

It is very sad that you can not conceive of the fact that there are cops that are not suited to wear a badge, let alone carry a weapon.

You are entitled to your opinion, even if it is wrong.

Fla02LS said:
Your examples are ridiculous and tell alot more than you think. First off, with any traffic stop there has to be probable cause, and beleive me there are plenty of reasons that initiate PC to allow a traffic stop.
You have got to be kidding, right? You might want to check out the real world one of these days...

Off the top of my head, I can think of two occasions when I've been pulled over for reasons that don't even count as vague suspicion, let alone probable cause. The first time, well, I have absolutely no idea why I was pulled over. The cop didn't bother telling me, and I hadn't done anything wrong. No speeding, no swerving, no lights out, not even floating a stop sign. Today, he wouldn't get away with it, but, at the time, I didn't know any better.

The second time, I was also pulled over for no reason at all, other than the fact that I had made a legal turn to avoid one of the local PD's drunk checks. (I was on the main road from the lake, though I was going in the general direction of the lake, not away from it.) I saw rollers atop the next hill, which meant a traffic stop, a "papers, please" drunk check, or an accident, all three of which meant a stop, so I turned off on the section road before the hill.

Next thing I know, there's a cop behind me, so I'm extra carefuil, making sure I drive one or two mph below the speed limit, signal everything, come to an absolute complete stop at the next stop sign, lawfully execute the left turn, etc. And he still pulls me over. Because I "crossed the double yellow line back there"--but the only double yellow was at the last intersection, and I might have clipped it with my inside rear tire when making the turn (I always drive to the far right of the lane if possible).

He and I both knew that the statement was absolute BS; his attitude when he made that statement (he obviously didn't believe what he said) pretty much confirmed my hunch. The real clincher was what came next: he asked if I'd had anything to drink (only water, and I really needed to relieve myself at that moment).

Neither of those officers had PC; one had to fabricate an excuse for pulling me over, and the other..well, who knows what the hell he was doing. I guess he was just lonely. Heck, the worst they could accuse me of doing would be driving while a middle-income white boy. I didn't even get a verbal warning out of either encounter.

Oh, yeah, I also had a Missouri Highway Patrolman pull me over for driving in the left lane. There's him and me on this stretch of interstate in the middle of the night, and he feels the need to pull me over for driving in the "wrong" lane. :confused: He must have been really bored that night.;)
mholhut said:
Gee, how many drug dealers would be stupid enough to sell drugs to a uniformed vice cop in an unmarked cruiser... or a gang member selling guns to a uniformed gang cop. Gang and vice cops usually work as a team, and are all usually plain-clothes driving unmarked cars. Traffic stops are an inevitability of law enforcement from any angle. The bottom line is that the average victim doesn't use common sense.

Some people here have some real wild misconceptions about law enforcement. Sometimes folks, it's not all about YOU, money, or power.

what part of the work TRAFFIC did you not understand?

Reading Comp 101,. I suggest you take it;)
SoonerLS said:
You have got to be kidding, right? You might want to check out the real world one of these days...
Legally they have to have Probable Cause......

But all that requires is for them to "say" they saw you "excessive accelerate" or "change lanes with out signalling" or a million other excuses...

So in reality they need to reason

Instead of "to serve and protect" they need to put "to arrest and harrass" on the side of the cars;)
the_ancient said:
Instead of "to serve and protect" they need to put "to arrest and harrass" on the side of the cars;)
There is always a few bad apples in any profession but don't label ALL law enforcement people with being bad.

Also, mholhut is a policeman so I'd bet he has a better inside track than you when it comes to the operations of a law enforcement agency. This thread has taken a turn for the worse in debating this whole cop vs. society deal. I say we close it and move on.

I, for one, support the law enforcement for good or bad.
GrayGhost1 said:
I, for one, support the law enforcement for good or bad.
Just like Most Slaves Support their Masters, even when they were being beaten;)
the_ancient said:
Just like Most Slaves Support their Masters, even when they were being beaten;)
Man, you are too funny! If you don't like living in the US go to Russia or Iraq. I'm sure you'll be treated better there. :waving:
the_ancient said:
what part of the work TRAFFIC did you not understand?

Reading Comp 101,. I suggest you take it;)

What part of the worK traffic?

Must've skipped spelling in school that day.
GrayGhost1 said:
Man, you are too funny! If you don't like living in the US go to Russia or Iraq. I'm sure you'll be treated better there. :waving:
I Lover the United States, it is this "new america" I deplor... there is a differance

The United States was a Great Republic made up of Seperate but Equal States

America is a Democracy and a police state.

We left england for many of the same problems we have today
GrayGhost1 said:
There is always a few bad apples in any profession but don't label ALL law enforcement people with being bad.

The problems I have with our local law enforcement have very little to do with the men and women on the streets; it's their chief whose policies are causing the problems. Even the guy who pulled me over on the fabricated excuse, I don't hold that against him--he was just carrying out his orders.

You know it's bad when the old folks (of the WWII generation) at church are talking about the unmarked revenue enhancement patrol cars. (FWIW, they call the two most notorious ones "Twinkle Toes" and "Darth Vader.")
SoonerLS said:
I don't hold that against him--he was just carrying out his orders.
Again, we have Hung people for "just carrying out there orders";)

Let me ask, if a Chief Tells the cops to go out and Seize all Weapons, Unconstitutionally, you will excuse is Unlawful actions as "just following orders"?

Does that Extend to a Chief ordering the Murder of say and Ex wife as well?:eek:

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