Another LS spotted (cop)

the_ancient said:
I Lover the United States, it is this "new america" I deplor... there is a differance

The United States was a Great Republic made up of Seperate but Equal States

America is a Democracy and a police state.

We left england for many of the same problems we have today

This thread is way out of control.

That said, "we" didn't do anything unless you are almost 500 years old and came across the Atlantic by schooner. The world is differnet today, and we need more cops interested in pulling people over for "huntches" than just standing around waiting for the next 9/11. A little extreme, sure, but true.
Regarding safety: why don't you think he's running the radar out of the LS, and radioing the results to a handful of black and white chase cars a block away?

where is the "constitutional" violation in an unmarked car.
It's not entrapment, so I fail to see the constitutional argument.

And Ancient, what the hell are you talking about. You've gone from traffic regulation to murdering the police chief's wife.... that's usually considered insane rambling, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
MsM8tress said:
First off, don't yell at me hun, this isn't the politics forum.

To answer your question, yes I did thank you, my point is their statement (thought it was made crudely enough) "Aggressive driving is not a chargeable offense", how can you be charged with it? 1 offense, 2 offense, 3 offense 4....really shouldn't matter.....why is it on the ticket? For stupid judges??


How can I yell with a keyboard? Capital letters were to make the word stand out. Anyways you wouldn't be charged with aggressive driving like I stated. You'd be charged with the other violations that you committed that put you in the aggressive category and aggressive would be a caption on the citation. We do the same thing we just don't mark it on the court citation. Then at the end of the year we say, "look we arrested 500,000 aggressive drivers and it makes the public feel good."
highlander73 said:
This thread is way out of control.

That said, "we" didn't do anything unless you are almost 500 years old and came across the Atlantic by schooner. The world is differnet today, and we need more cops interested in pulling people over for "huntches" than just standing around waiting for the next 9/11. A little extreme, sure, but true.
I will leave the Rebuttal to this aurgment to some very smart people, that said things better than I can ---

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
-Patrick Henry

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again.

-Ronald Reagan

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

-George Washington

You cant get security by surrending freedom, even "just a little" freedom.
Akkord29 said:
Here is a pic from a local board with Tampa's Finest.


Here's a Sign for him! This is the Law....

the_ancient said:
I will leave the Rebuttal to this aurgment to some very smart people, that said things better than I can ---

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
-Patrick Henry

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again.

-Ronald Reagan

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

-George Washington

You cant get security by surrending freedom, even "just a little" freedom.

Quotes from the 18th century only bolster my point that old-world thinking does not apply here, though actually if you look at it the GW quote has nothing to do with anything discussed in the thread. The quote by RR only backs up my point that you need to defend your freedoms, and surprise-surprise it is from someone in current history.

Try again.
Bushum said:
How can I yell with a keyboard? Capital letters were to make the word stand out. Anyways you wouldn't be charged with aggressive driving like I stated. You'd be charged with the other violations that you committed that put you in the aggressive category and aggressive would be a caption on the citation. We do the same thing we just don't mark it on the court citation. Then at the end of the year we say, "look we arrested 500,000 aggressive drivers and it makes the public feel good."

"Send an e-mail in all UPPER-CASE. Use of upper-case words is the equivalent of shouting in some one's ear. ONLY use upper-case words when trying to make a point (such as I just did). Even at that, you should be careful with who you are exchanging messages."
Avoid using all capital letters.

Nuff Googled
highlander73 said:
Quotes from the 18th century only bolster my point that old-world thinking does not apply here, though actually if you look at it the GW quote has nothing to do with anything discussed in the thread. The quote by RR only backs up my point that you need to defend your freedoms, and surprise-surprise it is from someone in current history.

Try again.
Old world thinking DOES apply here, or should we just get rid of the constitution?, and RR does not back up your point

your wanting to somehow "defend" freedom from terrorist by surrendering it to Law Enforment:confused: That is not "defending" that is "giving it up", and once you give it up, you NEVER get it back, which is what RR stated.
highlander73 said:
The world is differnet today, and we need more cops interested in pulling people over for "huntches" than just standing around waiting for the next 9/11. A little extreme, sure, but true.

I hate to say it but all these homeland security measures will not stop another attack like 9/11. All it will do is make it a little harder to do so.

The type of terrorists that can plan attacks such as 9/11 are much smarter than to do some of the blatantly stupid things that the police and airlines are checking for.

Yes it will stop the ignorant retard terrorists(any idiot with a gun or pipebomb), but those are so numerous that even with the heightened security measures allot will be overlooked.

Some of these checks are good but allot are getting allot closer to infringing on our constitutional rights if they haven't already.

I don't liike the America that we have become in the last 40 years. I have not lived that long, but I have seen enough of my elders taking notice of it for it to have a serious affect on me.

Sometimes when I am overseas fighting I wonder what I am really fighting for.
Send an e-mail in all UPPER-CASE. Use of upper-case words is the equivalent of shouting in some one's ear. Even at that, you should be careful with who you are exchanging messages."
Avoid using all capital letters.

My two legit references beat your "opinion" and your selective c/p of my reference - neeeneer neeeeneer neenerrrrrrrr!!!!

You wake up everyday and have a big ole cup a you. I feel for the people on your beat. Actually, I feel for you even more....I'll leave it there cause you aren't able to go deep enough to comprehend.

Conversing with you is just an exercise in futility. You refuse to acknowledge the points being made, and thrive on twisting words. Sit down and have another cup.

Thanks for reminding me and everyone else reading this thread that there are people like you that can actually do permanent damage to a citizens life THAT IS WHAT REALLY SUCKS...(and you still remain clueless).

Okay kids, I think its time to grow up and leave it at that. This thread started with a picture of a cop sitting in an LS and it has ended up with people bickering about using caps and whether or not that is considered shouting. No reason for grown people to argue about little petty things like this, go give to a charity and be happy.
rocket5979 said:
......Sometimes when I am overseas fighting I wonder what I am really fighting for.

For freedom, even if it is just to be able to post to a stupid thread like this....or to go to the store of my choice in the car of my choice when I chose too....umm we only have to be threatened by numbskulls and a ticket...not execution.

How many other countries do could serve for and be able to make that statement without severe repercussion?

I do believe that our service men should have far better benefits.

You have my undying gratitude for your service, along with my family, my friends. My coworkers and I work everyday to ensure that things are working as well as they possibly can for our servicemen. You are the reason why we work, and the reason we can work.

Thank you, I know it is not enough, but it is all I have and I offer it to you.

MsM8tress said:
For freedom, even if it is just to be able to post to a stupid thread like this....or to go to the store of my choice in the car of my choice when I chose too....umm we only have to be threatened by numbskulls and a ticket...not execution.

How many other countries do could serve for and be able to make that statement without severe repercussion?

I do believe that our service men should have far better benefits.

You have my undying gratitude for your service, along with my family, my friends. My coworkers and I work everyday to ensure that things are working as well as they possibly can for our servicemen. You are the reason why we work, and the reason we can work.

Thank you, I know it is not enough, but it is all I have and I offer it to you.


Well said Debi :)
Here is a prime example of why Police need to be EASLY idenfiable BEFORE a person is pulled over, i.e MARKED CARS


People are conditioned in schools to do what ever the police tell you, They are the police you have to obey them:rolleyes: , This is the result of this conditioning
MsM8tress said:
For freedom, even if it is just to be able to post to a stupid thread like this....or to go to the store of my choice in the car of my choice when I chose too....umm we only have to be threatened by numbskulls and a ticket...not execution.

How many other countries do could serve for and be able to make that statement without severe repercussion?

I do believe that our service men should have far better benefits.

You have my undying gratitude for your service, along with my family, my friends. My coworkers and I work everyday to ensure that things are working as well as they possibly can for our servicemen. You are the reason why we work, and the reason we can work.

Thank you, I know it is not enough, but it is all I have and I offer it to you.


Actually, I was referring more to hidden agenda's, hypocracy and abuse of power or position versus the more basic/overt things you described. But I appreciate your kind words anyways.
Back in my home town there was a big time Mexican drug dealer that got busted and is now in prison. The cops confiscated his Expedition on 22's and now use it. You can see it driving around with a sticker on the side that says "police seized vehicle" or something like that.
the_ancient said:
Here is a prime example of why Police need to be EASLY idenfiable BEFORE a person is pulled over, i.e MARKED CARS


People are conditioned in schools to do what ever the police tell you, They are the police you have to obey them:rolleyes: , This is the result of this conditioning

No, this is a prime example of people not using common sense. That is absolutely the most rediculous article I've ever read. If you're using that as your "prime" example, then you've got no cause. Sorry, but if you start doing jumpin-jacks for someone over the phone, then you deserve a slap upside the head. Common sense would dictate that an officer show up on the scene for a reported larceny. Anything else to the prudent person would be BS. If nothing else this portrays our stupidity as a people. If you belive that caller, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

As far as that sceneario pertaining to unmarked cars... if all else fails, call 911 and/or ask the plain-clothes officer for an ID. No on'e going to blame anoyne for exercising common sense nowadays.
mholhut said:
No, this is a prime example of people not using common sense. That is absolutely the most rediculous article I've ever read. If you're using that as your "prime" example, then you've got no cause. Sorry, but if you start doing jumpin-jacks for someone over the phone, then you deserve a slap upside the head. Common sense would dictate that an officer show up on the scene for a reported larceny. Anything else to the prudent person would be BS. If nothing else this portrays our stupidity as a people. If you belive that caller, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

did you read the part of the artical where this happens many times every year?

We, as a people, are conditioned to "do what were told" espically when it comes to cops.

a product of giving cops WAY too much power, and allowing them to be "hidden"

Hitler used Secret police too

mholhut said:
As far as that sceneario pertaining to unmarked cars... if all else fails, call 911 and/or ask the plain-clothes officer for an ID. No on'e going to blame anoyne for exercising common sense nowadays.
I know a Girl that was arrested for failing to stop on a dark road, by an unmarked, she choose to drive to a well light parking lot just a few yards up the road. She motioned for the cops, everything she was told to do

the cop was an arrogate prick, as most are, and aksed her why she did not pull over right away,

the city elected not to press charges after a few lawyers got involved, but it should not have come to that in the first place
Rocket5979 why don't you make something good happen from this thread and spoil us with a pic in the Guys thread. I'm sure you can rustle up a HOTTIE PIC to throw up there, a nice one with you and your ride! The url is under my signature below. Go check out all the LVC memebers too!

Take Care Hun, and
Merry Merry Christmas!
:xmas: MsM8

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