Congratulations, Obama!: Media's Savaging of Joe the Plumber Causes Witness to Ayers-Obama Relationship to Get Cold Feet
The tip, and this is just a tip, but it's coming from someone reliable:
The problem in this story is twofold. Without wanting to provide details, the story really needs a second source.
Tom Maguire? Buddy? Please answer my emails.
The second problem is that anonymity -- no names, no pictures-- is requested. He fears retaliation and harassment. And who knows -- perhaps more.
Media may get away with going single-source on this, or anonymous sources, but not both single-source and anonymous.
So here's the day's twist: Believe it or don't.
The source was considering dropping his demand for anonymity. Thus likely moving the story forward. (Not to the Politico, by the way: the other, far more important source.)
And now, today? After witnessing Politico, among others, savage Joe Wurtzelbacher?
Cold feet.
The Politico has this story. They've had it for a while. They don't want to run it with the guy's anonymity kept intact.
Gee, I wonder why he wanted to keep that?
They're willing to endlessly vet anyone who even asks Barack Obama a question, but not Barack Obama himself.
I can pretty much understand the media's reluctance to allow anonymity -- except for the fact that the media so gleefully engages in the witness intimidation that prompts the request for anonymity in the first place.
As of now, the story appears dead.
Again, second source crucial. If anyone has the guts to go up against Obama's cultists and his state media.
The Other Party on the Story: I should say the Politico's reasoning is not obviously biased, because the other party, whom I respect, has the same damn problems.
I am picking on the Politico, however, because let's face it, they are a bit loose with the rules when it suits them, and because they took part in this "vetting," as they call it, of a citizen who dared to ask a question.
They're part of the same smear campaign and creepy threats of retaliation -- a home address? Why does that need to be known to a charged, angry electorate? -- against a guy who asked a question.
No, the Politico didn't do that part, but they dug an awful lot. And encouraged digging, because any leftie who hit upon something would get his tip published.
I cannot even imagine what would happen to a guy who called Obama a straight-up liar on his supposed "flimsy" relationship with The Terrorist William Ayers.
They know what this guy fears -- because they just participated in it.
Any dink of a sub-bureaucrat who could whistle-blow against the Bush Administration would have his story told -- with anonymity.
But it's different for The One.
The tip, and this is just a tip, but it's coming from someone reliable:
The problem in this story is twofold. Without wanting to provide details, the story really needs a second source.
Tom Maguire? Buddy? Please answer my emails.
The second problem is that anonymity -- no names, no pictures-- is requested. He fears retaliation and harassment. And who knows -- perhaps more.
Media may get away with going single-source on this, or anonymous sources, but not both single-source and anonymous.
So here's the day's twist: Believe it or don't.
The source was considering dropping his demand for anonymity. Thus likely moving the story forward. (Not to the Politico, by the way: the other, far more important source.)
And now, today? After witnessing Politico, among others, savage Joe Wurtzelbacher?
Cold feet.
The Politico has this story. They've had it for a while. They don't want to run it with the guy's anonymity kept intact.
Gee, I wonder why he wanted to keep that?
They're willing to endlessly vet anyone who even asks Barack Obama a question, but not Barack Obama himself.
I can pretty much understand the media's reluctance to allow anonymity -- except for the fact that the media so gleefully engages in the witness intimidation that prompts the request for anonymity in the first place.
As of now, the story appears dead.
Again, second source crucial. If anyone has the guts to go up against Obama's cultists and his state media.
The Other Party on the Story: I should say the Politico's reasoning is not obviously biased, because the other party, whom I respect, has the same damn problems.
I am picking on the Politico, however, because let's face it, they are a bit loose with the rules when it suits them, and because they took part in this "vetting," as they call it, of a citizen who dared to ask a question.
They're part of the same smear campaign and creepy threats of retaliation -- a home address? Why does that need to be known to a charged, angry electorate? -- against a guy who asked a question.
No, the Politico didn't do that part, but they dug an awful lot. And encouraged digging, because any leftie who hit upon something would get his tip published.
I cannot even imagine what would happen to a guy who called Obama a straight-up liar on his supposed "flimsy" relationship with The Terrorist William Ayers.
They know what this guy fears -- because they just participated in it.
Any dink of a sub-bureaucrat who could whistle-blow against the Bush Administration would have his story told -- with anonymity.
But it's different for The One.