After Yosemite we made our way down US Hwy 395 trying to head toward Las Vegas. We stopped in Bishop, CA where once again thanks to a Casino they had every thing a traveler could want. Good thing we found a place to stay as the CA State High School Rodeo Finials were going on.
Now was the biggest decision of the Trip... We had planned on crossing Death Valley for the fun of it. But in Oregon a fellow biker informed us it would be stupid at this time of year to do so. Also the bike started to sound a little different and I began to worry. It was still running very smooth and had all power but the sound was different. I was worried. Her we are in no where... distances between places are far and services are scarce. Plus temps are hot and roads are not always traveled.
What to do.. South of bishop is CA hwy 168. It crosses the mountains an then the dessert. It is closed during the snowy season... it's the shortest distance between 395 and US 95 which connect Vegas and Reno, and is highly traveled. We could continue down Hwy 395 until it meets the interstate to Vegas. This now would be about 200 to 300 extra miles. What to do...
I stopped at the last gas station at the Junction of 395 and 168 and asked who much traffic would be on 168. He said I should pass some traffic. But there was 140 miles before the next gas station. This isn't too bad as I get 200 to 250 on one tank.
So I asked Cassie and she said go for it... so it was 168 to 95...
And wow what a road.. Bikers dream... until we hit the dessert.. and hot... We passed a few ranches and the road was under construction so I there was traffic on this road.
Once we hit 95 I got to show Cassie all the "Ranches" that didn't have any cows.. and well you know what they sold there... Told Cassie this is not what I want to find out that you choose for a living.
We made it to Vegas and meet up with Cassie's Grand Parents at Sam's.
Cassie's Grandfather and I use to take motorcycle trips out west every year. But since the divorice that ended. They were excited to see us and first treated us to lunch and then took us on a tour of Vegas, mainly Cassie as I've been there a few times. We went up the Stratosphere and then walked the old down town. What changes... It was a fun afternoon.. but temps were over 110 degrees and we where beat. I was suppose to call Turborich but lost his phone number. I called Torquemonkey and informed him that the temps were too hot for Cassie and to drive in 110+ temps with her on the bike wasn't a good idea. So we Cassie and I called it a short day ordered some Pizza and got a good sleep. We decided to head north through Utah and then to CO for cooler weather. Also traveling the interstates while the bike was acting up would be safer. (Personal thought I felt it was leaking exhaust).