We did 5600+ miles in 13 day.
A trip through the trees will leave you just aw struck... There is nothing like it. Thanks to my friend from Steve Saunders Goldwing page... he saved that portion of the trip. Otherwise we would have headed south sooner and missed them.
Ummm No! I do some crazy things but if my last ride is a fall from 1/4 mile in the sky.. It's going to be on accedent... I like some of those rides but not up there.
Oh and the final days pics are coming... Last major stop was Rocky Mountain National Park... What a way to end the trip.
The Heat in Vegas broke Cassie and she decided that it was time to head home. She knew that it was still going to be days before we would get home and the heat did her in. She gave up looking at the big hole in the ground, meet Torquemonkey LOL... a national wonder!!LOL... 4 cornners... and heading up the southern route of CO... Something I have to do again some day. I love the road around Durango, Wolf Creeks Pass, and Canon, CO... Sorry for missing you to Mike...