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Anybody care to disagree?
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maybe Barack is also a closet Afrocentrist militant.
Ya think? Barack claims in 20 years that he never heard or even heard anybody repeat what his good pal, the minister (insert snicker here), said, and if he had, of course he would have repudiated it at the time.
This is almost better than Clinton's 'I smoked it, but I didn't inhale'.
Gotta luv lefties.
In their denial of admitting what Barack really is, his supporters defend him by saying 'guilty by association' is not a fair yardstick.We could easily quote Hillary and say to believe Barack would required the “willing suspension of disbelief.”
Not me. I'm shouting from the rooftops ya-all.
I heard excerpts of Barack's speech and some commentary today. Why do I have a problem believing him? Oh...that's right...despite his condemnation of Reverend Wright's diatribe of hate and false statements he continued to be a member of the Reverend's church--Why? The Reverend made many speeches condemning the U.S. and blaming white America for the many problems in black communities, including claiming that the U.S. government deliberately targeted blacks with the HIV virus. This unfounded and ridiculous accusation should have been sufficient in and of itself to cause Barack to leave the church. Instead, he refers to the Reverend as being liken an "uncle".
the fake veteran.
While I agree that McCain hates Christians and as such (among other reasons) does not deserve my vote, your stealth accusation of racism of Bryan is uncalled for and unwelcome.That says it all. Pull out that Confederate flag while you're at it. here you haven’t heard before, for the simple reason that even a third-grader can grasp the basic issue. Obama’s a craven liar who tolerated racism for years and then suddenly decided it was intolerable, not when he first started running for president but when ABC News finally crammed this verbal feces down his gullet, thereby warranting an “historic,” ass-saving speech to preserve his candidacy. Liberals are only too happy to believe it’s all part of his grand strategy to heal America by accruing power to himself. Gingrich thinks otherwise. Why? Because he’s a racist, silly, that’s why.
I like Allahpundit's take on Obama's latest speech: