Barack is Done. He is Unelectable.

Funny thing about politics -- I learned a long time ago never to count anyone out completely.
It ain't over till it's over.
Who would have thought 6 months ago that McCain would come back from the dead and win the Republican nomination.
The veil is slowly being pulled off of Barack. I can't see him winning. I can't believe this country would ever do that.

Sought out this bigoted church on the south side of Chicago to gain black-street creed. 20 years of spiritual guidance by one of the most racist people in this country. Married by the guy. Kids baptized by the guy. Wrote a book inspired by one of his sermons. Donated $20,000 in 2006. Has made millions in the last couple of years and yet Obama is not considered a rich man.

And the MSM is just gonna ignore this and sweep it under the rug?

Not me. I'm shouting from the rooftops ya-all.
Another Obomination...

So in 2006 whilst Obama's wife Michelle is getting a 'promotion' and $250,000 pay raise to continue her current job as community affairs director for a Chicago hospital, along comes a $1,000,000 earmark for that same hospital in 2006. Guess which Senator's name was on the earmark?

If you guess it, go to the head of the class.

Can't wait for all the changes Obama promises.:(
Can't wait for him to bring his scorn to all of God Damn America!

obama scornful man (600 x 402).jpg
I think Barack just took major damage but he's not out because Hillary is in. If Barack can satisfactorily explain why he decided to continue to be a member of a church with a nutjob militant Afrocentrist preacher then his political career may survive. I tend to think Mrs. Obama is the truly militant one in the family and Barack probably continued to stay and listen to the nutty preacher because the wife likes the nut and Barack has to satisfy the militant wife. Then again, maybe Barack is also a closet Afrocentrist militant.
maybe Barack is also a closet Afrocentrist militant.

Ya think? Barack claims in 20 years that he never heard or even heard anybody repeat what his good pal, the minister (insert snicker here), said, and if he had, of course he would have repudiated it at the time.

This is almost better than Clinton's 'I smoked it, but I didn't inhale'.

Gotta luv lefties.
Ya think? Barack claims in 20 years that he never heard or even heard anybody repeat what his good pal, the minister (insert snicker here), said, and if he had, of course he would have repudiated it at the time.

This is almost better than Clinton's 'I smoked it, but I didn't inhale'.

Gotta luv lefties.

It certainly is a problem for Barack. How a person can be a semi-regular member of a church for nearly 20 years and know the reverend over 20 years and not hear the reverend's controversial/radical views is beyond belief. We could easily quote Hillary and say to believe Barack would required the “willing suspension of disbelief.”
We could easily quote Hillary and say to believe Barack would required the “willing suspension of disbelief.”
In their denial of admitting what Barack really is, his supporters defend him by saying 'guilty by association' is not a fair yardstick.

The whole Rezko affair is one that Barack says was a series of bad judgements. Now he says his minister used bad judgement.

But he wants us to believe he used 'good' judgement on Iraq and that is why he should be President.

Man, I wish I could debate the guy. An empty-suit panderer and hate monger. Nothing more to see here folks, just move on.
I guess Bill Kristol summed it up better than I....

"Bill Kristol distills the essence of Obama:

The more you learn about him, the more Obama seems to be a conventionally opportunistic politician, impressively smart and disciplined, who has put together a good political career and a terrific presidential campaign. But there’s not much audacity of hope there. There’s the calculation of ambition, and the construction of artifice, mixed in with a dash of deceit — all covered over with the great conceit that this campaign, and this candidate, are different."
Even if he becomes president, I doubt he will stay in office very long. I just hope he picks a good vice president.
Jeremiah Wright (Obama's "former" pastor) is to the white community what Fred Phelps ("Reverend" of the Westboro Baptist Church) is to the gay community.
I heard excerpts of Barack's speech and some commentary today. Why do I have a problem believing him? Oh...that's right...despite his condemnation of Reverend Wright's diatribe of hate and false statements he continued to be a member of the Reverend's church--Why? The Reverend made many speeches condemning the U.S. and blaming white America for the many problems in black communities, including claiming that the U.S. government deliberately targeted blacks with the HIV virus. This unfounded and ridiculous accusation should have been sufficient in and of itself to cause Barack to leave the church. Instead, he refers to the Reverend as being liken an "uncle".

Since Barack has a close friendship with the Reverend then I would think he would have tried to counsel him long ago in a loving Christian way in an attempt to discourage him from making such scurrilous and unfounded accusations. But apparently he did not. This begs the question as to whether Barack is lying when he claims he doesn't agree with the Reverends bigoted and anti-American views. One thing for certain, Barack met with the Reverend last year and they discussed the possibility that Barack would have to distance himself from the Reverend if and when the Reverend's militant views became public. So again, is Barack being honest when he says he doesn't agree with the Reverend's militant views?

Further, I certainly wouldn't subject my children to the Reverend's hate messages, and I think most average Americans (black, white or otherwise) would find another church. But apparently Barack feels it's acceptable to subject his family to the Reverend's errant messages to the point that he is willing to forge a strong friendship with him.

If Barack was a leader he would have attempted to counsel the Reverend, certainly in light of their close friendship, concerning his many untruthful statements. If Barack is truly an average American who loves his country his remaining at this church in light of the many anti-American speeches given by the Reverend makes me wounder if he really love his country.
I heard excerpts of Barack's speech and some commentary today. Why do I have a problem believing him? Oh...that's right...despite his condemnation of Reverend Wright's diatribe of hate and false statements he continued to be a member of the Reverend's church--Why? The Reverend made many speeches condemning the U.S. and blaming white America for the many problems in black communities, including claiming that the U.S. government deliberately targeted blacks with the HIV virus. This unfounded and ridiculous accusation should have been sufficient in and of itself to cause Barack to leave the church. Instead, he refers to the Reverend as being liken an "uncle".

Don't care. Wouldn't vote for that creep McCain who takes money from a bible thumping nut who hates Catholics. I'm a Catholic, McCain isn't getting my vote period.
That says it all. Pull out that Confederate flag while you're at it.
While I agree that McCain hates Christians and as such (among other reasons) does not deserve my vote, your stealth accusation of racism of Bryan is uncalled for and unwelcome.
I like Allahpundit's take on Obama's latest speech:

Nothing here you haven’t heard before, for the simple reason that even a third-grader can grasp the basic issue. Obama’s a craven liar who tolerated racism for years and then suddenly decided it was intolerable, not when he first started running for president but when ABC News finally crammed this verbal feces down his gullet, thereby warranting an “historic,” ass-saving speech to preserve his candidacy. Liberals are only too happy to believe it’s all part of his grand strategy to heal America by accruing power to himself. Gingrich thinks otherwise. Why? Because he’s a racist, silly, that’s why.

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