Barack is Done. He is Unelectable.

Just from a strategy point, this is really fascinating.

Obama is in a political free fall right now. He's falling behind McCain and Hillary by double digits in most of the recent polls.

Yet he still is the likely nominee of the Democrats based on the delegates.
Hillary now will win Pennslyvania and then argue to the super delegates that only she can win against McCain since Obama has become such a liability.

Frankly, that's the purpose of the super delegates. To correct the decisions of the passionate and ignorant Democrat base and protect the long term interests of the party.

So now they can ignore the primary voters, support Hillary, and alienate and anger a large segment of their voters. And then, she'll probably lose to McCain.

Or they can support Obama, upset the other half of Hillary supporters, and then he's be crushed by McCain.

Maybe they can have a riot like they had in '68 just to make this story complete.
I was going to post something similar.

Here is an election the Dems should have won easily with the media beating on Bush for 7 years now but yet they are poised for another defeat.

It is going to get so ugly because there is not a positive outcome for the Dems.
Either way they go they lose.

They either put up a socialist female hated by half the country or they go with a social racist 'man of color' who carries so much baggage. (sorry for the uncle tom reference).

It is really so enjoyable to watch. I am giddy about the thrashing that is only beginning.

And I totally agree about the SuperDelegates roll but you are about to see a war within the Democrat party over race vs gender this country has never seen. Either way they lose. There is no dream team ticket. There is no winner. Both come out losers.

Sit back, get some popcorn and enjoy!
I was going to post something similar.

Here is an election the Dems should have won easily with the media beating on Bush for 7 years now but yet they are poised for another defeat.

It is going to get so ugly because there is not a positive outcome for the Dems.
Either way they go they lose.

They either put up a socialist female hated by half the country or they go with a social racist 'man of color' who carries so much baggage. (sorry for the uncle tom reference).

It is really so enjoyable to watch. I am giddy about the thrashing that is only beginning.

And I totally agree about the SuperDelegates roll but you are about to see a war within the Democrat party over race vs gender this country has never seen. Either way they lose. There is no dream team ticket. There is no winner. Both come out losers.

Sit back, get some popcorn and enjoy!
And when all the dust settles, we're stuck with Insane McCain. The only losers in this election will be the American people, and this time it's guaranteed no matter who wins the election.
And when all the dust settles, we're stuck with Insane McCain. The only losers in this election will be the American people, and this time it's guaranteed no matter who wins the election.
It is only 4 years. It really boils down to his VP choice as for how things are going to go.

He picks the right guy and we'll have another 8 years after McCain. And maybe get the House and Senate back after the lefties crucify the Dem leadership.
It is only 4 years. It really boils down to his VP choice as for how things are going to go.

He picks the right guy and we'll have another 8 years after McCain. And maybe get the House and Senate back after the lefties crucify the Dem leadership.
Why do you think McCain will only rule us for 4 years?
But....but....Obama is the Messiah, and this is the second coming!!!

Attacking him is sacrilege!! You're all going to HELL!!! God bless the DNC, and the great profits; Marx, FDR and LBJ.
And when all the dust settles, we're stuck with Insane McCain. The only losers in this election will be the American people, and this time it's guaranteed no matter who wins the election.

And if he appoints two more Supreme Court justices like Roberts, cuts corporate taxes, strengthens and supports the military, and controls domestic spending... who loses?

He's made agreements with Democrats that I found offensive in the past. On those issues, that's clearly a negative. But at the same rate, that's also positive. He'll break with the party on issues when he disagrees. And when he believes in something, he'll fight like a mad dog. He's right more often than wrong, so if that means he's going to snap on big-spending Republicans or pacifists Liberals, we might see some positive things happen.
And if he appoints two more Supreme Court justices like Roberts, cuts corporate taxes, strengthens and supports the military, and controls domestic spending... who loses?

1) Homeland Security
2) Supreme Court nominees
3) Foreign policy
4) Whack a terrorist or two million.

All that matters to me.
if that means he's going to snap on big-spending Republicans or pacifists Liberals, we might see some positive things happen.

What is his track record on the spending thing? I have heard him giving lip service to being a fiscal conservative, but what is his track record?
McCain has given no indication that he will appoint justices like Roberts or Scalia. In fact, he's given the indication that he prefers the Sandra Day O'Connor type. Furthermore, he opposed Bush's tax cuts, for whatever reason, and that makes me queasy. He's willing to spend whatever it takes to keep us in Iraq for 100 years, so he's not exactly tight fisted budget-wise. And he's for shamnesty, so he'll pass something that turns us into Los Estados Unidos.

And he's a wacko nutjob.
I'll go ahead and say this up front......label me an extremist racist sexist right wing nutjob if you want, but this is my opinion.

Obama is only getting votes cause he's black. Hillary is only getting votes cause she's a woman. The DNC has no candidate worth two sh1ts. Obama is a muslim racist well educated idiot. (edumacation doesn't mean everything, billy boy showed us that) Sure, Bush's speeches are less than glamorous at times, but the man backs up what he says he's gonna do. He inherited a plate full of crap from billy boy, and dealt with it as best he could. The media has lambasted him since day one, relentlessly. The best comparison on the racist preacher was on the view today (no i don't watch that ever, but I was almost asleep on the couch and the remote was on the other side of the room so I saw some of it) Elizabeth Hasselbeck made a great point, which the black lady was quick to try to negate (whoopi is out sick) She said, Obama was one of the first to call for Imus to resign from his show for his nappy headed hoe's comment, and that he would never be part of anything with anyone who was racist or extremeist. He then gets connected to his preacher he is exactly that, a racist extremeist and vehemently defends him to no end. FLIP FLOP :q:q:q:q:q:q:q! Do as I say not as I do and I want to be president.

I'll be first to admit that McCain is a less than desirable candidate. I don't personally care for the man, and thing that if the Dems had a single decent candidate they would wipe our asses this year, but they don't. People will vote against hillary cause she's a dumb extremeist bitch, and against Obama cause he's a two timing liar racist. McCain is the cleanest of the group. I'd personally vote king george in for 4 more years if I could:D
McCain has given no indication that he will appoint justices like Roberts or Scalia. In fact, he's given the indication that he prefers the Sandra Day O'Connor type. Furthermore, he opposed Bush's tax cuts, for whatever reason, and that makes me queasy. He's willing to spend whatever it takes to keep us in Iraq for 100 years, so he's not exactly tight fisted budget-wise. And he's for shamnesty, so he'll pass something that turns us into Los Estados Unidos.
He has stated repeatedly that he will appoint judges like Roberts, specifically. And repeatedly has said that he will nominated TESTED and CONSISTENT judges, unlike Souter.

He opposed the Bush tax cut because he doesn't appear to be a strong supply-side economic proponent. This might means he doesn't necessarily recognize the "lower taxes always lead to increased revenue" economic model.
But he does support balanced budgets and reduced spending. And he also actively is promising to lower corporate income taxes if elected.

He has never said his goal was to stay in Iraq 100 years, regardless the cost. That's a foolish statement.

And the immigration is far more complicated than just calling it "Shamnesty." Regardless, he has formally and repeatedly explained that the bill he supported is not supported by the public because Washington has lost the trust of the American people. He now does support border protection and enforcement.

And he's a wacko nutjob.
...he [McCain] does support balanced budgets and reduced spending. And he also actively is promising to lower corporate income taxes if elected.

That is what I am most concerned with; his spending views. Iraq, I understand. We made a commitment, and we need to stick with it. The taxes thing isn't that big a deal as long as we keep the Bush tax cuts and don't increase taxes. I am mainly concerned with his views on domestic spending. While he says certian things on the campagin trail, I am more concerned with his actual record on that one.
...completely ignored his [Obama's] reaching out to whites who feel slighted by affirmative action.

Yeah, I noticed that. It was a nice change of pace from the Clintons, who would've just demonized anyone who criticized them.

We can't deny the race problem in the country and we're never going to get over this problem until we can come together and realize at the end of the day that we're all Americans and in the same boat.

Actually, "coming together" is not the solution and is just a mindless platitude. We can't fix these race issues until we can have an honest debate about it and deal with reality, not propaganda. We can't have that debate when people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright set the terms for the debate.

Obama wasn't the guy playing the race thing. He's a black candidate, not The Black Candidate. I don't even blame the race thing on the Republicans, this was another dirty Clinton trick.

Actually, Obama was playin the race card. He was doin the same thing in his speech that Sharpton and Jackson do; mischaracterize the black community as victims due to the legacy of slavery. Then Obama used that to justify Wright's bullsh1t, and his own tolerance of that crap.
Some excerpts from:

Q: Have Republicans forgotten how to control spending?

McCain: Absolutely. We let spending lurch completely out of control. As president of the United States, I'd take an old veto pen that Ronald Reagan gave me, and I'd veto every single pork barrel bill that comes across my desk. And we've got to stop it and stop it now. I look forward to it.

Q: How will you be different, in any way, from Pres. Bush?

McCain: I would have vetoed spending bill after spending bill after pork-barrel project after pork-barrel project, in the tradition of President Reagan. The first pork-barrel bill that crosses my desk, I'm going to veto it and make the authors of those pork-barrel items famous all over America. We're going to stop it.

Q: What specific programs would you cut if you were president?

McCain: Line-item veto is the best tool. We need it very badly.

McCain would “maintain status” on spending for:
*AIDS programs
* Environmental programs
* Foreign aid
* Housing projects
* Job training programs
* Medicaid & Medicare
* Student loan programs

McCain would “slightly increase” spending for:
*Education (K-12)
* Law enforcement
* Military & Veterans Benefits
* Border Control

McCain would “slightly decrease” spending for:
* Welfare

McCain would eliminate spending for:
* Arts funding

McCain supports amending the US Constitution to require an annual balanced federal budget.

McCain adopted the Republican Main Street Partnership issue stance:

What we offer today are not the precise spending decisions of a given year's budget; rather, we call upon the Congress and the nation to adopt the following guidelines for our fiscal policy over the next decade. This long-term blueprint is essential for maintaining both the immediate public-sector goal of balancing the budget and the private-sector goal of a healthy economy. This can be achieved through the following steps:

* A commitment to maintaining and enforcing existing spending caps in the future, when such discipline becomes more difficult to achieve;
* A careful and considerate re-definition of the federal role in society (what should be the legitimate and proper role of the federal government in the twenty-first century, and how do we prioritize competing demands?); and
* An evaluation of implementing tax cuts based on their social fairness.

Source: Republican Main St. Partnership Issue Paper: Fiscal Policy 98-RMSP5 on Sep 9, 1998
I would bet the farm that McCain will pick Joe Liberman for his vice president.
I really don't think Mc ACain can beat Hillary.
As for the black dude, he is yesterday's news.
If the dems expect to win the white house, they best concentrate in getting Hillary elected, rather than hash over old news concerning the black dude.
Concentrating on the obama campaign is only going to cause more desention in the democratic party.
He is carrying far to much unwanted baggage, and can't possibly expect the voters to belive anything he says in the future.
See heres the thing about Oblahma. The democrats don't care what he did as long as they get their change. There is no changing the mind of a liberal voter once its made up.

Okay now we know what McCaint stood for in '98, show us something from 2008.
I would bet the farm that McCain will pick Joe Liberman for his vice president.
No. He's said this, Lieberman has also confirmed this. Other than foreign policy, they have little in common.

Ridge is possible, but he's "pro-chocie" so some pundits think that he'll avoid that choice.

I really don't think Mc ACain can beat Hillary.
The polling says otherwise. Clinton has extremely high negatives.
Many people simply do not want to support the Bush/Clinton cycle since 1980.
And if she "steals" the nomination, many Obama supporters simply won't vote. The more sheep-like who simply like the energy of Obama will likely vote for McCain.

As for the black dude, he is yesterday's news.
That "Black dude" is well ahead in the delegate count and is quite likely to win the party nomination. If he doesn't, it'll rip the Democrat party in two.

If the dems expect to win the white house, they best concentrate in getting Hillary elected, rather than hash over old news concerning the black dude. Concentrating on the obama campaign is only going to cause more desention in the democratic party.
Too late.

He is carrying far to much unwanted baggage, and can't possibly expect the voters to belive anything he says in the future.
Well, if you think Hillary is void of any "unwanted baggage" you're sorely mistaken. But it's nearly impossible for Hillary to go to the convention with a delegate lead. Obama has won the popular vote here.

The only way Hillary can win the nomination is if the Super Delegates defy the popular vote and award it to Hillary. No matter what they do, their going to piss at least 30% of their voters off.
Just for you Monster... Politics, racism and religion, all in one:

Yes, the pastor is for real.

That is funny!!!!

Now, when you motorboat a nice pair of D-size twins, you do so in support of Obama!

EDIT: Just listen to that, a lot of truth in that, especially later on (at least in regards to the black community as a whole)..
Just make sure you don't have the volume too loud

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