Barack is Done. He is Unelectable.

Because the critics of the speech don't really get the gist of what Obama said and completely ignored his reaching out to whites who feel slighted by affirmative action. We can't deny the race problem in the country and we're never going to get over this problem until we can come together and realize at the end of the day that we're all Americans and in the same boat. Obama wasn't the guy playing the race thing. He's a black candidate, not The Black Candidate. I don't even blame the race thing on the Republicans, this was another dirty Clinton trick.
We can't deny the race problem in the country and we're never going to get over this problem until we can come together and realize at the end of the day that we're all Americans and in the same boat. Obama wasn't the guy playing the race thing.

What are you talking about?

Guys like Obama ARE the reason we have race problems.

He talks about uniting? Are you kidding me? He will carve this country up pandering to whites and blacks like he is doing now.

The guy needed to do his house cleaning BEFORE running for President. Now it is too late.

Obama joined Trinity to obtain some 'black credentials' when he was running for the Illinois Senate. That is what started this whole thing.

Obama has been pampered his whole life. He didn't grow up a poor negro. Yes, his p.o.s. dad did leave, but don't most "african-american" dads do that too?

He had the best education in 'whitey' schools and knew that wouldn't fly in Chicago.

Anyway, he needed to look black and Trinity Church provided the hate and bigotry for him to proclaim himself 'black' enough.

But, he bought into the system at Trinity. He fell in hook, line, and sinker. That is what is the most troubling.

Cozying up to the pastor is where his character should really be judged.

After 20 years, Obama is now a product of that enviroment. One only has to look at his wife to see that. She is not as good at hiding it as the "TelePrompter' king.

I was truly offended that on such a momentus occasion, he once again leans on the TelePrompter versus speaking from the heart.

People are enamored with Barack because he is the best TV announcer. Has nothing to do with his positions. And for me, I can't stand the sight of him holding his chin high like he is the Almighty. He needs to be knocked down, not a few, but a couple of dozen notches for sure.
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Obama is a well educated, intelligent Ivy League educated attorney get your facts straight.
Nothing more than a TV announcer. When he loses, he can get a job on NBC Nightly News.:D

Here are the real reasons you love Barack...
· Voted against banning "partial birth" abortion.
· Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
· Big affirmative action supporter for Colleges and Government.
· Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
. Was probably even a dealer which is why he supports a minimum wage street dealer subsidy.
· Religious convictions are murky to say the least.
· Will meet with all tyrants like Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Ahmadinejad.
· Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.
· Opposes the Patriot Act.
· Wants to sue gun manufacturers.
· Universal health-care.
· Big habeas corpus supporter for Guantanamo detainees.
· Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
· Will give welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
· Wants to make the minimum wage a "living wage".
· 96% Dem Party lackey.
· Supports Social Security rate increase.
· Voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax
· Voted No on repealing the "Death" Tax
· Will raise the Capital Gains Tax.
· Only guy wrong on the Iraq war.
Nothing more than a TV announcer. When he loses, he can get a job on NBC Nightly News.:D

Here are the real reasons you love Barack...

He is an attorney and professor. How dare you tell me why I support or don't support any candidate. The arrogance. Shows a lot of character in you. I gave you my reasons for supporting Obama and you couldn't stand the fact that I don't fall into your left-right spectrum. Take your prepackaged, distorted, neocon talking points and go join your Catholic hating bible thumper.
Was probably even a dealer which is why he supports a minimum wage street dealer subsidy.

That's out of line to the point of being despicable. Oh sure he was a dealer. Forget evidence, let's just assert a bunch of crap. Bush used cocaine (FACT). Bush was probably a dealer. OK :D
He is an attorney and professor. How dare you tell me why I support or don't support any candidate. The arrogance. Shows a lot of character in you. I gave you my reasons for supporting Obama and you couldn't stand the fact that I don't fall into your left-right spectrum. Take your prepackaged, distorted, neocon talking points and go join your Catholic hating bible thumper.
As soon as you take your Nazi Germany Jew-barbecueing Aryan nation master race self back to your socialist European country.
As soon as you take your Nazi Germany Jew-barbecueing Aryan nation master race self back to your socialist European country.

My my, the hate Fossten, the hate. You belong with Hagee and Hitler, putz.
You're politics may be s*** but you've got a good sense of humor.
It's "Your," not "You're." No wonder you're unemployed. Maybe you should learn to type with all the fingers on both hands. *owned*
It's "Your," not "You're." No wonder you're unemployed. Maybe you should learn to type with all the fingers on both hands. *owned*

Go back to the trailer park and learn how to take a complement.
Because the critics of the speech don't really get the gist of what Obama said and completely ignored his reaching out to whites who feel slighted by affirmative action. We can't deny the race problem in the country and we're never going to get over this problem until we can come together and realize at the end of the day that we're all Americans and in the same boat. Obama wasn't the guy playing the race thing. He's a black candidate, not The Black Candidate. I don't even blame the race thing on the Republicans, this was another dirty Clinton trick.


From the Los Angeles Times

Obama the 'Magic Negro'

The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.

By David Ehrenstein

L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.

March 19, 2007

AS EVERY CARBON-BASED life form on this planet surely knows, Barack Obama, the junior Democratic senator from Illinois, is running for president. Since making his announcement, there has been no end of commentary about him in all quarters — musing over his charisma and the prospect he offers of being the first African American to be elected to the White House.

But it's clear that Obama also is running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination — the "Magic Negro."

The Magic Negro is a figure of postmodern folk culture, coined by snarky 20th century sociologists, to explain a cultural figure who emerged in the wake of Brown vs. Board of Education. "He has no past, he simply appears one day to help the white protagonist," reads the description on Wikipedia .

He's there to assuage white "guilt" (i.e., the minimal discomfort they feel) over the role of slavery and racial segregation in American history, while replacing stereotypes of a dangerous, highly sexualized black man with a benign figure for whom interracial sexual congress holds no interest.

As might be expected, this figure is chiefly cinematic — embodied by such noted performers as Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Scatman Crothers, Michael Clarke Duncan, Will Smith and, most recently, Don Cheadle. And that's not to mention a certain basketball player whose very nickname is "Magic."

Poitier really poured on the "magic" in "Lilies of the Field" (for which he won a best actor Oscar) and "To Sir, With Love" (which, along with "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," made him a No. 1 box-office attraction). In these films, Poitier triumphs through yeoman service to his white benefactors. "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" is particularly striking in this regard, as it posits miscegenation without evoking sex. (Talk about magic!)

The same can't quite be said of Freeman in "Driving Miss Daisy," "Seven" and the seemingly endless series of films in which he plays ersatz paterfamilias to a white woman bedeviled by a serial killer. But at least he survives, unlike Crothers in "The Shining," in which psychic premonitions inspire him to rescue a white family he barely knows and get killed for his trouble. This heart-tug trope is parodied in Gus Van Sant's "Elephant." The film's sole black student at a Columbine-like high school arrives in the midst of a slaughter, helps a girl escape and is immediately gunned down. See what helping the white man gets you?

And what does the white man get out of the bargain? That's a question asked by John Guare in "Six Degrees of Separation," his brilliant retelling of the true saga of David Hampton — a young, personable gay con man who in the 1980s passed himself off as the son of none other than the real Sidney Poitier. Though he started small, using the ruse to get into Studio 54, Hampton discovered that countless gullible, well-heeled New Yorkers, vulnerable to the Magic Negro myth, were only too eager to believe in his baroque fantasy. (One of the few who wasn't fooled was Andy Warhol, who was astonished his underlings believed Hampton's whoppers. Clearly Warhol had no need for the accouterment of interracial "goodwill.")

But the same can't be said of most white Americans, whose desire for a noble, healing Negro hasn't faded. That's where Obama comes in: as Poitier's "real" fake son.

The senator's famously stem-winding stump speeches have been drawing huge crowds to hear him talk of uniting rather than dividing. A praiseworthy goal. Consequently, even the mild criticisms thrown his way have been waved away, "magically." He used to smoke, but now he doesn't; he racked up a bunch of delinquent parking tickets, but he paid them all back with an apology. And hey, is looking good in a bathing suit a bad thing?

The only mud that momentarily stuck was criticism (white and black alike) concerning Obama's alleged "inauthenticty," as compared to such sterling examples of "genuine" blackness as Al Sharpton and Snoop Dogg. Speaking as an African American whose last name has led to his racial "credentials" being challenged — often several times a day — I know how pesky this sort of thing can be.

Obama's fame right now has little to do with his political record or what he's written in his two (count 'em) books, or even what he's actually said in those stem-winders. It's the way he's said it that counts the most. It's his manner, which, as presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden ham-fistedly reminded us, is "articulate." His tone is always genial, his voice warm and unthreatening, and he hasn't called his opponents names (despite being baited by the media).

Like a comic-book superhero, Obama is there to help, out of the sheer goodness of a heart we need not know or understand. For as with all Magic Negroes, the less real he seems, the more desirable he becomes. If he were real, white America couldn't project all its fantasies of curative black benevolence on him.
Obama is a racist liar and a hypocrite...

Obama Defends Rev. Wright, Blasts Imus
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:47 AM

It took Barack Obama more than a year to repudiate his former pastor's racially charged anti-American tirades, but when it came to denouncing Don Imus for his racial slurs against the Rutgers girls basketball team, it took Obama only a week to demand the shock jock be fired, Fox News notes.

In a major speech Tuesday, Obama condemned the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's shocking verbal assaults against the U.S. dating back to 2001.

But in April of last year, Obama was quick to demand Imus' ouster for making a racially insensitive remark.

“There’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude,” Obama told ABC News in an April 11 interview demanding Imus' resignation.

Obama told ABC in the interview he would never appear again on Imus’ show after Imus set off a firestorm of outrage when he called members of the women’s basketball team at Rutgers University “nappy-headed hos” on his popular morning talk show.

“He didn’t just cross the line,” Obama raged then. “He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America.”

Obama has downplayed Wright for Wright's insensitive remarks, saying he has done good work with the poor and AIDS victims. Yet Obama did not afford the same respect to Imus, who has devoted considerable energy to helping children with cancer, wounded war veterans, and others.

Obama's pastor has blamed the government for HIV, cast the country as institutionally racist, and said God should damn the United States.

But Obama, who Fox recalled has had a 20-year relationship with Wright, claimed in his speech Tuesday that he had no idea Wright had ever expressed such incendiary remarks.

When some of Wright’s remarks were publicized last year, Obama rescinded an invitation for Wright to speak at his Feb. 10, 2007, presidential announcement, but had failed to fully address the matter until Tuesday's speech.

When Fox News asked about the different responses to his pastor and to Imus, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor questioned the premise of the comparison and defended Obama’s response in each case. “He spoke out both times, so it’s entirely consistent,” he told Tuesday. While Obama didn’t condemn Wright’s views outright until last Friday, Vietor said Obama had started putting the issue to rest long before now.

“He denounced specific comments months ago and he gave a thoughtful speech today,” Vietor told Fox News Tuesday.
Was probably even a dealer which is why he supports a minimum wage street dealer subsidy.

Forget evidence, let's just assert a bunch of crap. Bush used cocaine (FACT).

Obama snorted cocaine and smoked enough 'pot' to call himself a "pothead". It was one of Obama high school friends that said he sold it. And who didn't? You had a baggie and someone wanted some so for $20, you shared. Right? Makes you a dealer doesn't it? Just like Obama never heard his racist pastor be a racist pastor;(Oh wait, that was Friday. On Tuesday he admitted to hearing his racist pastor. My bad), let us read Obama's own words.

Passages taken from his book.

"Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. . . . I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind."

....In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says.

Called himself a junkie. What exactly is the definition of a junkie?
junk·ie also junk·y (jngk)
n. pl. junk·ies Slang
1. A narcotics addict, especially one using heroin.

Freudian slip perhaps?:lol: :lol:
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More for Maxb49 to chew on....

Why do you think Barack supports this legislation? Could it be that he is a sympathizing drug dealer, same as he is a sympathizing closet muslim?

Barack Obama's Meth Menace The source is HuffPo which makes it even more delicious.

Search your inner feelings Maxb49.

The almighty Obama, I mean Jesus Christ, er, no Obama, will save your soul.
Obama snorted cocaine and smoked enough 'pot' to call himself a "pothead". It was one of Obama high school friends that said he sold it. And who didn't? You had a baggie and someone wanted some so for $20, you shared. Right? Makes you a dealer doesn't it? Just like Obama never heard his racist pastor be a racist pastor;(Oh wait, that was Friday. On Tuesday he admitted to hearing his racist pastor. My bad), let us read Obama's own words.

Passages taken from his book.

"Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. . . . I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind."

....In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says.

Called himself a junkie. What exactly is the definition of a junkie?
junk·ie also junk·y (jngk)
n. pl. junk·ies Slang
1. A narcotics addict, especially one using heroin.

Freudian slip perhaps?:lol: :lol:
I believe that deserves an *owned*
Is Barack Hussein Obama a racist?
I'll let you decide.....

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"
- Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race"
- Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, the son of Africa, that I'd packed all the I sought in myself"
- Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"

And I really like this one...

"As segregated as Chicago was, as strained as race relations were, the success of the civil rights movement had at least created some overlap between communities, more room to maneuver for people like me. I could work in the black community as an organizer or a lawyer and still live in a high rise downtown. Or the other way around: I could work in a blue-chip law firm but live in the South Side and buy a big house, drive a nice car, make my donations to the NAACP, speak at local high schools.
Source: Dreams from My Father, by Barack Obama, p.254 Aug 1, 1996

Guess Rezko helped him make that decision easy! :lol:

If you think Obama is electable, wait for the 527 ads to smack America right across the face.

Let’s see. His Kenyan father abandons him at an early age yet he worships him because he is black.
His white mommy and grandma are thrown under the bus throughout the book. And yet he is not a racist.
Well I guess the troll has fled, Bryan. Liberals are like dogs - if you kick 'em hard enough, they run off with their tails between their legs.
He is welcome to have as much time to absorb and respond as he likes.
Once in a while it takes time to get a response from the DailyKos-sters to one of your queries.

I am sure he is busy producing arguments in front of the Supreme Court right now arguing our 2nd amendment rights that Obama will uphold.

To be fair, he hasn't been back on since last night so he is not ducking, hopefully he'll be reloading when he does, because right now, he is out of ammo.

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