That one businessman wouldn't be able to get supplies -
You're being absurd.
Sorry-cycle starts again.
No, just a sorry excuse and a very sorry 'explanation' on your part.
Do you then repeal portions of that same law because you don't think it will happen again?
I don't think there's any need or political will to go back and repeal any sections of the law. I just think it's wise to recognize where the government overstepped it's boundaries, recognize the risk associated with it doing so, and promise to not do that again.
That is being ignorant of history Cal. And, as everyone knows - history will repeat itself, but only if you are ignorant of history.
I don't care if individuals are racist, stupid, or bad business people. I can chose to avoid them, I can move away from them, I can open a business and compete with them.
The government shouldn't discriminate or support such practices. The hypocrisy here is that the government DOES support such programs in the form of affirmative action.
You seem to want to take the risk that somehow we have gotten better - that creating discrimination on a private level won't escalate..
I don't seek to live in your hellish utopia.
The consequence of unregulated, unlimited, unchecked federal power to regulate our lives and our behavior is infinitely WORSE than anything a handful of individuals can do.
You keep shifting the power and authority up to the federal government to regulate us, as though they represent our better angels, the truth is the exact opposite. History demonstrates that.
Denying someone service at a store isn't tyranny.
And intimidation, violence, and intimidation are illegal REGARDLESS the person's race, gender, or religion.
There are laws that protect us from what you incorrectly keep calling "tyranny" in your obvious attempt to hijack and redefine the word. And those laws, with equal justice, are applied in a color blind way.
lets repeal the whole CRA - it obviously doesn't work.
No one proposed any such thing....
but far be it from me to let the truth get in the way of your bullcrap, dishonest spin.
Ah, Cal -
Once again... sheesh....
ah, fowpaws... if you have to keep correcting yourself or redefining your statement, that means you were wrong. -sheesh. But it's all about perception with you.
And once again who controls our government - us Cal....
We have less control of government the farther away from us it gets.
I have the most control over my local government. Then my state government. We have very little control over the federal government.
That's why we have a federal representative republic with powers that limited and outlined in the constitution.
And discrimination leads to tyranny, if the majority is discriminating against a minority, it is exactly what happens. It is the tyranny of discrimination...
The tyranny of discrimination?
You have to be kidding me.
Unchecked power leads to tyranny. Concentrated power leads to tyranny.
Unlimited, centralized authority into our personal lives leads to tyranny.
Not being able to get a good seat at a restaurant is NOT tyranny.
You're efforts to redefine this word for you twisted again is sick. But thanks for the heads up, I can't wait to hear about the "tyranny of racism" in the coming election.
And so, you change things -
You don't even respond to what I've written, you just respond with what you want to be heard.
The fact is, we've had tyranical abuses of federal power in this country on several occassions this past century. The worst abusers were Wilson and FDR. These federal abuses of power were every bit as "discriminatory' as anything that happened in the South.
There ability to perpetuate such gross abuse of power and manipulation of the people didn't come about because the government was TOO WEAK to prevent it. On the contrary, those in power had no regard for the constitution or the founding principles and concentrated their power. The federal government was TOO STRONG.
GOVERNMENT leads to tyranny-
Unconstitutional, unchecked centralized power leads to tyranny.
And YOU know this.
You know the history, yet you refuse to even acknowledge it during the course of this discussion because it doesn't fit your agenda. But I know that you are aware of Wilson and his propagandist Creel. You know about the German populations were scapegoated and persecuted in the name of "nationalism."
The government isn't a benevolent guardian, it's not our savior.
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
And under FDR it put Japanese, Italian and German families in internment camps, seized their property, and imposed strict restrictions on the population.
FDR was a tyranny and we were very fortunate he died in office.
Wilson was also a tyrant and in many ways we were lucky he stroked out in office, restricting the amount of abuse his philosophy could do.
Neither of these men respected the constitution, Wilson had outright contempt for it.
It is getting better, not worse Cal.
We make improvements based upon improvements in technology, greater ability to communicate, to share information, and learn. Government isn't make us better, it's not improving society.
The periods of the most achievement and improvement come about when government governs least.
Old school, my god, what is he 93? How about someone more contemporary...
So, he only counts when it's convenient for you. I see. Today he's really old. I guess he doesn't speak for the party now?
Of course, he's only the President pro tempore of the United States Senate and third in line for the Presidency... but he's not relevant or "contemporary" enough for you today.
So, if your neighbor decides to create an amusement park in his backyard....
What laws have been passed that won't allow you to eat 20 cheeseburgers a day Cal - once again you are projecting... those laws don't exist. I asked you for the 'you must allow guns in your store' law - nothing right? This projecting is getting old, and is wrong.
Yes, those are hypotheticals, they represent the slippery slope, and they were presented as such.
So, you're going to argue that the invasion of government into our personal choices ends today. There won't be any more expansion.
You've argued to the contrary.
You've argued that because the government is involved in things like healthcare, you have a right to force people to change their behavior, because of the shared financial burden.
You take advantage of the fact that, in this format, it's too difficult to hold you accountable for all of the past statements you've made and how you grossly contradict yourself and your stated principles.
You quoting Burke is like me quoting Mao to defend capitalism..
So, once again do you take the risk? The risk that allowing discrimination against things that people have no control over won't change the face of neighborhoods, of cities, of states... like it did in the south.
Do you take the risk in empowering the federal government with unlimited to rob people of their liberty in order to make them behave better?? Do you take the risk of undermining the constitution and centralizing power when history has shown repeatedly this actually does lead to tyranny and a loss of liberty? And it has happened multiple times within the last century even in the United States.
The CRA didn't end racist sentiments anywhere. At best, it increased the rate that things changed, but the change was inevitable. The culture and society was already changing and it would have continued.
As stated, repeatedly,and ignored, there were components of the CRA that were absolutely just and valid. They were appropriate actions for the federal government to make in application of the 14th amendment. There were components of it that were not. And I'm critical of those that violated the rights of the individual, that violated the right of speech and freedom of association. NOT the intended outcome of the CRA and not the entirety of the bill.
I'm not worried that because we are "too free" that we'll all suddenly devolve into a bunch of racists who deny opportunity to people based on race. The CRA doesn't influence the way I think or work.
Do you act differently because of the CRA, fowpaws? Would you be a racist denying equal opportunity to people based on their race if the CRA weren't passed?
Would your friends become racists overnight because it were suddenly "legal?"
I don't think we need to take that risk for an extreme liberty.
That damn constitution and it's notion of extreme liberty.
If people like you could just get rid of it, or continue to ignore, think of all the good you could get done.
We don't have the liberty to own slaves (who were thought of as being sub human), I think that is OK.
Words have no meaning to you. You just use them however you want, to mean what you want, with no integrity or respect.... I think I'm just going to "ignore" you at this point.
That last statement is so outrageous.. it's just incredible. In both how you bastardize the language, the discussion, and your implication.
You don't appear to have a single redeeming quality.
It's rather sad.
I'm done...
There's nothing more that can be said to you... I'm speechless.