pretty much.Shag, is that all you do on here? Use a massive amount of verbosity to confuse or misdirect every time you act like a douche to try and pretend that you were being misrepresented or misunderstood?
pretty much.Shag, is that all you do on here? Use a massive amount of verbosity to confuse or misdirect every time you act like a douche to try and pretend that you were being misrepresented or misunderstood?
pretty much.
Despite your lies, I have been very careful to avoid the Reductio ad Hitlerum argument and only bring up National Socialism in specific contexts. However the particulars of what is and is not a Reductio ad Hitlerum argument probably do not concern you; weather the connection being drawn is incidental or substantive is apparently irrelevant.
The platform of the National Socialist (Nazi) party is rooted in, guess what, SOCIALISM (with a nationalist sentiment attached to it). Since that same fundamental logic is being applied today in a myriad of areas, it is VERY relevant to point out historical examples and how they played out; including Nazi Germany.
However, you would actually have to have some basic understanding of the political philosophy involved to know that and you have clearly shown a complete and utter ignorance of political philosophy (misunderstanding the concepts of the rule of law and social justice being two great examples).
In citing those two links you are, by inference, suggesting that mentioning Nazi Germany is somehow verboten in any and all debate. When the debate concerns the application of the core philosophical assumptions and principles inherent in both Nazi Germany and in policy today, viewing the topic of Nazi Germany as "forbidden" is patently absurd and you would be a fool to even suggest that.
The fact that you don't see the connection I am drawing shows that it is, in no uncertain terms, YOU who is in fact ignorant of German politics specifically around the time of WWII.
You really know nothing of political philosophy or the lineage of social justice and Marxism (or the logical consequences of either). It is really quite entertaining to watch you, in your childish ignorance, continue to unknowingly stick your foot in your mouth.![]()
You'll have to elaborate, what did we do with it? What is "it?"
It's important to realize that it was progressive Democrats using the power of the federal government like Woodrow Wilson who segregated the military.
Glad there are so many others who realize that too. Golly, I am getting tired of reading Hitler or Nazi every other post he makes.
Lol, loved the link he gave to where he supposedly gave a reason that the interstate commerce act was unconstitutional. Same thread when he insisted it was unconstitutional, and when I asked him why he believed that, he said it cannot be proved, therefore it must be true, followed up by him saying if I don't believe it, then I don't understand the constitution.
But no one has defended the Jim Crow laws or the ability for the state governments to engage in racial discrimination. That was the success of the CRA and I have repeatedly said so much in this thread. Government should not engage in racial discrimination, federal or state.It= The Jim Crow laws that governed the south for majority of the 1900's.
Political philosophy and the understanding of the role of government is important though.This is not a republican -vs- democrat issue, both sides have done wrong. People get so caught up on right -vs- left, life is bigger than that.
This is not a republican -vs- democrat issue, both sides have done wrong. People get so caught up on right -vs- left, life is bigger than that.
Political philosophy and the understanding of the role of government is important though. That wasn't a partisan attack, it was a philosophical identification.
But clearly, you didn't read what I wrote if you're going to respond to it as though it was a partisan attack.
...private business should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender or age?
But no one has defended the Jim Crow laws or the ability for the state governments to engage in racial discrimination. That was the success of the CRA and I have repeatedly said so much in this thread. Government should not engage in racial discrimination, federal or state.
But the disagreement here is about title II of the Civil Rights Act. And it's a little frustrating to see that I wrote a response you that you clearly didn't read, but replied to and dismissed. I even wrote the provision out in the last post.
Agreed, this is much more important then that. This is an issue of weather or not the rule of law has any meaning. If the rule of law can be circumvented because of some vague noble cause, then we start marching down that road to serfdom. No "greater good" is served by reducing individual liberty for vague, unrealistic Utopian ideals.
Yes, I believe that private business should be allowed to do almost anything in a business way. If the chosen activity is not supported by the market, the business goes 'out of business'. Discriminatory practices may very well be foolish, but 'freedom' includes the right to be foolish.
Trying to restrain people in that way is doomed to failure, because you can't successfully legislate away peoples desires. Prohibition didn't work!
You jumped over the most important part of my statement regarding locked doors. IT'S COMMON, IN DETROIT, TO HAVE LOCKED DOORS IN BUSINESSES IN DETROIT. AND DISCRIMINATORY SIGNS POSTED ON GHETTO BUSINESS WALLS. Where is your indignation?
KS doesn't benefit the former slave...
I wonder how many former slaves there are around.
It's quite common, in the get-toe to have doors of businesses locked and to have to be buzzed in.
I believe it's fairly common on Rodeo Drive also.
Dirty bigoted B A S T A R D S.
Agreed Shag, but minorities are afraid! Even with the CRA there is still a bunch of racism in the USA, the CRA is the only "protection" minorities have from outright bigotry.
I don't participate in the political form to dismiss what people write...
You really don't know anything about the interstate commerce clause and it's history do you. Most anyone with any background in law can tell you that clause has been distorted well beyond the scope of it's original intent. The fact that you don't know that only shows your ignorance.
I was pointing you to the reason given as Constitutional justification in the civil rights legislation in question. A reason that you, in that same thread, were to ignorant to realize and to lazy to look up. It DISPROVED your LIE that, "No amount of searching on this forum will reveal an answer to how you believe that matter is unconstitutional". That very same thread you were engaging me in held that answer that you said couldn't be found by any "amount of searching on this forum". In other were lying or too ignorant to realize the truth. You stuck your foot in your mouth. Again.![]()
That is appriciated more then you will probably ever know.![]()
Shag - it doesn't even propose to say you can't 'think discriminatory thoughts' - or have you read a different bill than I have.What we have left is, for the most part, incidental discrimination (at least in the areas the bill focuses on) and that is something that any free society is going to have. To try and do away with incidental discrimination is to infringe on the rights people in pursuit of a vague, unrealistic utopian ideal; it is to say that you can not even think discriminatory thoughts. It is a dangerous experiment in social engineering that assumes that the government can and should change human nature.
The phrase "you can't legislate morality" was coined during the debate on this very bill, and with good reason; this bill, in going beyond merely attempting to remove institutional discrimination from all governmental institutions, is attempting to impose a certian morality on society.
You might what to check hrmwrm's history on this forum. Having a petulant little man-child troll who is a demonstratable liar with a proven lack of intellectual integrity or maturity is not someone to be proud to have agreeing with you.
This is an issue of weather or not the rule of law has any meaning
That is appriciated more then you will probably ever know
First off, I am not conceding anything, nor am I answering loaded questions like that. I am simply saying that if a person presents a clear threat, then you have certain rights. This has nothing to do with discrimination.
You need to be very careful before you presume to correct others. 'Remove the beam from your own...'
It's been all of two weeks since I had to be 'buzzed' in to a service concern on Northwestern.I would love for Cammerfe to tell me where Descriminatory signs are posted in Detroit, I am from Detroit (Fenkel and Schaefer) and my family now reside in Wabeek in the hills subdivision in Bloomfield Township. I have never seen any descriminatory signs anywhere in Michigan.
It's been all of two weeks since I had to be 'buzzed' in to a service concern on Northwestern.
I'm not in the city very much, but the last time I observed hostile signage was in a local-owned food emporium on McNichols somewhat east of Evergreen. I was passed over to be waited-on for about ten minutes, complete with dirty looks. I never opened my mouth. Just finally walked out.
Unless you count the sign in the window in the store in Northland very soon after the election.
That one said, "It's our turn now. Whitey get F U C K E D." T-shirts also in the window of that store echoed the same general sentiment.
I was there for better than an hour and I didn't see a single white face.
I simply take it as an indication of the basic IQ of the people who do such things. X2, if you're honest, you'll admit that the Local Majority, in general, enjoy their status. And many still champion Kwame.
I also believe that there is, very likely, a significant number of the populace that are willing to live in amity. But they aren't very vocal about it.
I'd be happy to buy you a cup of coffee and politely kick this around. We probably have more in common than just appreciation for the LS
So, despite this treatment, you believe that business owners will not willingly choose to discriminate based on things such as race, and we will have equality and brotherhood between all persons in the United States if we stop permitting anti-discrimination legislation.
Do we have this now? Do we have "equality and brotherhood between all persons in the United States" presently?
What qualifies as "equality" in your view? Equal treatment under the law? Equal standards of living? Should one be preferred over the other?
Are humans even capable of achieving "equality" in your view?
To answer your questions in the order in which you ask.
No, no, equal treatment under the law is a good start, equal standards of living is unrealistic and a silly notion that would only work in a communist utopia, the two have no basis for comparison, and yes.