Okay,Bob,here's my method to flush the tranny without special tools. You need one of those big flat pans like Auto-Zone sells(they're handy for a lot of things you drain). You'll need a big cardboard to lay under this floor pan sticking out a couple feet from the edges. You'll need to adapt a hose that will fit against the filter intake. A lot of times I have to hold this up againt the tranny filter. It has to be proper length to ALMOST hit the bottom of the 3 to 5 gallon container you will be using.
Here's how I do it:
THIS is for Aerostar....but you can modify the deal to fit most trannies.
Okay......unfortunately the Aerostar doesn't have a torque converter drain as you well know so THIS is how I got around it and did a good flush.WARNING! It's messy! Wear old no-good clothes or an old raincoat.LOL!
(1) Put the van SECURELY up on stands or better yet,blocks high enough that you can slide a 3 gallon or bigger bucket that has a lid under there and have 4" of clearance above it to the trans pan.Set it aside for later.
(2) You'll need one of those large flat drain pans from Auto-Zone about two feet by 3 feet to center under the tranny pan als

n it put a squarish drain pan straight underneath the tranny to catch the major amount of fluid.Put a wide piece of cardboard under the large flat pan to catch extra splash.
(3) Okay, now you drain the fluid the regular old way àn get the pan out of the way.
(4) You now have a filter you're looking up at which has a suction hole there àn THAT is what you'll either clamp a hose to or you'll have to hold it in place later(I have a perfect hose that's flexible,about 1"diameter that I cut off of a washing machine drain hose).
(5)This hose will need to be proper length to reach ALMOST to the bottom of the bucket from the filter attachment.
(6)NOW you're going to fill that bucket up with nice clean fluid and slide it into position under that filter hole.
(7) Okay,if you're in a garage,open the doors for fumes.
(8) Either clamp your hose or hold it up TIGHTLY to the intake hole of the filter,the bottom of that hose extending into the fluid ALMOST touching the bucket's bottom
(9) Have someone start the van and prepare to get fluid on you. Tell them in advance to have their window down so they can hear you yell to shut it off just before the fluid goes empty in the bucket.
(10) This will suck the fluid up,propel it thru the torque converter and do a great,quick flush of the system.
WARNING!!!! If the bucket doesn't immediately start to empty, SHUT OFF THE ENGINE. You'll have to flush thru the lines instead.
(11) Now you only have to install your new filter,install your pan,and add about 4 qts. or so thru the dipstick hole,and CLEAN UP! LOL!
This is worth the trouble!You'll necessarily waste several qts. of fluid,but that's what it takes to do it completely,and get that nice clean red fluid back again. don-ohio
