You can't prove it, you can't explain it, you can't defend it.
It seems resolved to me....
Yep, so it will remain - resolved only in your mind cal... if you want to see how I resolve it you can start a thread... but that won't happen, you have resolved it to your satisfaction. Sort of a form of self gratification...
Freedom doesn't mean "free from worry." That is security.
Freedom, by it's very definition, includes the risk of failure.
You can not have true freedom without the risk of failing.
Freedom can mean freedom from fear - but I guess you can't quite grasp that... If you are living in fear of not being able to afford medication, your life isn't very free.
That doesn't make it right.
And that doesn't make it any less offensive.
The government shouldn't take your money only to "give it back" on the condition you spend it according to their wishes
I didn't say it was right or wrong, or offensive Cal - I said it 'is'. The housing and clunker programs are similar to other programs, the administration hasn't come up with anything radically new or different than solar credits or FEMA credits. If you want to remove all credits fine, then go with a flat tax.
I have an idea Cal - why not spend some of your time working for an idea, a concept, a way of changing America for the good. Start working for something instead of continuing to complain against something. Maybe reforming the tax system is something you can work for. People can make a difference in government. I know they can.
You mean in the thread where you actively defend Obama's tax policy??
You did mention that in that thread, but you didn't embrace or defend it. Most of that thread consists of you defending Obama's tax increases and justifying progressive tax rates based upon "need."
I said it was a tax program that could work and that I would be for a flat tax. I believe that was more than you have taken on Cal. You appear to be for a national sales tax - are you? Do you think that is a fair and equitable way to tax all American citizens?
In that thread I was defending the fact that Obama did decrease taxes (if I remember correctly). If people want they can go back and review it...
Will you be opposing the
VAT tax that is working it's way through Congress?
I know very little about VAT tax - but on the surface it appears flawed because it is trying to change our profile on an international playing field where we are already playing at a disadvantage. I wouldn't be for a VATs type tax as it has been presented to this point.
You keep saying this, yet you continue to publicly defend the entire bill.
So, to clear up any confusion-
Do you oppose any of the currently proposed health care reform packages that are in the congress? If you were in the Congress, would you vote against them? If not, which one would you vote for?
The quick list of things I like (big picture stuff):
Exempting grandfathered health insurance coverage
Requires qualified health benefits plans to provide essential benefits.
Prohibits premium variances, except for reasons of age, area, or family enrollment.
Prohibits preexisting condition exclusions
Prohibits retraction of health insurance coverage without evidence of fraud.
Creates a Health Insurance Exchange to provide individuals and employers access to health insurance coverage choices, but WITHOUT the current language that includes a public option
Things I don't like -
Placing a tax on people who don't have health insurance (however I do believe then there should be a way for the government to recoup loses from those same said people who use the health care system and don't pay for it - example - using an emergency room, running up a huge bill, and then they don't have to pay for it, leaving 'us' with the bill. I don't know, maybe community service or something.)
I don't like the 'must have no coverage limits' (annual and lifetime). I think you should be able to buy into the limits you feel comfortable with - and that a no limit option should be offered, but not required.
I think that businesses should be allowed to use health care expenses as a write off (not Cadillac plans - but a standard write-off that would cover a 'required' plan), but I don't think that I like the part in the current bill where penalties are assessed to business whose payrolls are more than $250,000 who don't provide health insurance. I think that is an unrealistic number, and should be moved to a higher number, based on employee count and not a dollar figure - I think businesses with more than 25 people employeed should be required to provide health care options to their employees, and taxed accordingly if they don't.
Anything that has a government option or single payer.
There are smaller points that I am for/against, but those are big picture points Cal.