"Brain-dead Conservatives:" Whose side are you on, the populists or the elitists?

Not "out of my comfort zone", just not where I start. And for good reason.
Starting at the "real life" situations and trying to work your way back (or jumping to them without understanding the thought process to get there) only serves to confuse and mislead. No reason to take someone seriously if they are actively trying to do that...
Well, in this case I understand the 'philosophical concept' of positivism and I certainly believe that you do Shag. There really isn't a lot to delve into the philosophical idea, but how that idea relates to real life situations is a much more broad and interesting conversation. I don't need to educate anyone on the concepts... if they want to know, they can look it up in a legal dictionary. I wanted to get to the interesting part - at least to me.

Just the 'philosophical' discussion is like school. And, risking every old joke Foss and Cal can come up with, I am pretty much done with school.

I am not seeking to confuse or mislead anyone - I am discussing the interesting part.

Oh - have you taken hrmwrm off your blocked list?;)
I use them, they are available, they are written into the system - don't you .....It is silly to oppose them, they are part of the system. I don't like the progressive tax system in place - and oppose it - but to oppose write offs, and not use them...
Whether you participate in the programs is not the issue or even an issue. No one has suggested or even inferred that you shouldn't use tax right offs.. no one but you.

The point is that you, personally, support and defend the policies associated with them.

I don't think you were necessarily wrong to use the C4C program. However, I think you're dead wrong for DEFENDING the program.

And such a defense demonstrates that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth on these issues. You say one thing, then immediately contradict it. You profess to support one principle, then actively defend something that contradicts the claim in another.

For all your declarations, I don't think I've ever seen you support any roll back in the size or scope of the federal government in our personal lives. In fact, I've only seen you support the expansion and then construct misleading arguments to justify it.

For example, conveniently confusing security for freedom in order to defend any expansion of the federal government that you'd like.

Since both bills have the public option I would vote no.
I would say thanks for clearing that up, but through experience, I know that your language here is very precise.

You always want more from me...
No, I just would like you to discuss this stuff honestly, consistently, and not constantly misrepresent and spin every thing directed at you.
I am not seeking to confuse or mislead anyone - I am discussing the interesting part.
Actually I think this is halfway honest on your part. You only obfuscate in order to wriggle out of having to admit you're wrong.
I don't need to educate anyone on the concepts... if they want to know, they can look it up in a legal dictionary.

If you are looking to understand a philosophical concept, you don't go to a dictionary. It is the wrong tool for the job. Like using a straw to loosen a bolt. A concept like that has to be explained, not simply defined.

Besides, when it comes to philosophical concepts and whole philosophies, dictionary definitions are more concerned with the appearances of the philosophy, those real world applications. Not in the thought process behind them and their justification.

I wanted to get to the interesting part - at least to me.

The philosophical discussion and how it arrives at the real world application is interesting and necessary if you are to fully and accurately understand the concept. You have to understand the thought process involved to connect the abstract to the concrete or you do not understand the concept.

A logical argument going from the abstract to the more concrete, from broad to specific, is not necessarily logical in the other direction. "A" can lead to "B" but "B" doesn't necessarily lead to "A". If I ram my car, head on, into a wall, the front end of the car will be smashed up. But if the front end of the car is smashed up, that doesn't mean that the car was run, head on, into a wall. To only attempt to understand a philosophical concept by working backwards makes the concept incoherent and inherently distorts that concept.

And looking only at the real world examples to understand a philosophical concept inherently distorts it as well. This is reflected in Plato's Theory of the Forms, specifically his idea of the sensible world and the intelligible world. The sensible world is made up of things about which opinions can be formed through sense perception; the material world. The intelligible world is made up of things about which knowledge can be acquired, not through sense perception, but through intellect alone. Sensible forms imperfectly imitate, exemplify or participate in the intelligible forms. Any knowledge of the intelligible through the sensible is crude and simplistic at best. Again, see the story of the blind man and the elephant for a great analogy of this.

Any understanding of a philosophical concept through only real world reflections of that concept can only every be crude, distorted and exceedingly simplistic at best.

I am not seeking to confuse or mislead anyone - I am discussing the interesting part.

You'll forgive me if I don't take you at your word. The one benefit of the approach you take is that it allows for a lot of distortion and spin to make the idea fit your preconceived notions.

Past discussions of Natural Rights and Justice where you fought against going through the process of the abstract to the concrete demonstrated to me that you were not interested in an honest, accurate explanation of those ideas nor were you truly interested in understanding the point I was raising.

In fact, in one of those encounters, I think you even said you like to start focusing on real world examples because it "throws me off" or "takes me out of my comfort zone" or some such nonsense. Those aren't the actions of someone truly interested in understanding alternative points of view. But they are the actions of someone looking to confuse the issue.

A habitual pattern of this kind of crap is why there is no good faith or trust between us. I agree with Cal, I would love for you to discuss stuff honestly, consistently, and not constantly misrepresent and spin. But since that is not an option, my only interest is in making sure your distortions are shown for what they are.
Ok, Shag - let's go the philosophical route... And I do understand positivism.

What would you like to discuss - are laws based on the philosophical ideal of positivism... good? ... bad? ... situational?

Did I ask the right question?

To tell you the truth- I am not quite sure how you would discuss positivism - other than are the laws that are based in that ideal good or bad... it seems like a pretty limited discussion.

I am honestly seeking some direction here Shag. Maybe there are at times laws that follow the positivism road that are necessary for a short period... until a government is ready to deal with the results of natural law.

You asked this...

Do you know how property rights are effected under socialism, the implications of that for all rights and how that ties in with Natural Law and Positivism?

So, I know how property rights are affected under socialism. They are removed. Socialism would be following positivism because it is a system that is enacted by a governing body which doesn't follow natural law.

Property rights (pursuit of happiness) are considered natural law and how the founding fathers protected them are laid out in the constitution.

Your question was in response to my question...

Shag - why can't you have a socialist/economic form of government that allows you to sleep with whoever you want, sell your body, enjoy any drug that is out there, etc...
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You are not offering any substance to this thread. You are only distorting and goading. Please have the decency to stop trolling.

just keeping ya square.

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