BuSh Adm. Attempts to Hide Facts on Global Warming

fossten said:
Yawn. Booooring. :sleep:

What's wrong? Somebody else got you pegged too?? :rolleyes:

I tell you what, just to humor you so that the other's here who are able to filter through your tirades can see what a silly and bogus question Brian posed, I'll answer Brian's question with another, much simpler question, which I'm sure you'll have an immediate and precise answer, since you are the self-proclaimed "expert" in all things under the sun, or shall I say within the Milky Way:

Since you so firmly believe BuSh's "troop surge" is "the answer" to "winning the war in Iraq", tell me precisely how many casualties, both coalition forces and Iraqi, broken down by nation and religious sect, are to be expected over the next 30 days, and by the end of this calendar year.

If you are uncapable of deriving such an answer with any amount of precision, which could be calculated for this "complex system" with millions of variables and millions of "cause-effect relationships", then how can you possibly expect anyone to derive a similar answer with similar precision to Brian's question, which would have to be calculated for the "complex system" that is the earths climate, with BILLIONS of variables and BILLIONS of "cause-effect relationships"??

Yet to burry your head in the sand and ignore the historical trends that I've posted here numerous times and deny the existance of GW can only be called pure ignorance.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
What's wrong? Somebody else got you pegged too?? :rolleyes:

I tell you what, just to humor you so that the other's here who are able to filter through your tirades can see what a silly and bogus question Brian posed, I'll answer Brian's question with another, much simpler question, which I'm sure you'll have an immediate and precise answer, since you are the self-proclaimed "expert" in all things under the sun, or shall I say within the Milky Way:

Since you so firmly believe BuSh's "troop surge" is "the answer" to "winning the war in Iraq", tell me precisely how many casualties, both coalition forces and Iraqi, broken down by nation and religious sect, are to be expected over the next 30 days, and by the end of this calendar year.

If you are uncapable of deriving such an answer with any amount of precision, which could be calculated for this "complex system" with millions of variables and millions of "cause-effect relationships", then how can you possibly expect anyone to derive a similar answer with similar precision to Brian's question, which would have to be calculated for the "complex system" that is the earths climate, with BILLIONS of variables and BILLIONS of "cause-effect relationships"??

Yet to burry your head in the sand and ignore the historical trends that I've posted here numerous times and deny the existance of GW can only be called pure ignorance.

How about this "historical trend," Ahmadinejohnnie?

Indian Scientists Refute Global Warming Alarmists' Claims of Glacial Retreat
Posted by Noel Sheppard on February 13, 2007 - 09:52.

A common alarmism by global warming activists like Al Gore is that glaciers around the world are melting. This represents the real threat to the planet in their view, as this will cause a rise in oceans that will eventually drown us all.

Well, leading scientiststs in India claim that this is bunk, and that glaciers in the Himalayas aren’t retreating at all. As reported by the Hindustan Times (emphasis mine throughout, h/t Drudge):

Some experts have questioned the alarmists theory on global warming leading to shrinkage of Himalayan glaciers. VK Raina, a leading glaciologist and former ADG of GSI is one among them.

He feels that the research on Indian glaciers is negligible. Nothing but the remote sensing data forms the basis of these alarmists observations and not on the spot research.

Hmmm. Not on the spot research, huh? Why isn’t this surprising? The article continued:

Raina told the Hindustan Times that out of 9,575 glaciers in India, till date, research has been conducted only on about 50. Nearly 200 years data has shown that nothing abnormal has occurred in any of these glaciers.

It is simple. The issue of glacial retreat is being sensationalised by a few individuals, the septuagenarian Raina claimed. Throwing a gauntlet to the alarmist, he said the issue should be debated threadbare before drawing a conclusion.

Hmmm. So, there isn’t a consensus on this issue? But Al Gore and Ellen Goodman say there is one. How could they be wrong?
The article continued:

Surprisingly, Raina, who has been associated with the research and data collection in over 25 glaciers in India and abroad, debunked the theory that Gangotri glacier is retreating alarmingly.

Maintaining that the glaciers are undergoing natural changes, witnessed periodically, he said recent studies in the Gangotri and Zanskar areas (Drung- Drung, Kagriz glaciers) have not shown any evidence of major retreat.

"Claims of global warming causing glacial melt in the Himalayas are based on wrong assumptions," Raina, a trained mountaineer and skiing expert said. He rued that not much is being done by the Government to create a bank of trained geologists for an in-depth study of glaciers.

Wrong assumptions? You mean these people that are causing all of this hysteria don’t actually have any facts to support their conclusions? How shocking. The article continued:

In fact, it is difficult to ascertain the exact state of Himalayan glaciers as these are very dusty as compared to the ones in Alaska and the Alps. The present presumptions are based on the cosmatic study of the glacier surfaces.

Nobody knows what is happening beneath the glaciers. What ever is being flaunted about the under surface activity of the glaciers, is merely presumptions, he claimed.

Contrary to the consensus nonsense being espoused by alarmists, Raina isn’t alone in his opinions:

His views were echoed by Dr RK Ganjoo, Director, Regional Centre for Field Operations and Research on Himalayan Glaciology, who is supervising study of glaciers in Ladakh region including one in the Siachen area. He also maintained that nothing abnormal has been found in any of the Himalyan glaciers studied so far by him.

Still, he wondered on the Himalayan glaciers being compared with those in Alaska or Europe to lend credence to the melt theory. Indian glaciers are at 3,500-4,000 meter above the sea level whereas those in the Alps are at much lower levels. Certainly, the conditions under which the glaciers in Alaska are retreating, are not prevailing in the Indian sub-continent, he explained.

Another leading geologist MN Koul of Jammu University, who is actively engaged in studying glacier dynamics in J&K and Himachal holds similar views. Referring to his research on Kol glacier ( Paddar, J&K) and Naradu (HP), he said both the glaciers have not changed much in the past two decades.

More and more it becomes quite clear: anthropogenic global warming is a figment of the imagination without any science to support it.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Since you so firmly believe BuSh's "troop surge" is "the answer" to "winning the war in Iraq", tell me precisely how many casualties, both coalition forces and Iraqi, broken down by nation and religious sect, are to be expected over the next 30 days, and by the end of this calendar year.

If you are uncapable of deriving such an answer with any amount of precision, which could be calculated for this "complex system" with millions of variables and millions of "cause-effect relationships", then how can you possibly expect anyone to derive a similar answer with similar precision to Brian's question, which would have to be calculated for the "complex system" that is the earths climate, with BILLIONS of variables and BILLIONS of "cause-effect relationships"??

Once again you misquote me, Ahmadineliar. And you use a phony straw man as a poor analogy, but you do that all the time. Furthermore, I never said with certainty that the surge was guaranteed to work. That's the difference between you and me. I'm hopeful, but I don't know that it will. In fact, I've expressed doubt that the surge will be enough troops. It is well documented that I am in favor of putting overwhelming force over there. However, the generals believe that it will work, and that's good enough for me. I'm not going to bash Bush over it since nobody else on the Democrat side is putting forth any reasonable idea other than CUTTING AND RUNNING.

You, on the other hand, have completely swallowed the Global Warming Kool-Aid, the hook, line, and sinker of the Algore fearmongering campaign without reservation. Who's losing credibility now?
Here we go again.

You found a speck of "data" (glaciers in the Himalayas) that is spinkled with subjective terms ("have not shown any evidence of major retreat"...... "both the glaciers have not changed much in the past two decades"..... neither of which indicated glacier growth or disproves some amount of glacial retreat) designed to create the warped perspective you seek to rationalize your attack on the existance of GW. All the while ignoring other facts and explanations contained within the very same article you used:

Still, he wondered on the Himalayan glaciers being compared with those in Alaska or Europe to lend credence to the melt theory. Indian glaciers are at 3,500-4,000 meter above the sea level whereas those in the Alps are at much lower levels. Certainly, the conditions under which the glaciers in Alaska are retreating, are not prevailing in the Indian sub-continent, he explained.

But then this is of no surprize coming from ye of no worth or shread of common sense.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Here we go again.

You found a speck of "data" (glaciers in the Himalayas) that is spinkled with subjective terms ("have not shown any evidence of major retreat"...... "both the glaciers have not changed much in the past two decades"..... neither of which indicated glacier growth or disproves some amount of glacial retreat) designed to create the warped perspective you seek to rationalize your attack on the existance of GW. All the while ignoring other facts and explanations contained within the very same article you used:

But then this is of no surprize coming from ye of no worth or shread of common sense.

You can cherry pick all you want, Ahmadinewhiney, but you cannot claim scientific consensus. Data is data, and you just proved that you don't want to see the truth because YOU JUST IGNORED DATA. A well-known scientist says we should explore the issue further before pronouncing the world a disaster. Sorry you are so blinded to your own narcissism to see the truth. Too bad for you. Years from now EVERYBODY will be laughing at people like you, just like we're all laughing at the "global cooling" whiners from 30 years ago.
fossten said:
You can cherry pick all you want, Ahmadinewhiney, but you cannot claim scientific consensus. Data is data, and you just proved that you don't want to see the truth because YOU JUST IGNORED DATA. A well-known scientist says we should explore the issue further before pronouncing the world a disaster. Sorry you are so blinded to your own narcissism to see the truth. Too bad for you. Years from now EVERYBODY will be laughing at people like you, just like we're all laughing at the "global cooling" whiners from 30 years ago.

WRONG! I did NOT ignore data, I just interpreted it differently than YOU and your buddy Noel Sheppard, who both have twisted views of reality and have spun THESE FACTS to FIT YOUR OWN DISTORTED PERCEPTIONS. Speaking of "cherry pickers", you take the cake.

Those scientists's data only shows that the Himilayan glaciers are NOT RETREATING AS FAST AS the "alarmists" claims they are, which is a valid conclusion. It does NOT say they are GROWING, nor does it even imply they are staying the SAME. It even explains WHY those high altitude glaciers are RETREATING MORE SLOWYLY than those glaciers in Alaska. Yet you've convieniently decided to completely IGNORE that. HYPOCRITE.

Here's another historical FACT you've IGNORED again and again as I've posted it earlier in this thread. The ocean levels have been RISING. How do you explain that? Where do you think that water is coming from? Outer space??

The only ones here lauging are me and everyone else who watches you dig yourself deeper and deeper into your hole, clawing the sides of that hole by lashing out at me with nothing but personal attacks. Since you've proven again and again your incapacity to use logic and refuse to face facts, I'm done wasting my time EDUCATING you. Go back to your career of exploiting other's misery of joblessness, Mr. "resume-updater". Leave the stuff that requires THINKING and SOLVING to us with some degree of intellegence and an open mind. :bowrofl:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
WRONG! I did NOT ignore data,...

As long as you tree-huggers agree that their are man-made sources of CO2, (we all breath, so do all other animals on the planet), that key rainforests are being deforested, and the fact that global seismic activity has increased which is actually the cause of the ocean warming, and ya, and the fact that we are due for a another ice age.

Here's my problem with the trugger hugger group.

We all know that they hate cars and the gas engine. This whole global warming thing is just an attack on that system of tranportation.

We use coal that creates CO2 but they won't let us use nuclear energy that creates no CO2.

Like every feel-good liberal idea, the ideals get in the way and actually obstruct the desired results. Government is not going to solve this. Look at the mess government is going to make out of mandating corn-ethanol. The truth that it takes more energy to produce corn-based ethanol is being buried at the same time that the whole concept is in the process of destroying the worldwide food market. Another good intention folowed with bad results.

Same on global warming. Good intention...lower CO2 levels followed by disastrous policy...nation mandates controlled by government.

I'll play along with global warming if you agree to get the hell out of the way and let private enterprise solve it. Give us the incentives and resources where required and we'll fix the problem (if there really is one) faster and without the wasted expense of government interference.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
WRONG! I did NOT ignore data, I just interpreted it differently than YOU and your buddy Noel Sheppard, who both have twisted views of reality and have spun THESE FACTS to FIT YOUR OWN DISTORTED PERCEPTIONS. Speaking of "cherry pickers", you take the cake.

Those scientists's data only shows that the Himilayan glaciers are NOT RETREATING AS FAST AS the "alarmists" claims they are, which is a valid conclusion. It does NOT say they are GROWING, nor does it even imply they are staying the SAME. It even explains WHY those high altitude glaciers are RETREATING MORE SLOWYLY than those glaciers in Alaska. Yet you've convieniently decided to completely IGNORE that. HYPOCRITE.

Here's another historical FACT you've IGNORED again and again as I've posted it earlier in this thread. The ocean levels have been RISING. How do you explain that? Where do you think that water is coming from? Outer space??

The only ones here lauging are me and everyone else who watches you dig yourself deeper and deeper into your hole, clawing the sides of that hole by lashing out at me with nothing but personal attacks. Since you've proven again and again your incapacity to use logic and refuse to face facts, I'm done wasting my time EDUCATING you. Go back to your career of exploiting other's misery of joblessness, Mr. "resume-updater". Leave the stuff that requires THINKING and SOLVING to us with some degree of intellegence and an open mind. :bowrofl:

Good riddance, hater troll. Go back to DU or HuffnPuff or resistancemanifesto where you belong. I promise, nobody will miss you.

Bye now!:rolleyes:

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