Bush..the Big Loafer...

MAllen82 said:
JohnnyBZ00LS, it's amazing how anything and everything wrong with this country is Bush's fault. Are you going to blame him for the fact the Ford and GM make on the whole crappy cars that don't give consumers what they want?? The housing buble is a result of the hurricanes? That's the stupidest thing I've heard. I've been in real estate and mortgages for quite some time and can tell you that the housing boom is in direct relation to 9/11. When things started going south then in the economy, then the rates were lowered. It will stay that way until we are in a Bull market. And Bush had no control over those things that caused this, but oh, by the way, rates are going up, which means there is more money for people to spend. That means BETTER ECONOMY!!!!! Before you start talking trash, atleast no what you are talking about.

And then I really like how you say that anything going good in the country is something that not even Bush could f*** up. Come one man, you can't blame him for the bad, and not give him credit for the good. That's such a sleazy way of thinking.

Apparently not everyone is capable of "getting it" rather he would prefer to have it given to him such is the liberal way though. Be it nature or nurture you kind of want to hold out hope that it can be treated.
What you guys have said is so masterful, so precise, and so poignant, I can only think of one thing to add:

When someone is so irrational and biased against a particular leader no matter what that leader does, despite evidence showing good as well as bad, that person is showing signs of being brainwashed. Political tunnel vision does not lend credibility, it only makes one look foolish.

Case in point: I rarely agreed with anything Clinton did, but his decision on NAFTA to me at the time was a good one. I also liked it anytime he criticized the press. He was right about that, no matter how liberal he is. I can give him credit for the few things he did right.
How come when a few righties come up with some hard facts, everyone else shuts up? Where's all the info to back up your claims now? Show me some hard proof, and I will admit my wrong ways!!! Who can pony up?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I've never been so offended before in my life! Actually, I'm just being hypocritical. It is, after all, in my conservative nature. :zgreenbou :Beer
MAllen82 said:
How come when a few righties come up with some hard facts, everyone else shuts up? Where's all the info to back up your claims now? Show me some hard proof, and I will admit my wrong ways!!! Who can pony up?

An th crowd goes mute. I have tried to get them to substantiate thier claims but they are so mired in their on conspiracy theories they can't form the words needed to complete the task.
eL eS said:
An th crowd goes mute. I have tried to get them to substantiate thier claims but they are so mired in their on conspiracy theories they can't form the words needed to complete the task.

LOL, don't flatter yourself. SOME of us have day jobs and families that are much more important that aguing w/ bigoted fools on the internet.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
LOL, don't flatter yourself. SOME of us have day jobs and families that are much more important that aguing w/ bigoted fools on the internet.
Nail on the head, johnny :I
So you are saying that in the time it took you to respond just now, you couldn't have come up with any retort? It's been awhile, and still nothing. I could also point out multiple posts by some of you guys on the left during the day. Of course, none that would contain any sort of coherent argument. Until you guys can say anything besides some worthless personal attacks, which by the way is in true lefty form, you have officially been *owned* :bow:

I will remove the owned icon as soon as you substantiate anything. Anything at all!! Just one thing!!!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
LOL, don't flatter yourself. SOME of us have day jobs and families that are much more important that aguing w/ bigoted fools on the internet.

WHOA yeah johnny great stuff. My prior observations stand and I would personally like to thank you for conducting yourself in a fashion that substantiates my observations.

I have plenty of work, lots of family and this is where I excel of you liberals... I have mental clarity, independent thought and laser sharp focus. I OWN my own business that has flourished thanks to the current administration and my customer service centric attitude. My children go to great PUBLIC schools and I will be celebrating my 7th anniverary in September.

This biggot was raised in a single parent household which received no child support and no face with my father. My mother was a high school drop out that beat all odds by working any job she could be it brick layer, laborer etc and managed to get her high school education and a college degree. This non-family centric biggot dropped out of high school to joing the military to help take care of his mother and brother because the years of hard labor and various physical illnesses finally took a toll on my mother.

This biggot defended this country in combat, boarded merchant ships to search and seize drugs. This biggot helped people in more countries than you have underwear. Further, I have continued my charitable giving upon my return to civilian life.

I have worked hard, laborious jobs, finished my education, and completed college on earned and borrowed money. My neighbors come from various countries and all walks of American life and I do things for them and ask nothing in return.

I have made it my business to know my country's history and as much history I can learn about foriegn countries. I have read the Declaration of Independence to my family on Independence day and am currently reading the Constitution to my son.

I love my country and harbor absolute disdain for socialist/liberals and their conspiracy theories. You are excuse makers, character defamers and slanderers. Further, your partys core value is the murder of unborn children which deserve a chance at life. I have no respect for any person or group that believes that this is an inalienable right for someone to do to a child short of a medical emergency.

Do yourself and your party a favor. Educate yourself and speak to the public in an educated manner as your current methods cast you and your party in a very poor light.

I do not like to brag about my money, material items nor position in life because this not the way I was raised. But if I must, I will fedex you a copy of my personal and business account balances, pictures of my material items and what I pay out monthly in business expenses and payroll. However; I expect the same in return from you.


Hey Noah, thanks for donating your time in the military, we really appreciate it!! Are you a business owner? I just got that image from your last post. Thanks again, and to anyone else who has ever served in the military!
eL eS said:
So you are telling me bad government will not mess up a good economy. WRONG!
That's not what I said, re-read my statement and check back when you can comprehend. Your right-wingged-whacko tactic of putting words in my mouth doesn't fly here.

eL eS said:
You completely overlook the fact we are at war and we were attack. But again you drink from the swill filled well of kool-aid as the socilaist that want amricans to believe we made those hi-jacker get on airplanes and kill our kids, mothers, father and friends. Yu sicken me and poision this country.

Can you make ANY statement without using the words "socialist" or "liberal" in a demeaning way?? You are sounding like a broken record and have lost all credibility.

I have NOT overlooked the fact of 9/11 and it's effect on the economy. However the right is acting like our economy is in it's glory days of the last 50 years, and it is NOT, so quit pretending like it is.

eL eS said:
We who? You and the rest of the folks that make poor financial decisions. Or the goverment as a whole. Either way it is based on poor financial decisions. I tell you what stop bowworing, start saving and reform welfare. There was a time in this country when being on relief was shameful now if it fashionable. It was the socilaist that made it fashionable and drove this country to the debt it is in now.

Again, you mislead the conversation in another direction. Ain't going to work. Besides you don't know me or my financial situation, so don't EVER assume you do. Again, your presumptuous assertions are making you look like a fool and kill your credibility.

WHO do you THINK I'm talking about? I'm talking about the national debt, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. And I happen to agree with you that the BuSh administration is making "poor financial decisions". Follow along as I'm not going to waste too much of my time explaining it to you in the simplist terms I can:

9/11 happens, and we go on the offensive in a GWOT. FINE. It's going to cost lives and money. FINE. So what does BuSh do? Cut taxes (but mainly for the rich who don't really need it, and not for the poor who do) and borrows instead! POOR FINANCIAL DECISION! Save your lame excuses, I've heard them all before.

Our kids are dying and coming home injured from the middle east as a result of this GWOT, but it's "for a good cause". FINE. So what does BuSh and co. do? Cut funding for the VA, close our own National Guard bases (as if we'll never need those again) and PUSSY-FOOTS the idea of re-instituting the draft. I've said it before and I'll say it again. FACT IS neither BuSh or Cheney have seen enemy fire in combat, therefore they cannot fathom what it means to cover the soldier's butt fighting next to them so that that same soldier will return the favor so that they both can come home alive. BuSh and Cheney HAVE NOT EARNED THE RIGHT to take this country to war. AS PROOF, look how this is playing out. The BIGGEST complaint from soldiers coming home is that there are not enough troops and equipment on the ground to get the job done. The BuSh administration was slow to respond to getting equipment and personnel over there, and still the struggle with the insurgents continues. YES, progress is being made and people are getting freed, GREAT! But our losses COULD HAVE BEEN MUCH LESS if the BuSh administration would have taken some time to build up our strength so that when we went into this war we could clean house quickly, INSTEAD of PUSSY FOOTING this thing and sending our sons and daughters on effectively a suicide mission.

If BuSh thinks he's going to continue this GWOT (oops, I mean "sustained struggle to spread democracy"......... what-the-fluck-ever), DO THE DAMN THING! Quit being a PUSSY and re-institute the draft so that we've got more troops on the ground covering each other's asses.

eL eS said:
Hey do me a favor and callup greenspan and let hi know this is a short term unsustainable fad. The fact is that the Fed does not always agree with the presdient but they have consistently reported that his ta cuts have stimulated growth.

Again you've ignored the topic I was addressing and divert the discussion. But I'll play along this time just to humor you.

Gee, tax cuts stimulating growth? You think? I should hope SO!! I've never implied otherwise (other than in your feeble imagination). But if BuSh would've made those cuts in places where it REALLY matters, much more GROWTH could've been realized. POOR efficiency, WEAK return on the investment.

eL eS said:
So you are trying to lead us to believe that 4 hurricanes last year is directly responsible for the NATION WIDE boom in housing. Which I might ad Greenspan and many others expect to continue and is no where near a bubble and hardly a froth but in a few metro areas. Again com'n guys substatiate yur claims. Your observations are weakr than puppy piss.

Once AGAIN, read MY FRIGGEN STATEMENT! I said that the housing construction growth in FLA as a result of the hurricanes are "certainly helping" the national home building picture, nowhere did I claim that that it was the ONLY place new home construction is occuring. Ask any realator where the hot-spot in the country is, they'll tell you FLA. Therfore I have successfully disputed your assertion that that BuSh is to receive full credit for the housing boom. Even MAllen82 agrees that the housing boom is NOT the result of anything BuSh has control over.


eL eS said:
So this is Bushs fault.Then ca you credit him for the success of Nissan, toyota, honda et al that are doing well. Yet again Iam unimpressed by you anaolgy and poor attempt to draw parallels to Bush and his so called wreaking of the country.

Did I blame Ford and GM's stock tanking on BuSh? NO. I was only disputing your assertion that the auto industry is healthy as evidenced by all the new cars being sold. Those cars are being sold at a loss as a result of the incentives that were required following 9/11 to keep plants operating. As a result the health of Ford and GM (and Chrysler too but they have been recovering recently) have suffered.

And YES I can credit BuSh for the successful funneling of more of our US consumer dollars overseas.

eL eS said:
Look your party has long promoted laziness and the shunning of personal responisbility. I get the paper from 5 different places in this country and jobs abound. The fct is socialist sorry liberals have long promoted complacency. All these folks hav to do is get a job. I se them in papers from Tampa, DC, NY, SF, and ST Louis. Go to school and eductae themsleves and get a better job. It isn'timpossible to find a job in this country and further this country has the lowest unemployement rate when compared to other large EU countries.

Once again, you are presuming you know me. NEWS FLASH, you DON'T HAVE A CLUE about what makes me tick. And try debating the issue for a change instead of billowing your bigoted vile. When you find it in yourself to discuss something rationally, I'll gladly come back to this and discuss my opinions on unemployment in this country, until then you are wasting my time.

eL eS said:
It took us getting our money back from the lazy no work boot wearing loafs socilaist flooded this country with. It took stabilizing the sense of scurity. We keep more of our money now and w feel safe spending it.


eL eS said:
Hey hera isa tip wear a tin foil hat beacuse big brther is wacthing from the sky too. When have you ever protested and I dare you to try protesting in Iran, old Iraq and old Afghanistan. Oh and BTW this last comment of your does even less to substaniate your claims.

You've just proved my last comment. *owned*

eL eS said:
Further, there is nothing preventing you from contact your reps or any toher reps for that matter. I call and write my rep and reps around the staet as well as on a national level.

You are right, I'm totally wasting my time w/ narrow-minded, brainwashed people like you here.
MAllen82 said:
Hey Noah, thanks for donating your time in the military, we really appreciate it!! Are you a business owner? I just got that image from your last post. Thanks again, and to anyone else who has ever served in the military!

Actually the pleasure was all mine and any air man, soldier or sailor that goes in with a clear understanding that this is an obligation that one my carry out with honor will tell you the same thing. Serving my country broadend my horizons in ways that are impossibl to communicate in an post by post forum.

I do own my own business and actually went into business for myself a few months prior to 9/11 terrorist attacks. I was able to stay in business for myself for a few months after the events but eventually I had to return to the what I call corporate wllfare system :). NOt too long ago I partnered with a company that develops and slls EMR software for the behavioral healthcare industry. I am a DBA/SYS ENG and although i did go to college I taught myslf all the product knowledge by reading books and setting up labs.

Iam considering returing to college soon to pursue a robotics engineering degree as I feel this is really what I want to do. I worked on Rapid Gun Fire and Missle Systems in the Navy and have had lots of exposure to electricity/electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanics.

My son and I are building a small kit robot and working on electronic lab kits and this has pretty much been the catalyst in motivating me to return to college.
Couple things man. Almost every statement you just made said that you weren't blaming Bush for ANYTHING!!! Reread it, and you will see. Now, secondly, why should the poor get tax cuts? I am 23, and I get taxed close to 50%. Is that right in anyway?? HELL NO!!!! That's the biggest bull ever!!!! Just because I am more productive financially in society, and I have worked my ass off to get where I am, I should be paying out more than some other guy how has either done the same amount of work or less, but just happens to be in a field that doesn't pay much? Where the hell is the logic in that man? I'm not better, or anything, I just set goals for myself, and achieved them!!! That really gets to me. We're are not a socialist country, so quit trying to make it one!!!! And since when does a Commander in Cheif need military experience to send troops into battle? Clinton didn't have any experience, and he sent troops to their death for largely pointless causes. Come on man, bad arguments, incoherent statements. You my friend shall remained *owned*
This wholenotio that poor peple should not carry any responsibility for maintain this nation is absolutely ludicris. I came from a poor single parent family that could not even window shop for a silver spoon. The fact socialist/liberals proactively promote putting people on welfare and demonize people that have made their life financially successful. The rich deserve relief on taxation. No one should have to carry more than their share of this countrys debt.

If my use of the terms liberal or socialist offend you it is becasue they are offensive huh. I do not get offend hen you guys us terms like right wingnut job, conservative or repuglican I think is how you socialist say.

My party represent the moral majority and the rpreservation of the constitution check them out http://www.lp.org/. Since I rarely find the opportunity to vote with my party I align myself with the RNC.

Stop over taxing the rich and you can expct to se the rich invest more in thie businesses and buying material items for their families. Bigger business means more people at work. Bgger government means we get a great socilaist life that stalin promisd his people.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
That only demonstrates how resiliant the US economy is. BuSh certainly isn't helping it along, but at least he can't f*&K it up too much either. The economy certainly isn't as healthy as it was in 2000, AND we are in much deeper debt. The "lower than expected budget deficit" (<-- that verbage is like the pilot warning the passengers that "we're all going to crash, BUT you'll have a chance to see the end of the in-flight movie first!!") is the result of projections based on a momentary blip in revinue that isn't going to last. 4 hurricanes in FLA over the last year is certainly helping the new home sales and construction buisness, I suppose you are going to credit BuSh for those? GM and Ford stock has tanked. And don't forget that unemployment numbers don't account for people who've been jobless for a year (or whatever that time limit is) or more. Consumer spending has only recently been on the upswing. What took it so long?? Highways are ALWAYS being improved, but nowhere near the rate necessary to support the explosion in the number of vehicles on the road. "People are being freed" my a$$, yeah, OK, as our own civil liberties are being trampled on. I can no longer go the the library without worrying about big-brother watching what I'm reading. I can't speak out in protest without my patriotism being questioned and get painted as a traitor or terrorist sympathizer.


US economy creates 207,000 jobs in July

Related News »•Greenspan signals more rate hikes US enjoys robust sales, tame inflation http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific_business/view/161722/1/.html#moreWASHINGTON : US employment creation powered ahead in July with an extra 207,000 jobs added to reinforce signs of robust growth in the world's biggest economy, the government said Friday.

The Labour Department's "non-farms payroll" figure was well ahead of Wall Street expectations for growth of 180,000 jobs in July, and was up from a revised 166,000 in June.

The department also said that the unemployment rate in July was unchanged at a four-year low of 5.0 percent, in line with predictions.

The department revised previous data to show the June jobs creation figure higher than the 146,000 given initially, and the May number up to 126,000 from 104,000 before.

"Overall it is a consistently strong, solid report," Nomura economists said in a research note.

"All signs point to strong growth in the second half of 2005," they added.

The stronger-than-expected growth over a number of months in non-farms payrolls reinforced expectations that the Federal Reserve will tighten US borrowing costs further to keep a lid on inflation.

Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan, in testimony to Congress last month, pointed at more rate rises to come in a generally upbeat assessment of the US economy.

Greenspan, however, warned that a slowdown in labour productivity growth and record-high oil prices could cloud the picture.

The US central bank is universally expected to raise its benchmark interest rate by another quarter percentage point to 3.5 percent when its policymaking arm meets next Tuesday.

Average hourly earnings rose by six cents, or 0.4 percent, to 16.13 dollars in July, Friday's data showed.

It was the biggest gain in hourly earnings in a year.

Hourly and weekly earnings have increased 2.7 percent in the past year, just ahead of the 2.5 percent inflation rate.

"The July employment report is very positive, suggesting that the labour market continued to improve," Marie-Pierre Ripert, US economist at IXIS Corporate and Investment Bank, said.

"Moreover, almost all recent indicators were particularly buoyant. In this context, we believe that the Fed will continue to tighten monetary policy at a 'measured' pace," she said.

Other data have pointed to robust growth in the world's biggest economy.

Expansion in the services sector, the mainstay of the economy, slowed down a touch in July but consumer spending and personal incomes more went up strongly in June.

The health of the jobs market is crucial for economic confidence, with consumer spending remaining the biggest motor of growth.

Economists say the total number of jobs created is a more reliable indicator of the US economy's health than the jobless rate.

They reckon that an average rise of 150,000 a month is needed to keep pace with population growth.

The services sector accounted for the bulk of the job creation in July, adding 203,000 positions, including 50,000 in retail, the most in more than five years.

Jobs in industry fell by 4,000, although a majority of manufacturers were hiring in July, for the first time in a year. - AFP /ch

*owned* *owned* *owned* *owned*
JohnnyBz00LS said:
That's not what I said, re-read my statement and check back when you can comprehend. Your right-wingged-whacko tactic of putting words in my mouth doesn't fly here.

Can you make ANY statement without using the words "socialist" or "liberal" in a demeaning way?? You are sounding like a broken record and have lost all credibility.

I have NOT overlooked the fact of 9/11 and it's effect on the economy. However the right is acting like our economy is in it's glory days of the last 50 years, and it is NOT, so quit pretending like it is.

Again, you mislead the conversation in another direction. Ain't going to work. Besides you don't know me or my financial situation, so don't EVER assume you do. Again, your presumptuous assertions are making you look like a fool and kill your credibility.

WHO do you THINK I'm talking about? I'm talking about the national debt, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. And I happen to agree with you that the BuSh administration is making "poor financial decisions". Follow along as I'm not going to waste too much of my time explaining it to you in the simplist terms I can:

9/11 happens, and we go on the offensive in a GWOT. FINE. It's going to cost lives and money. FINE. So what does BuSh do? Cut taxes (but mainly for the rich who don't really need it, and not for the poor who do) and borrows instead! POOR FINANCIAL DECISION! Save your lame excuses, I've heard them all before.

Our kids are dying and coming home injured from the middle east as a result of this GWOT, but it's "for a good cause". FINE. So what does BuSh and co. do? Cut funding for the VA, close our own National Guard bases (as if we'll never need those again) and PUSSY-FOOTS the idea of re-instituting the draft. I've said it before and I'll say it again. FACT IS neither BuSh or Cheney have seen enemy fire in combat, therefore they cannot fathom what it means to cover the soldier's butt fighting next to them so that that same soldier will return the favor so that they both can come home alive. BuSh and Cheney HAVE NOT EARNED THE RIGHT to take this country to war. AS PROOF, look how this is playing out. The BIGGEST complaint from soldiers coming home is that there are not enough troops and equipment on the ground to get the job done. The BuSh administration was slow to respond to getting equipment and personnel over there, and still the struggle with the insurgents continues. YES, progress is being made and people are getting freed, GREAT! But our losses COULD HAVE BEEN MUCH LESS if the BuSh administration would have taken some time to build up our strength so that when we went into this war we could clean house quickly, INSTEAD of PUSSY FOOTING this thing and sending our sons and daughters on effectively a suicide mission.

If BuSh thinks he's going to continue this GWOT (oops, I mean "sustained struggle to spread democracy"......... what-the-fluck-ever), DO THE DAMN THING! Quit being a PUSSY and re-institute the draft so that we've got more troops on the ground covering each other's asses.

Again you've ignored the topic I was addressing and divert the discussion. But I'll play along this time just to humor you.

Gee, tax cuts stimulating growth? You think? I should hope SO!! I've never implied otherwise (other than in your feeble imagination). But if BuSh would've made those cuts in places where it REALLY matters, much more GROWTH could've been realized. POOR efficiency, WEAK return on the investment.

Once AGAIN, read MY FRIGGEN STATEMENT! I said that the housing construction growth in FLA as a result of the hurricanes are "certainly helping" the national home building picture, nowhere did I claim that that it was the ONLY place new home construction is occuring. Ask any realator where the hot-spot in the country is, they'll tell you FLA. Therfore I have successfully disputed your assertion that that BuSh is to receive full credit for the housing boom. Even MAllen82 agrees that the housing boom is NOT the result of anything BuSh has control over.


Did I blame Ford and GM's stock tanking on BuSh? NO. I was only disputing your assertion that the auto industry is healthy as evidenced by all the new cars being sold. Those cars are being sold at a loss as a result of the incentives that were required following 9/11 to keep plants operating. As a result the health of Ford and GM (and Chrysler too but they have been recovering recently) have suffered.

And YES I can credit BuSh for the successful funneling of more of our US consumer dollars overseas.

Once again, you are presuming you know me. NEWS FLASH, you DON'T HAVE A CLUE about what makes me tick. And try debating the issue for a change instead of billowing your bigoted vile. When you find it in yourself to discuss something rationally, I'll gladly come back to this and discuss my opinions on unemployment in this country, until then you are wasting my time.


You've just proved my last comment. *owned*

You are right, I'm totally wasting my time w/ narrow-minded, brainwashed people like you here.

fossten, that's not playing fair!!! You can't post an article that actually states fact!! The other side can't do that, so we must restrain from posting factual articles and rather post articles based on the opinions of egocentric "journalists" that includes mostly BS to make it easy for the lefties to disprove our arguments. I mean that's what they are doing, it's only fair!!!!!
MAllen82 said:
fossten, that's not playing fair!!! You can't post an article that actually states fact!! The other side can't do that, so we must restrain from posting factual articles and rather post articles based on the opinions of egocentric "journalists" that includes mostly BS to make it easy for the lefties to disprove our arguments. I mean that's what they are doing, it's only fair!!!!!

Yeah stick to hocus pocus stuff would ya!
I wish dating women was always as easy as ripping apart a lefties argument. I'd have like 30 illegitamate kids by now.
fossten said:
Economists say the total number of jobs created is a more reliable indicator of the US economy's health than the jobless rate.

Thank YOU, and "Owned" my ass. eL eS was the one that first attempted to correlate economic health w/ "low unemployment" rates. If anyone is "owned" on this point, it's eL eS. All I did was dispute his argument that those "low unemployment rates" are an indicator of a healthy economy. THANKS again for bolstering my point.

HA, and *owned* back at ya!

You guys are easy pickin's :dancefool
MAllen82 said:
Couple things man. Almost every statement you just made said that you weren't blaming Bush for ANYTHING!!! Reread it, and you will see.

Keep working, your reading comprehension is coming along.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Thank YOU, and "Owned" my ass. eL eS was the one that first attempted to correlate economic health w/ "low unemployment" rates. If anyone is "owned" on this point, it's eL eS. All I did was dispute his argument that those "low unemployment rates" are an indicator of a healthy economy. THANKS again for bolstering my point.

HA, and *owned* back at ya!

You guys are easy pickin's :dancefool

Apparetnly you do not comprehend very well. Low unemployment is a good indicator, one of many indicators. I did not say tha it is the only indicator.

I am supposd to believe that l the jobs I se posted in 5 different new papers and several online resources are not real jobs and the companies advertising are fake. This sems to fit well for your imaginary world.

You would really do yourself well to watch soe finanacial rograming and cspan when the godfather of economics is speaking.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Thank YOU, and "Owned" my ass. eL eS was the one that first attempted to correlate economic health w/ "low unemployment" rates. If anyone is "owned" on this point, it's eL eS. All I did was dispute his argument that those "low unemployment rates" are an indicator of a healthy economy. THANKS again for bolstering my point.

HA, and *owned* back at ya!

You guys are easy pickin's :dancefool

Nope. Doesn't matter. You were still pointing out the people jobless for over a year as a factor. Still wrong. The only thing of yours bolstered was your misplaced self-confidence.

Oh...wait a minute, I understand now! You're just using the Hackett/Kerry logic of: A LOSS EQUALS A WIN!!! Okay, I gotcha now. Feel sorry for ya tho.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Thank YOU, and "Owned" my ass. eL eS was the one that first attempted to correlate economic health w/ "low unemployment" rates. If anyone is "owned" on this point, it's eL eS. All I did was dispute his argument that those "low unemployment rates" are an indicator of a healthy economy. THANKS again for bolstering my point.

HA, and *owned* back at ya!

You guys are easy pickin's :dancefool

So you are happy then that you made no point on your own argument, but rather showed that eL eS had the meat of his argument wrong, but that overall he was still right?? And again, how does that own anyone?? Easy pickin's for sure.........
fossten said:
Nope. Doesn't matter. You were still pointing out the people jobless for over a year as a factor. Still wrong. The only thing of yours bolstered was your misplaced self-confidence.

Oh...wait a minute, I understand now! You're just using the Hackett/Kerry logic of: A LOSS EQUALS A WIN!!! Okay, I gotcha now. Feel sorry for ya tho.

Yeah I love the public proclaimation by the libs that the Loss ther wa a big win say what. Man if I get my butt kicked once ehhh could have been an off day butt to get beaten twice by the same guy I am thinking I a gona keep it to myself and hope no one noticed.

This sort of confirms my belief that the libs celebrate the terror attaks on 9/11 a a victory for thier socialist agenda.

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