Bush..the Big Loafer...

MAllen82 said:
So you are happy then that you made no point on your own argument, but rather showed that eL eS had the meat of his argument wrong, but that overall he was still right?? And again, how does that own anyone?? Easy pickin's for sure.........

I think we are eating more than our recommended daily allowance of liberals.

But they are not very filling! I hate empty calories!
Bush...the Big Loafer......LOL

Notice they can never write anything nice about Bush. Always have to throw the b.s. in there. Man, libs must hate themselves.

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - As Americans question his Iraq policy, President Bush crowed about the strength of the U.S. economy on Saturday and credited his hotly debated tax cuts for the growth. {snip}

Oh, look, I guess he not such a loafer after all.

Bush spoke at the end of the first week of his 33-day working vacation. He has a busy week ahead of him.

On Monday, he goes to New Mexico to sign a $14.5 billion energy bill and on Wednesday he visits Illinois to put his signature to a $286 billion highway bill.

At the ranch on Tuesday, he will meet his economic team and on Thursday will play host to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
RRocket said:
Bush..the Big Loafer...

So tell us, who was the last Democrat that you were proud of?

The impeached guy, or Jimmy Carter, LBJ, JFK, were you even alive at the time?
I garuntee Vitas you are going to get some uneducated idiot on here saying that Clinton wasn't impeached. Just Watch, I'll give it until midnight on Monday. And don't hold back just because I said something, please tell me how he wasn't impeached so I can school you.....
I bet that post will keep anyone from posting though, dang it. Oh well.
I bet if he spent the 33 days, 3 shorter than the congressional break, signing welfare checks that the Liberals would sign a different song.

BTW my airfare offer to afghanistan still stands; any liberal want to go hang with the "T"Unit in dem dam dar hills I'll buy ya 1 way airfare and ground transportation.

You will have to buy your ow AKs and suchif I did it I would be taken in for aiding terrorist but by getting you all out and into thier hand I will be saving the country.

Just wis I had enoough to snd ya all over. BTW Canada reported a drop in imagration after GWB was elected so far the imigration of lefties to leftyland has not taken place. Stop procrastinating :)
I know right, when the dems finanlly decide to do something positive for the country(leaving to Canada), they never follow through. Figures, ya dang wankers.
eL eS said:
I bet if he spent the 33 days, 3 shorter than the congressional break, signing welfare checks that the Liberals would sign a different song.

BTW my airfare offer to afghanistan still stands; any liberal want to go hang with the "T"Unit in dem dam dar hills I'll buy ya 1 way airfare and ground transportation.

You will have to buy your ow AKs and suchif I did it I would be taken in for aiding terrorist but by getting you all out and into thier hand I will be saving the country.

Just wis I had enoough to snd ya all over. BTW Canada reported a drop in imagration after GWB was elected so far the imigration of lefties to leftyland has not taken place. Stop procrastinating :)

The terrorists probably don't want their whiny butts either!! :bowrofl:

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