Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low

Friday April 14, 2006--Forty-four percent (44%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove.
fossten said:
Baloney. Your graph shows a percentage, which (if you bothered to check your history and figures) reflects the high middle class taxes under both Carter and Clinton, which would squelch any economy. It's easy to cut deficits by increasing taxes, duh. The thing your boys never did was cut spending or even the rate of growth, something Bush has actually done.

1. This is not *my* graph.
2. Plotting the national debt as a % of GDP is a perfectly accepted practice amongst economists as it compensates for ups and downs of the economy. Your attempt to distort these facts by claiming some sort of "reflection of high middle class taxes" during certain administrations only exposes your lack of knowledge about these matters. This is the BIG PICTURE, of how different administrations have handled the US government's budget, INCLUDING all tax revenues. Even your "boys" in the GOP prefer to talk about the debt as a % of GDP because plotting it any other way makes it look even worse for them.

fossten said:
Your graph also misleadingly charts years that have not yet happened. The fact is that the budget is a smaller percentage in Bush's term than even in Reagan's terms, which just shows how much our economy is booming.

1. The chart clearly indicates this data is a prediction based on the OMB's own data. Where is it "misleading"???
2. The reason the % is smaller in GW's term than at the end of Reagan's is because so much progress was made during the Clinton years, NOT because you think the economy is "booming". Remember, plotting the debt as a % of GDP "normalizes" the data so that the effects of the ups and downs of the economy are nulified.

fossten said:
Don't try to play in the big leagues, Johnny, at least until you've taken Econ 101. Your local community college offers it, maybe you should sign up. Come back after Christmas break.:xmas:

:bowrofl: You crack me up. You think YOU are playing in the "big leagues"?? Then WHY do I always have to break it down to you into terms that even children still sucking their thumbs can understand??
JohnnyBz00LS said:
1. This is not *my* graph.
2. Plotting the national debt as a % of GDP is a perfectly accepted practice amongst economists as it compensates for ups and downs of the economy. Your attempt to distort these facts by claiming some sort of "reflection of high middle class taxes" during certain administrations only exposes your lack of knowledge about these matters. This is the BIG PICTURE, of how different administrations have handled the US government's budget, INCLUDING all tax revenues. Even your "boys" in the GOP prefer to talk about the debt as a % of GDP because plotting it any other way makes it look even worse for them.

1. The chart clearly indicates this data is a prediction based on the OMB's own data. Where is it "misleading"???
2. The reason the % is smaller in GW's term than at the end of Reagan's is because so much progress was made during the Clinton years, NOT because you think the economy is "booming". Remember, plotting the debt as a % of GDP "normalizes" the data so that the effects of the ups and downs of the economy are nulified.

:bowrofl: You crack me up. You think YOU are playing in the "big leagues"?? Then WHY do I always have to break it down to you into terms that even children still sucking their thumbs can understand??

1. They are not my "boys" in the GOP, or hadn't you noticed?
2. My argument still stands, your riposte has not refuted it.
3. It is your graph inasmuch as you (mis)used it to support YOUR bogus statements.
4. The economy IS booming. Acknowledge it or be presumed an idiot.
5. I noticed you started your numbers over after 2. What's the matter? Can't count any higher?:bowrofl: I guess they don't have any smilies that can help you with that.
6. Again, deficit shrinking can be accomplished by massive tax increases, which WERE during Clinton's term, despite your failure to read any history whatsoever.
7. Do you need another 4 days to find somebody (like your econ101 teacher) to break this down for you before you respond again?
Great job, Bushie! Must be the MSM.

Monday April 17, 2006--For the second straight day, 39% of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the lowest level of approval ever measured by Rasmussen Reports
barry2952 said:
Great job, Bushie! Must be the MSM.

Monday April 17, 2006--For the second straight day, 39% of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the lowest level of approval ever measured by Rasmussen Reports

39% .... must mean that 39% of the people in the United States actually have brains. Sounds about right.
WTF ever made you think taxes decrease?

They just get shifted somewhere else - thats all.

Joeychgo said:
WTF ever made you think taxes decrease?

They just get shifted somewhere else - thats all.


Remember that cartoon next time your favorite neighborhood Dems like Pelosi and Schumer have the Exxon execs in for a slam session talking windfall profit taxes.
fossten said:
Remember that cartoon next time your favorite neighborhood Dems like Pelosi and Schumer have the Exxon execs in for a slam session talking windfall profit taxes.


Remember that the next time GW checks with his Saudi buddies, or Cheney and his Haliburton buddies.

The cartoon isnt partisan - they ALL do it. Its all bull. They cut taxes here or there, but we still end up paying for it somewhere.
Joeychgo said:

Remember that the next time GW checks with his Saudi buddies, or Cheney and his Haliburton buddies.

The cartoon isnt partisan - they ALL do it. Its all bull. They cut taxes here or there, but we still end up paying for it somewhere.

This cartoon has nothing to do with Halliburton or Saudi "buddies." It has to do with raising taxes. "They" refers to those who wish to raise taxes on the "rich," but it inevitably ends up costing the middle class.
Woo-Hoo! Back up to 40%.

Tuesday April 18, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's just one point above the lowest level of approval ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.
Wednesday April 19, 2006--Forty-two percent (42%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. While a slight improvement over recent days, these figures remain near the lowest levels ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.
barry2952 said:
Wednesday April 19, 2006--Forty-two percent (42%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. While a slight improvement over recent days, these figures remain near the lowest levels ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.

Did another 4,000,000 people suddenly stop drinking the blue kool-aid?
Thursday April 20, 2006--Forty-three percent (43%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.
barry2952 said:
Thursday April 20, 2006--Forty-three percent (43%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.
What??? No statistical noise comment added to the results by Rasmussen?

Another 2,000,000 put down their kool-aid cup.
Bush Approval at New Low

04/20/06 FOX Poll: Gloomy Economic Views; Bush Approval at New Low

NEW YORK — More Americans disapprove than approve of how George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Congress are doing their jobs, while a majority approves of Condoleezza Rice. President Bush’s approval hits a record low of 33 percent this week, clearly damaged by sinking support among Republicans.

Opinions are sharply divided on whether Rumsfeld should resign as secretary of defense. In addition, views on the economy are glum; most Americans rate the current economy negatively, and twice as many say it feels like the economy is getting worse rather than better. These are just some of the findings of the latest FOX News national poll.

President Bush’s job approval rating slipped this week and stands at a new low of 33 percent approve, down from 36 percent two weeks ago and 39 percent in mid-March. A year ago this time, 47 percent approved and two years ago 50 percent approved (April 2004).

Approval among Republicans is below 70 percent for the first time of Bush’s presidency. Two-thirds (66 percent) approve of Bush’s job performance today, down almost 20 percentage points from this time last year when 84 percent of Republicans approved. Among Democrats, 11 percent approve today, while 14 percent approved last April.

"It seems clear that many Republicans, while they may still like and support George Bush, are growing uneasy with what may happen to their candidates — and the policies they support — in the November elections," comments Opinion Dynamics Chairman John Gorman.

This comes from the "Fair and Balanced" Fox News Also known for being a "No Spin Zone" ROFL!
fossten said:
6. Again, deficit shrinking can be accomplished by massive tax increases, which WERE during Clinton's term, despite your failure to read any history whatsoever.

So what about your touted theory that tax cuts to the rich result in increased tax revinues? WHY hasn't that worked in BuSh's favor to cut the deficit?? Oh yeah, he's spending our hard-earned tax dollars like a drunk sailor on shore leave.

The GOP has always claimed that they are the party of "fiscal responsibility". BS. The facts presented in the graph I posted, at least for the Reagan and both BuSh administrations, prove that to be a LIE.

You know David, I'm going to have to put you on my "ignore" list. Everytime you get backed into a corner during a debate you come out acting like a little sissy and start into your personal attacks, case in point:

fossten said:
5. I noticed you started your numbers over after 2. What's the matter? Can't count any higher?:bowrofl: I guess they don't have any smilies that can help you with that.
7. Do you need another 4 days to find somebody (like your econ101 teacher) to break this down for you before you respond again?

I mean, really. That's mighty triffeling.

[Edit: Monstermark has been busier than usually with the edit key]
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JohnnyBz00LS said:
So what about your touted theory that tax cuts to the rich result in increased tax revinues?

One can lead a horse to water, but can you make him drink?


Figures are in ($$millions)
Bush 63 months.....10,236,284..........11,673,940........... 1,437,659
Monthly Average........162,481..............185,301................22,820

Clinton 96 months...12,563,167..........12,768,744.............205,575
Monthly Average.........130,866..............133,008.................2,141

As you can clearly see, treasury receipts under Bush have gone up an average of 25% over the past 63 months of the Bush administration vs the average of 96 months under Clinton. Clinton RAISED taxes, Bush lowered them. Bush inherited a recession and we have been at war for the last 3 years, Clinton sucked off the internet boom.

Sorry Johnny, once again the liberal lie is revealed. Tax cuts increase cash flowing into the treasury and expands the ecomomy long term. Tax increases may provide a short-term boost but are more than offset by a slowing of receipts and leads to a recession after 2-3 years. (see Bush1 tax increase)

So EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what you claim has actually happened. Without the tax cuts, we would really be in for a hurting. Wait, we still have 2-1/2 more years of Bush. Watch the treasury receipts boom along with the economy. Of course, we'll bring in a a-hole Dem in '08 who will grab all the credit and the media will pump him up as the great savior when the truth has been under our nose the whole time but nobody will tell it to the American people.

I gave you the link to
which happens to be the Bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury.

Bush will top $16 trillion in tax receipts during his administration, blowing away Clinton by over $4 trillion. So much for tax cuts being bad for the American people.

Wake up Libs. You are on the wrong side of the equation. Liberalism kills countries. See France as an example of one in the midst of dying.
I guess Bush isn't the only one in the crapper. Even the Queen of the Democrats is hated by most. From Rasmussen

Hillary Meter:

Support for Former First Lady Reaches New Low

Just 26% of Americans say they will definitely vote for Senator Hillary Clinton if she runs for President in 2008. That matches the lowest level of support ever recorded for the former First Lady and is the sixth consecutive Hillary Meter poll showing her solid support below 30%.
MonsterMark said:
One can lead a horse to water, but can you make him drink?


Figures are in ($$millions)
Bush 63 months.....10,236,284..........11,673,940........... 1,437,659
Monthly Average........162,481..............185,301................22,820

Clinton 96 months...12,563,167..........12,768,744.............205,575
Monthly Average.........130,866..............133,008.................2,141

As you can clearly see, treasury receipts under Bush have gone up an average of 25% over the past 63 months of the Bush administration vs the average of 96 months under Clinton. Clinton RAISED taxes, Bush lowered them. Bush inherited a recession and we have been at war for the last 3 years, Clinton sucked off the internet boom.

Sorry Johnny, once again the liberal lie is revealed. Tax cuts increase cash flowing into the treasury and expands the ecomomy long term. Tax increases may provide a short-term boost but are more than offset by a slowing of receipts and leads to a recession after 2-3 years. (see Bush1 tax increase)

So EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what you claim has actually happened. Without the tax cuts, we would really be in for a hurting. Wait, we still have 2-1/2 more years of Bush. Watch the treasury receipts boom along with the economy. Of course, we'll bring in a a-hole Dem in '08 who will grab all the credit and the media will pump him up as the great savior when the truth has been under our nose the whole time but nobody will tell it to the American people.

I gave you the link to
which happens to be the Bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury.

Bush will top $16 trillion in tax receipts during his administration, blowing away Clinton by over $4 trillion. So much for tax cuts being bad for the American people.

Wake up Libs. You are on the wrong side of the equation. Liberalism kills countries. See France as an example of one in the midst of dying.

Gee, when you are selective about which data you look at, you can make an argument for any point of view. However, when you look at the entire picture (below), you can clearly see your own disillusionment.

I plotted the data from your link (below). The receipts under BuSh are just now beginning to parallel those at the end of the Clinton administration, and have yet to equal the peak monthly receipt ever (4/1/01, which is income tax revinue from FY 2000). Your argument that BuSh's tax cuts have resulted in treasury receipts that eclipse those under Clinton's higher taxes is unfounded.

Yet you continue to tip-toe around the real point here. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY is more than a reflection of how much tax revinue is acquired (under whatever scheme the party in charge attempts), it also includes the ability to balance the entire budget by controlling spending. The GOP administrations have consistently spent more than they bring in. YOUR OWN DATA source shows that under Clinton, receipts were generally higher than outlays, resulting in a budget surplus (not so under Reagan, BuSh I or II). If one were to do that with your own household budget, it won't be long before the loan sharks come knocking.

Face the FACT: The US had a budget surplus under Clinton, something that never happened under a GOP president in the last 25 years. Acknowledge it or be exposed as an idiot.

Taxes-Receipts 2.gif
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Oh yeah, are the fms $$ adjusted for inflation? If not, that makes your argument even weaker.
You tell me? I'll let you grasp at every available straw first.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I plotted the data from your link (below). The receipts under BuSh are just now beginning to parallel those at the end of the Clinton administration, and have yet to equal the peak monthly receipt ever (4/1/01, which is income tax revenue from FY 2000). Your argument that Bush's tax cuts have resulted in treasury receipts that eclipse those under Clinton's higher taxes is unfounded.

Is somebody actually supposed to be able to draw a conclusion from that graph? If they can, I hope somebody fills me in. Looks like a cluster-f to me.:D

Seriously, now you want to divert your argument to spending?. That is not what we are arguing. You stated that tax cuts lead to less revenue and deficits. I said they don't. I proved it. So where do you want to take this? You can post all the discombobulated(sp?) graphs you want. Simple numbers don't lie.

Bush has overcome the INTERNET bubble burst and an inherited recession. He has overcome the 1st attack on our homeland that literally crippled our economy. A war that has cost billions and 2 hurricanes that wipe out huge chunks of our infrastructure. What else do you want?

We have low unemployment, lower than the averages of the '70's, 80's and 90's.

We have low inflation.

We have had huge job gains. 5-1/2 million in the last 3 years alone.

We have the stock market rebounding to pre bubble burst levels.

You guys amaze me. Your willingness to deny anything positive that this administration has done.

You know what? All the media spin in the world won't keep the truth from coming out. This administration has been a huge success, by almost every measure.
Friday April 21, 2006--Forty-three percent (43%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President.

I can hear that statistical noise.

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